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Everything posted by Kvellen

  1. Status Effects and Abilities modding is something I've only started looking into pretty recently, so there might be a better solution I'm not aware of. With that said an Immunity Status Effect that targets a Keyword unique to status effect you'd like to remove is a method. Look at status effect "Aegis_of_Loyalty_SE_KeywordImmunity" for an example of this.
  2. For factions specifically, Positive and Negative reputations are tracked separately by the game. As such adding a negative number to the Negative axis will reduce it without affecting the Positive axis. With that in mind you can create a mod with a new "ChangeStrength" and set the "ReputationValue" to a number with minus "-" before it. Then use it in the Console Command or a Script to reduce the Negative faction rep by that number. Something like: { "GameDataObjects": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthGameData, Assembly-CSharp", "DebugName": "Reduce_Major", "ID": "39a0dbf5-fe80-4bba-9e9c-b0edfc2003a0", "Components": [ { "$type": "Game.GameData.ChangeStrengthComponent, Assembly-CSharp", "ReputationValue": -8, "DispositionValue": 0, "RelationshipValue": 0, "DisplayName": 1784, "FormatString": 1299 } ] } ] }
  3. I have tracked down the cause of this bug. It is indeed related to trying to the complete quest through talking to Flaune. Specifically it occurs if the player didn't pick a specific dialogue option in the previous conversation with Xoti about her need to get rid of souls. It's easy to miss this player response since it'll only be present when the player has asked Flaune about her work. Once selected the quest starts down a special branch that is otherwise inaccessible. This is the only branch where it's actually possible to get the quest marked as complete when talking to the Animancer. The good news is even though the quest never gets marked as complete Xoti's ending slides finishing her quest will still trigger. If you'd prefer the quest be marked as complete you can: With a Modscript Download this zip file: Xoti Ending Bug Fix.zip Unzip the "Fix Xoti Quest Ending" folder within and place it into the "override" folder. "override" can be found inside the "PillarsOfEternityII_Data" directory located somewhere like: Steam: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\" GoG: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Games\Pillars of Eternity II Deadfire\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\" If you'd rather create the mod yourself: Using the Apotheosis modtool: or Using Notepad: With Console commands (Cheat's Disable Achievements) Hope this helps! And thanks everyone who has posted in this thread with information on this bug!
  4. Either of those should work for disabling the challenge, but you'll need to use the "RemoveAbility" command to get rid of the "Vela_Ability" that is active on the Player character. The command looks like this ("b1a8e901-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" = the Player character) : RemoveAbility b1a8e901-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Vela_Ability It might take a save and reload after the command is entered for her to actually leave though.
  5. Uh-oh, new nodes default to the ExternalVO being checked and auto-fill with "null". Clicking on the field when this is the case crashes the editor This can be worked around by unchecking "ExternalVO", closing the conversation, and then reopening it. Not a problem for existing nodes from can tell.
  6. Have you already acquired Ondra's Wintness? Edit: Reason I ask is it seems she is set to disappear when you acquire it.
  7. I think your conclusions here are correct. The "ApplyStatusEffectToEnemyOnEvent" only ever applied to a single target with each AoE attack. Though from what I am seeing when does apply it, it's done after the attacks damage is done. ie. enemy is Grazed/Hit/Crit -> Damage -> Status Effect applied to enemy. I'd assume this works for Aegis of Loyalty since it is a Single-Target attack that's applying a brief Immunity to the Intellect Afflictions. Going back to your earlier posts, Aura Abilities seem to be a bit finicky when used as activated spells. On my end it only seemed to activate briefly and effect just the caster. Switching over to applying the Status Effect with an AoE ability had more reliable results. Maybe something like a self targeted AoE or Pulsing AoE could be used to mimic the behaviour of an aura instead? For the Status Effect itself, an "AttackResistance" (set to a Value of "1") or "Immunity" Status Effect with Attack Filters of "Class" = "Wizard" and "TargetType" = "AoE" seemed to work. Though the main caveat there was there is nothing in the AttackFilter that's filtering out only the attacks made by the specific Wizard. Something I was thinking, though couldn't really see anyway to do, was maybe it's possible to attach a temporary Keyword to the character's attacks somehow? If that's possible it at least gives the Resistance/Immunity an additional layer of specificity to apply to filtering out attacks.
  8. Hmm it seems so. I tried a few tests like checking if the Player had a specific item equipped to unlock an ability and it seemed to pass even if the item was just in the party stash. It would only fail if the item was removed from the party inventory completely. So it's possible that conditionals on the Progression Tables have no perspective outside of the progression table of who owns the data? Progression Tables aren't something I have looked at before so I have no idea what to suggest unfortunately.
  9. "ProgressionTableHasAbility", I'm not 100% clear on the function of this, what I think it does is check if an ability has been unlocked on the progression table it's called on. "CanUseAbility" checks if the specified character has access to the ability. "HasAbility" checks if the specified character has the ability. "HasActiveAbility" check if the ability is active on the specified character. So "CanUseAbility" would probably would be what you are looking for in this instance. A and { B or { C and D } }
  10. It's not the most elegant solution as far as comparability with other mods but one thing you try is to change all the desired spells' attacks to have an AffectedTargetCondtional that checks for a specific status effect that caster has applied with the ability. Something like: not HasStatusEffectFromSource(Target, ignore_friendly_damage, Owner) This should apply the effect of the spell but only on condition that the Target hasn't been given the status effect from the Caster (owner). I think... I haven't really tested this beyond a single ability.
  11. Thanks! I agree with restricting conditions on links to just exiting ones. Seemed like bad practice to me when I noticed them, and I couldn't really come up with any solid use cases. So wasn't going to push for it being implemented if it were a choice between it and ExternalVO field. Which while also niche has some additional uses I can think of beyond its original intention.
  12. The autocomplete on gamedata query, looks fantastic! There are 2 features of conversations I was wondering if you would consider adding support for in the Apotheosis conversation editor: A way to edit the ExternalVO field within Apotheosis. This is used to specify a path to an existing audio file. The primary use for this is to play audio for a duplicate line that's in the current conversation, or to play audio from another conversation entirely. An example of this field in use can be found in "27_cv_court_of_woedica_player_interrupts" on nodes: "166", "182", "201", "207", and "208". This a weird one, I noticed while trying to debug a conversations there are sometimes conditions on node links. I'm not really sure what the use case for this above just putting the conditional on the node that it is linked to. But there are only about 77 cases of this being used across the base game & DLCs conversations. An example of this is in "04_cv_queen_onezaka_ii_sabotage_quest.conversationbundle", where the the link from "181" to "182" has a conditional that the player's relationship with Maia be Negative or Very Negative.
  13. This sounds like an unresolved bug that is described in an old thread. Probably worth sending a bug report message with a savegame attached over to Obsidian support. There's a link to contact support in the first post of this thread:
  14. Weird... I'm honestly not sure which the game uses. Could be both are used but in different contexts? Like the sprite tokens used to mark background specific dialogue. Either way from what I can tell, creating a similar file path inside the override folder doesn't work for adding individual icons like it does for load screens and scripted/super interaction images. As for additions to the "GameSystemIcons" atlas, assuming I am understanding the code right "ItemIcons" & "SpellAbilityIcons" are the only atlases that Obsidian have set up to accept additions.
  15. I can't for the life of me find where it is located but I'm pretty sure Background and Culture icons are stored in a sprite atlas somewhere. I know I have stumbled upon it at various points whilst searching through assetbundles for something else. Frustratingly I never made a note of where! The only other evidence I have for its existence is there being a version of it uploaded to the PoE2 wiki: https://pillarsofeternity.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Pillars_of_Eternity_II:_Deadfire_images_-_Interface?file=Poe2_GameSystemIcons.png If that is indeed the case I think that would make additions to it not possible with the override folder sadly
  16. Now that you mention it, I'm seeing the same thing on my end (Pillars of Eternity - Definitive Edition, Steam version). "Preorder Item and Pet" appears in the list of DLC and is shown as being enabled, but doesn't get added to a new character's inventory. There's a link to contact support in the first post of this thread: There'll be a box on the right where you can contact custom support directly. Though if you are using Firefox you might need to disable "Enhanced Tracking Protection" to see it.
  17. Fantastic, just making sure I hadn't missed something that had broken. So what's happening, without getting technical, is the conversation is designed to loop after starting the quest. But should hide this using text from the last line of dialogue in place of what's at the start of the loop. Though it only does this if the text at the start of the loop has already appeared in the conversation. In this instance where you have High Reputation with Defiance Bay the conversation starts differently and then feeds back into the conversation with the loop. So the original text at the start of the loop only appears for the first time when it's looped back to. In cases such as this there's a built in function to tell the .conversation files to just override the text on the loop regardless. This is done by instructing it to "ShowNever" when linking back to the start of a loop. My guess is that this was missed due to the alternate start to the conversation being a later addition to the rest of the conversation. Odd as it is the conversation as far as starting the quest works, but I agree this is very scuffed and it's as simple as adding a few "ShowNever"s where they're needed to. So I've made such a fix: Navigate to your Pillars of Eternity directory this will be somewhere like: Steam: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity" GoG: "C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Pillars of Eternity" Then go to: "\PillarsOfEternity_Data\data\conversations\03_defiance_bay_ondra_gift" Make a back up of the file called "03_cv_marceno.conversation", then replace the original with the .conversation file that's in the attached zip. Alternatively if you'd prefer you can make the fixes yourself: Open the file in Notepad. Go to line "1352", you can get there quickly by pressing Ctrl+G. On this line it'll say "<QuestionNodeTextDisplay>ShowOnce</QuestionNodeTextDisplay>", change the >ShowOnce< to >ShowNever<. Do the same on line "3481". This is where you ask the Moreno "You're a sailor?", which can also trigger the awkward line. Save the changes to the file. Now when starting the quest the awkward line at the end of the conversation won't appear. This is also fixed in the file I've attached. To do the fix yourself go to line "398" and replace the <Components /> with: <Components> <ExpressionComponent xsi:type="ConditionalCall"> <Data> <FullName>Boolean HasConversationNodeBeenPlayed(String, Int32)</FullName> <Parameters> <string>assets/data/conversations/03_defiance_bay_ondra_gift/03_cv_marceno.conversation</string> <string>102</string> </Parameters> </Data> <Not>true</Not> <Operator>And</Operator> </ExpressionComponent> </Components> This will hide the response from the conversation if it started with the High Defiance Bay Reputation introduction. Hope that helps. poe_marceno_loop_fix.zip
  18. The conversation looked something like this right?: This young, lanky sailor is wringing his cap anxiously, sweat beading on his furrowed brow. His eyes widen as you approach, and he takes a few steps forward. Marceno: [Defiance Bay Positive 2] "S-say, you're the one they're talking about, right? The one helping people? I... I could use some help, as it happens. Please." Player: "What's the problem?" Marceno: "Oh, thank you. Thank you." He casts his gaze skywards, briefly. "It's the captain. Or rather, not the captain himself, but his chest. Er, his sea chest." "He keeps all his valuables in there, tucked away safe. I was unloading it with the rest of the things, what with us staying in port a couple days... and..." He coughs. "I may have gotten a little distracted." Marceno nods towards the buildings nearby. "I wasn't gone long. Just an hour at the Salty Mast." Marceno: "When I got back, the chest was gone." He sets a pleading look on you. "It really hasn't been that long - whoever took it can't be too far. But the shift's changed, and I'm on watch. I can't sneak off to look for it, and the Captain will kill me if he hears of it. I'll get strung up on the yardarm." "I-if you've a moment? You're... not from around here, right? You don't look like you're from the docks." He looks around nervously. "I could use your help." And among your possible responses were "Any ideas where the thieves might have taken the chest?" or [Leave] "Farewell."?
  19. You might be missing one or more of the DLCs that were accidently included in a previous update. There is a workaround but your best bet would be to contact support for assistance with the issue. There's instructions on the specifics in the following post:
  20. Yup, this loop is actually intentional. A lot of conversation are actually doing this behind the scenes but have their looping points hidden. Just a case of a missing "ShowNever" on a node link. Looks really odd, but nothing to worry about.
  21. Obsidian have said they are aware of the issue and plan to address it in a future patch. Till then a workaround can be found in this thread by xSki:
  22. Restoration and basic reformat of what was in the original post based on the Wayback capture. Replaced all the �s (Unicode unrecognised character) as best as I could based on context. Though I wasn't sure whether some or all of the Phases were supposed to be a bulletpointed or numbered lists so just went all bulletpoints. Otherwise, removed the "Ezboard" link as that service appears to be defunct.
  23. I think I might have found what causes this bug to occur. In short it occurs after loading a save made after a soul was resubmerged. Steps to replicate: Activate a switch to reveal an uncollected soul. Reactivate the switch to hide the soul underwater again. Make a new save, then load it. Activate the switch again, the soul will be absent from the pool. You can usually fix this by just reactivating the switch a couple more times. If you don't know which soul it is that you're missing, you can save some repetitive drainage by opening the console (this won't disabled achievements), pasting the following, and then pressing Enter to confirm: PrintGlobal LAX2_b_wandering_soul_interaction_01 & PrintGlobal LAX2_b_wandering_soul_interaction_02 & PrintGlobal LAX2_b_wandering_soul_interaction_03 & PrintGlobal LAX2_b_wandering_soul_interaction_04 This will print the status of each variable to combat log. The missing soul/s will have a result of "0" (false) after the variable name. Based on the number suffix in a variable's name and this map you can find the soul and the corresponding panel to lower and raise the water for it to appear: You'll know that a soul has correctly spawned at a location by an extra purple shimmer being on the water.
  24. Another option, if you don't care about achievements, is to just use cheats: "IRoll20s" then "GiveMoney x" replacing "x" with the cost of retraining the character.
  25. The newest patch to PoE1 seems to have made some change to its save system. Deadfire can't find the *gamecomplete.savegame as a result, but thankfully there is a workaround found by xSki that fixes this.
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