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Everything posted by Noqn

  1. Oh nono, this is absolutely something Apotheosis should've accounted for. Don't hesitate to raise issues like this on GitLab
  2. Ok, here we go again: From now on, if an exception is thrown when a conversation or quest is loaded, and the issue is easily fixed (in this case setting some links' PointsToGhost to true), the user will get the option to either close the tab or let Apotheosis apply the fix: If there's no straightforward fix or something fundamental is wrong (like a missing root node), the tab will close and a simple message will be displayed:
  3. Ah what the .. my posts are getting cut off after the first paragraph, I've lost everything I wrote
  4. The duration extender is baked into the TriggerAdjustment of Blood_Storm_SE_AttackSpeed Copy the value and paste it to the TriggerAdjustment of Spirit_Tornado_SE_AttackSpeed should do the trick!
  5. 2022-01-04 Improvements to Conversation, Quest & GlobalScript references in the GameData editor: Will now displayed the name of referenced object rather than the ID. Clicking the row will now open a selector popup (previously these were not editable at all). Context menu includes a "Open in New Tab" option. Will no longer appear nested in a GuidString property* ->
  6. Fixed some bugs, thanks @Kvellen for reporting! 2022-01-03 TopicComponent now properly uses the CompanionTopics StringTable Fixed some properties not being initialized when adding a new Component: TalkingItemComponent.ItemGuidString CompanionComponent.CompanionGuidString
  7. Thanks for noticing, this was my error and it should not display as percentage. It's now fixed in the latest version! Great, I've given it its own category now. 2022-11-29 Fix StatusEffectLevelScaling display text Move ModScriptHookGameData to its own category ("ModScriptHooks")
  8. Just to clarify, I think I was mostly wrapped up in Companions passive skill spread when writing those posts! The main reason I lean heavily towards spreading points (more-or-less) evenly for Companions is that it makes it so much easier to switch party members without tilting the stat distribution. If everyone is specialized, switching members will most likely leave you with gaps in one skill and abundant points in another.
  9. Ah, yeah that does better address the root issue. Adding a ModScriptHook with SucceedOnlyOnce set to true and the following script: if { IsQuestCompleted(companion_qst_pallegina) and IsInActiveScene(8c9c23e0-6463-49aa-be47-0ceb2431a35d) } then { ActivateObject(8c9c23e0-6463-49aa-be47-0ceb2431a35d, False) } I guess with this solution the Conversation doesn't have to be edited, which is nice for compatability
  10. For clarity, here are the changes in the latest release: 2022-11-26 (2) Conversation/Quest Diagram: Now properly ensures there's one non-ghost link after a link has been deleted. Conversation Diagram: prevent Listener & Speaker ComboBoxes from capturing scroll events.
  11. This is really valuable feedback. If you couldn't find it at first after actively looking, it definitely should be moved to a unique category. ModScriptHooks is something I absolutely do *not* want people to miss. Simply naming it "ModScriptHooks" sounds good? Thanks, that is one of the parts I've been especially happy with Another plus is that it'll be more convenient to share scripts on the forum! Yeeaah, this is a nasty default behavior by the Gtk GUI library, though at least it's been addressed by the devs in a future version... I had implemented a workaround for most of the dropdowns, but didn't cover the listener/speaker dropdowns, so thanks for reporting. Lastly, a thousand thanks for all the feedback! This worked for me: Adding a ScriptNode child to the root node, moving it so that it is the the first child, and giving the following Conditional: IsQuestCompleted(companion_qst_pallegina) This way the conversation will never open if the quest has been completed
  12. Thanks! I've pushed the fixes for these two, the windows job should be done and be available for download in ~10 minutes (see status here). I'll write a proper response later tonight!
  13. New releases are up! I've added a changelog to keep track of things: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md In short: Fixes to Expression & Query parsing. Making edits to the Preview tab will automatically sticky it. (To prevent losing progress by navigating to another gamedata before saving.) Added a StringTable tab to Conversation pages. It's now possible to make edits from the String Table view, including adding/removing FemaleText values. (Just right-click the row you want to edit.) Full changes since my last post: 2022-11-23 Fixed regression causing the result of Expression Popups not to update Improvements to Expression & Query parsing: Can now parse negative numbers Now properly parses identifiers starting with numbers 2022-11-25 Add a StringTable tab to Conversation pages. Allow editing StringTable entries in the StringTableView Allow adding FemaleText values in the StringTableView In the Conversation & Quest pages, keep text synced between the Diagram, StringTableView, EndState tabs. 2022-11-26 Added a changelog file Allow removing FemaleText values in the StringTableView Automatically sticky the Preview tab on making an edit.
  14. Some updates: Conversation & Quest node links can now be deleted, just click the red button: If there's only one remaining link to a node, a confirmation popup will be displayed. If the last link to a node is deleted, the node will still remain in the Nodes list but won't be accessible from the GUI. (I'm not sure that I want to implement some clean-up logic here, maybe at some point expose a list of all nodes and let the user manually delete unplaced nodes from there?) Regarding String Tables (including some stuff I've not documented yet because lazyness) If a mod has StringTable entries with indexes that exceed the highest vanilla indexes, then the lowest of those indexes would be used as the "mod start index". If the user tries to add a new entry and a start index hasn't been detected, a new value between 1'000'000 and 2'000'000'000 will be assigned instead. (Always ending with '000' to indicate in the stringtable files that it's the start index). After that, the new StringTable entries will be added starting from that index. High values and wide ranges are necessary to minimize the risk of mods generating overlapping keys, but won't look nice in the editor... I've now made it so that if a start index is detected, entries exceeding that number will be shortened down to "k+x" in the gamedata editor, where x is the offset from the start index. An example from Spoils of Caed Nua:
  15. I suspect it was a developer oversight to set both BaseValue and ChanceToApply, and that they actually stack. If that is correct, then setting them both to 0.5 should give you a 25% chance to trigger, which sounds like what you're getting. (Which means that it only had a 1/16 chance to trigger in vanilla ) Try setting ChanceToApply to 1 and BaseValue to 0.5 and see if that fixes things.
  16. Free and Open Source (AGPL v3), source code on Gitlab: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis Windows Download: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=publish_win-x64 Linux Download: https://gitlab.com/noqn/apotheosis/-/jobs/artifacts/main/download?job=publish_linux-x64
  17. They're pretty negligible and I fear inventory bloat, so I'd rather not add them.
  18. I'd greatly appreciate that, thanks! I added all food marked as prepared meals iirc, I'll include Kith Meat as well in the next patch.
  19. Sorry for the delay, it's up now: https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/639/ Massive thanks to everyone here! Btw @Elric Galad you're right about the gold-only recipes, I merged them into the main package and kept that as the only download
  20. Alright, everything is implemented and working now! I'll finalize and publish the page on nexus tomorrow Ah I hadn't considered those, they are added now. Thanks! I've decided to exclude it from S4 but include it in the hunt skip mod. So if the player wants the achievement in S4 they can just enable both. I love all of these ideas, perfect to include in the next version.
  21. I initially only added one of every common accessory because they have a max stack of 1 and would bloat the stores if I exceeded that. But it would be unfair if items like Ring of Overseeing that are plentiful in the base campaign would only have a single copy in S4, so making them replenish is justifiable imo. My true agenda is enabling the 5x Necklace of Fireballs party comp
  22. Agreed. One of the few small last things left is moving the non-unique accessories from the store lootlists to a StoreAddRegenerationList script so that they'll replenish. I'll do the same with consumables. Still deciding whether to put it as optional or not... If I'm putting it as optional I'll let it override Neale's store with a version without the ingredients. If it's baked into the main package I'll remove the ingredients there. Yep!
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