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Everything posted by Kvellen

  1. After some more testing utilising the power of Apotheosis here are some fresh insights: Adding the Adventurer's GUID (this will be in brackets of the .character file of an exported Adventurer) to the CompanionGuidString of CompanionData seems to stop the Adventurer from being exported again. Adding progression tables to the linked CompanionData of an Adventurer, and using a script that does RemoveFromParty and then AddToParty opens the class selection menu allowing you to change their class in the same way as a sidekick/companion. By making additions to relevant .conversationbundles, an Adventurer can have party banter and comment on points of interest pretty seamlessly. While Companions will react and track their relationship to an Adventurer, reaction to topics and tracking of relationships isn't functional on the Adventurer's side for some reason. Quest creation is possible with Apotheosis, and while I haven't figured out all the aspects of it, quests that involve an Adventurer can be done. The following video of an adventurer based on Durance shows some examples of the above: Class and Quest Pop-up 3:45 and Companion banter at 4:15. Still can't figure out a way to get character to face each other during a staring contest conversation.
  2. Hey @Noqn , hope you are enjoying some time off for the holidays if you got it! Would it be possible for you to make Apotheosis generate a conversation.manfest entry for new conversations on their creation? This is something I've been creating manually, and despite it being crucial for conversations to function, surprisingly it's something I always tend to forget to do! So having it be generated automatically would be great.
  3. Hmm, I can't see anything in any of the .gamedatabundles that corresponds to height default camera. So it's likely to be hard to change or require something like modifying one of the .dll files or .assetbundles.
  4. I was actually thinking just before submitting "maybe I should check if this still works? Eh probably fine." Glad to see it does!
  5. I imagine you are already aware of this, but I noticed that Apotheosis tends to just close without warning when attempting to open most conversations created when copy and pasting nodes was the only option. I think is to do with conversation authors not setting "PointsToGhost" to "true" when linking back to previous nodes. I myself made this mistake (see Adventurer conversation) when experimenting with .conversationbundles. Mostly because I didn't really know what "PointsToGhost" was for, and my few attempts to use it (likely with some other combinations of factors I can't remember) seemed to result a lot in becoming stuck in the dialogue window with no way of exiting. I didn't want to raise this as an issue on GitLab since the error is with the linking of nodes in the .conversationbundle and not with anything Apotheosis is doing per se. Happy to help! Somewhere in the future I'm planning to do some more investigating into custom companions made from Adventurers. Really glad to have Apotheosis now for it!
  6. Yeah that'll make it a lot easier to find. Additionally, now that I think about it, having it being under its own section in the "Game Data" tab make it less likely to be confused with "Global Scripts". And if Modscripts default to being saved in "modscripthooks.gamedatabundle" that will be potentially clearer for those without access to the editor.
  7. This is such a fantastic tool, thanks a lot for putting it together! A bit of feedback after some time messing around in Apotheosis: I really love the way Scripting and Condition Calls are handled in this tool! Very clear, quick and easy to parse compared to doing it manually. And I've got to highlight how much I appreciate the ability to just write the instance_id/debug_name and have tool insert the correct GUID when it's saved. It's a very sleek feature that makes adding scripts and conditions so much quicker and more pleasant. Though I will mention it wasn't clear to me to that ModScriptHooks were located under "Global". It makes some sense now that I know where to find them, and I don't really know where else they'd fit beyond having their own section similar to "Speakers" with just the one option. Honestly fine where they are just figured I should mention it, as I was at first under the assumption there was no option to write them in the tool. The Conversations editor makes me so happy, it's probably what I'm the most excited for as far as making mods in this editor! It is so cool to be able to actually work with conversations in a similar manner to what Obsidian actually used for making the game. There is so much modding potential this tool will open up! The only potential for frustration I have encountered is when navigating with the scroll wheel I often cycle through the Listener/Speaker options when hoovering over them by accident. I think these are the only dropdowns this happens to, so this might just be bug? Otherwise the GUI you have made makes everything to do with creating and stringing together nodes feels very intuitive! Yeah, I think a list of nodes is probably the way to go then. This is something you might already be aware of, but there is currently an issue when a child node's original link is removed, where they become uneditable and inaccessible without using an eternal editor: Once again thanks a lot, for putting this all together, I really think this is going to make modding Deadfire much more approachable to many more people!
  8. Holy ship, this tool looks fantastic! Can't wait to get dug into it. Great work! Just noticed there's a conversation editor!
  9. For sure, I'll see about making Konstanten at the very least work as an S4 addon when I can (I don't imagine there'll be to much that needs fixing, but I have only tested the first conversation so far). But at the moment I'm currently dealing with an infrequent issue with my PC restarting or freezing when running games for longer than a couple of minutes. I keep thinking I have it fixed, only for it to start happening a few months/weeks later. So putting off getting to dug into Deadfire modding till I have a stable gaming PC again. In the mean time I figured I'd put this weird thing I stumbled onto out for others to mess with. Really my only concern for a wider release of this is what will happen from downloading a character off the steam workshop someone has exported based on one of the companion .character files. If the character shares the same Instance ID there is possibility of bugs galore!
  10. Through a convoluted method it's possible to make a .character file containing a companion, making them hireable from an Inn, so I thought I'd make a package that contains all companions and sidekicks in Deadfire. Deadfire_Companions_at_Inn.zip Vatnir.zip (Requires Beast of Winter) Place the .character files in: %USERPROFILE%\Saved Games\Pillars of Eternity II\ExportedCharacters Each character is set to their default class, however this can be changed using the Reclassify Companions mod. I'm not really sure if there'll be many applications for this. Having these character in an S4 run (likely some modification will need to be made to certain conversations for them to progress properly) is pretty much the only thing I can think off top of my head is. I haven't done any very extensive tests, to see how stable a means of recruiting these characters this is way is. I wouldn't be very surprised if there are some strange behaviours and bugs during certain scenes though. Vatnir, for example, almost certainly will be very broken without Beast of Winter installed (or not hireable at all). Mirke being added as a sidekick by the Rum Runner's Pack DLC, it's very likely that you'll run into issues with her as well but I am not sure. From the small amount of testing I've done: The recruit button doesn't work for characters currently in the scene. Just like with adventurers it's not possible to hire 2 of the same character. When speaking to most characters they'll play their introductory conversation. Unless they have some kind of prerequisite (such as Mirke and Fassina) they'll then swap to their normal dialogue once you agree to their "joining" your party. Fassina automatically walks up to the counter when entering the Dark Cupboard. Konstanten will start his introductory SSS conversation after a delay when recruited in the arena inn. I would advise against importing a companion during character creation, when adding the actual Eder to the party he got teleported way up the beach, as well as some other strange results... This is caused by having the same voice as a companion.
  11. I ran a test in the hopes that it might be possible to get something like this to work straight from the pool of memories menu, unfortunately I think there is something hardcoded in the set up of each of the SSS encounters. While the arena maps (as seen in lax1_worldmap.gamedatabundle) share the same data structure as random encounter maps, I don't think they are set up for the "CreatureSpawns" parameter to work. I don't know for sure but at a guess random encounter maps likely have preset locations where enemies can be spawned, which the arena maps are lacking. Trying to use that parameter like any other random encounter just leads to an empty arena and an error message in the output_log.txt file along the lines of "failure to find default creature spawn on map". There is no way I can see to spawn prefabs using scripts as far as I can tell, which is a real shame. Ah well, at the very least it's an alternate way into a blank arena from the pool of memories using a .gamedatabundle:
  12. Currently having issues with my PC at the moment, on top of being very rusty at Deadfire. So I can't offer anything in the way of play feedback, beyond just reiterating how slick this mod is! One thing I did wonder, is do you intend to give the Effigy's Resentment and/or Gift from the Machine buffs to players who would get them from their PoE1 Save/Selected Legacy? Agreed, definitely in the category of something that would be nice to have in this mod, but not required. Otherwise locking the non-functional blessing definitely communicates the point best. I think Start at Level 4 is the simplest to tweak. Probably just one more level (17), might be best? Otherwise I have just these 2 ideas: Reimplementing the +1 Power Level Blessing. I dunno might be a bit to strong. A blessing that add some single use consumable items (maybe as a reward for completing encounters for the first time or as limited stock from one of the merchants) that grant some of the permanent effects that are missing from the base game to the user. This granting some extra elements of customisation to the player character and adventurers? I think since other SSS achievements are unlocked when playing this mod excluding would be a little odd. I dunno I'm sure there are some who would prefer not to be granted an achievement without doing the work for it. But end of the day it is only 1 blessing point. There is the "exec" console command that allows you to write a number of commands into a txt file that can be executed. As for a more modding focus of custom arena encounters, I'm sure @Noqn would know more, but as I understand it the enemy composition of arena encounters in SSS are baked into one of the assetbundles. Which might mean custom arena encounters aren't something can be done without modding that file. I dunno for sure though as messing with world encounters isn't something I have tried before. A custom conversation featuring Faces of the Hunt should be possible.
  13. and also both eyes blue for the hell of it Edit: bearded Barik as well: You can recrop the portrait to your liking using this site: https://www.notra.fr/portrait/deadfire and swap out the background using this site: https://www.remove.bg/ If you want something quick, once the site has removed the background the click edit button in the right hand corner, then select a background and pick one of the blur options.
  14. I can't find the guide unfortunately but here is the paper texture: Original image: https://www.deviantart.com/bobkehl/art/Cutthroat-Kaari-kalou-787875845
  15. I don't think there is really any strict adherence to lore in any of the player portraits. I get the feeling that the portraits (human's especially) are more meant to be sort representations of various fantasy architypes (wizard, scholar, mercenary, monk, barbarian, etc). As for why those specific portraits were chosen for that wiki page, probably only the editor of that page of the wiki really knows. As for NPC portraits, I don't imagine there'll be any overt lore for this beyond just the assumption that folk intermingle as they do in the real world.
  16. I agree with @Elric Galad. The 5k/50k starting money is at the end of the day an optional extra, and I'm sure there will be some players who will appreciate going in with the extra copper. The extra 5k at least to my mind isn't a lot to worry about, though I do see the concern being that there is little reason for players not picking the 50k starting gold blessing. But I imagine there are quiet a few purchases that can still really eat into that amount when gearing up a party (especially if a player has some premade characters that are fully kitted out that they want to hire). That said I haven't done the math on this, so if this does flush a player with more money than they would reasonably spend then it may be a case of just tweaking the amount given by the 50k gold blessing? Halving it to 25k maybe? Though there is the possibility of opening the pandora's box of tweak/changing the other blessings that aren't really worth taking for an S4 playthrough (ship things, port marje vendors, fine equipment, "...Can I Pet Him Anyway?")? Oh, so that's why there are spirit portrait versions of those characters in the game files? Good on Obsidian for assuming at least some players will try to kill every NPC! I'm sure someone would have pointed it out eventually if I hadn't. And I have got to say, I am really impressed with how smooth the start of this mod is!
  17. Yeah, unfortunately Deadfire isn't likely to receive any future patches. The good news is that this is apparently just a UI display bug. So even though it isn't shown the correct Godlike ability is actually being applied.
  18. The +5/50k Starting Money seem to function when set to OnGameStart from what I can tell. Doing the same with other problem blessings and changing their scripts to instead activate delayed globalscripts seems to get them to function properly as well. Though that might introduce some compatibility issues when the mod is toggled off and on, or if any other mods affects the cost of Berath's Blessings.
  19. It's a hassle but about the only way to make sense of the companion banter .stringtable files is to have the corresponding .conversationbundle open alongside it and following "Links" from each Node number to the next. "NodeID": 0, links to the start of every possible banter conversation a character can have so long as the listener is in the party, after which the conversation keeps following on to the next node it is linked to until reaching a node without any links. At which point the conversation ends. For context of who is talking to who you'll need to know the "SpeakerGuid" and "ListenerGuid". There are probably a few exceptions but usually the conversation will stay relegated to the .stringtable and .conversationbundle of the character that initiates it. Companion Speaker GUIDs: Sidekick Speaker GUIDs: So for an example, this is a conversation from "companion_aloth_banters" between Aloth ("5529e4b7-42dc-4895-b9f8-23375a945413") and Serafen ("e41c506b-abcc-45f8-98ab-bba00a0ebc16"): As I said this is a hassle but it is the only way to make sense of it at moment I'm afraid.
  20. Changing a companion's appearance using the game files is pretty difficult from what I understand. Appearance of a companion before they join the party is stored as a monoscript prefab in the characters.unity3d assetbundle I think? I haven't really delved into it myself but this would probably be the easiest way to make changes to the character's appearance though. Once a companion is in your party their appearance is seemingly stored into an .objsav (named after the character's object GUID, e.g. "b1a7e801-0000-0000-0000-000000000000.objsav" is Aloth) inside of a save file. It's pretty easy to open a save file as it is pretty much just a zip, but the .objsav of the companion isn't modifyable with any tool I'm aware of.
  21. There isn't anything in the documentation about scripts that call console commands unfortunately. Edit: Examining the game assemblies with DnSpy shows this: So if there were a script for changing tactical mode it would look something maybe: "Data": { "FullName": "Void SetTacticalMode(TacticalMode)", "Parameters": [ "Roundbased" ] } However this didn't seem to work from what I have tested... My assumption is that it has to actually be added to a list of available scripts to be accessible outside of the console commands.
  22. A lot of skimming through .gamedatabundle files for modding! For the longest time I just thought the Vox Machina character data in SSS files was somekind of buried Easter egg. Like maybe the characters were in the spectators stands. (Very well armed spectators!) I finally tracked down an encounter with the DebugName of "lax01_arena_duel_vox_machina", I figured maybe it could be unlocked by playing through some combination of SSS fights. Only to find out even if you were to meet the conditions to show it (one of which being a boolean that's always set to "False"), it isn't even on the list of available arena encounters.
  23. At some point during development of Seeker, Slayer, Survivor there was to be a "Champion of the Hunt" challenge involving a fight against the members of Vox Machina. The remaining data (character stats, arena encounter listing, and a conversation) and ui suggests it was probably in early stages when it was scrapped. Though it is no longer accessible via the Pool of Memories without mods, it can still be started through the console ( ` ) with cheat enabled (iroll20s): To load into the map: LaunchRandomEncounter 7ae85798-f2a8-41ff-a210-ffdbce5f2311 To get the conversation to play and the characters to turn hostile: StartConversation b1a8e901-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 85427693-4d26-4f96-9f17-3358fb87d940 0 The conversation consists purely of lines taken from the voice sets added in the Critical Role Pack dlc. Though audio no longer plays as it should, due to the "ExternalVO" line in the .conversationbundle file pointing to old/incorrect filenames. There are also no portraits attached to the characters. Either way I would guess it was only ever meant to serve as a placeholder conversation for the early stages of development. There is no reward for completing this encounter.
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