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Everything posted by Skarpen

  1. Yeah, because nothing ever has been taken out of context or misinterpreted. Especially if we are talking about 24/7 surveillance of all the online conversation. Where a person verifying will not have a full conversation or time to even try to understand what is written. And it will not reduce CP in any way. Only some complete airhead would belive it would.
  2. Who has time for that? Training? Please. Some intern would be just sending all the warnings to the authorities who would have tons of those, so they will just dump them to law enforcement and before we know it some rec center will be swated or some kids dragged out of school. And of course no one will be responsible it will be just "system error".
  3. Let's not kid ourselves, not a single serious offender will be caught. There will be however a lot of data leaks, people private information being sold, political rivals surveillance etc. Another example of people in charge taking Orwell's writing as a guidelines not a warning.
  4. The funniest thing is the irony of liberal using this argument.
  5. The same thing was said about Libia, Syria, Iraq and Iran governments. What came after is not better than previous regimes. Surprisingly I do understand and share Bruce concerns about destabilizing SA and Turkey without knowing what would come next.
  6. Interesting. I remember having this exact discussion here not long ago and being called crazy for suggesting such ridiculous things as Facebook blocking news or governments essential services. Also the usual "it's a private company they can do whatever they want" and "you cannot force them to publish something they don't want" lines.
  7. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finger-counting
  8. To be fair Biden also had his big day when one of his staffers had to resign for abusing a female reporter. Go Biden. Now you only need a sexual assault and pedophilia charges to complete a Democratic Administration bingo. And it hasn't been a month.
  9. Haha, what a joke of a lawyer he doesn't have a fancy big firm, he doesn't take huge cases, my super friends will win. LoL. And yet he beat your Democrats friends behinds like a bunch of kids in a schoolyard. It must really sting when the underdog you talk crap about wins. I've read the highlights and his arguments about Dems hipocrisy, witch hunt, cancel culture etc. Were spot on. GoTrump24
  10. There was a time when a cabman was a very buoyant occupation. And introducing automobiles was met with apocalyptic visions of mass unemployment... and it didn't happened. There will be new jobs and old jobs will evolve. People are creative that way. In my lifetime I saw completely new jobs emerge and old obsolete jobs dissapear. Sometimes both of those apply to the same occupation. Just as I would never predict such a job as Web Developer existing when I was young I cannot predict what new jobs will emerge in the future. I guess we will get away from physical labor. And seeing the young generation kids age 5,6 using complicated technology with ease from that young age I don't fear that people will not catch up with technology.
  11. A test run with limited number of participants is not the same as running a nationwide program. First of all participants know it's limited time, so there is 0 incentive to quit a job. There is no data on the impact on the economy so such factors as inflation etc. will not show up. Also the longterm impact will be hard to predict. Basically it's like saying that taking big consumer loans is great because we tested it by giving some guys a hundred thousand for 3 months and his life was awesome in that time.
  12. It all depends on the difference between the UBI and potential salary. Usually a minimum wage. If for example you get 1000$ UBI and minimum wage is 1000$ which gives lets say 700$ after taxes and you need to spend for example 200$ to get to work (car, gas, transport) and pay 300$ for childcare then the wasting 40h a week for essentially 200$ extra might be somenthing many people would opt out of. Also you need to consider that UBI should cover living expenses for one person, right? Now what about marriages and kids? Do UBI apply to kids? Then for a marriage with two kids you have 4 times the UBI amount. And living expenses for four people are not equal to four times that of a single person. Whould that be incentive for one of the spouses to resign from a low pay job? It happened in Poland with the 500+ for kids. People with 2-3 or more kids decide it's more beneficial to stay at home living off social handouts than working. And it desn't take 90% of people resigning from jobs to live of social to affect the economy. 2-3% would be a huge hit because the rest would need to cover those differences. Which leads to increase of social spending while decreasing the tax income, which leads to the need of increasing taxes so maybe another 1-2% of people resigning from jobs. And I think when you hit about 8-10% the whole system atarts to collapse. I'm pretty sure we were talking rents and basic comodities? I'm pretty sure bakers don't make trillions on bread and definietely none of my previous landlords were making trillions of of my rent. The cost of rent usually goes up when interest rates goes up on their mortgages or some taxes go up. I'm pretty sure the current cost of bricks don't affect the costs of maintaining buildings already build. It' hard for me to understand that people think most companies/businesses make so much money (trillions?!) that additional taxes won't eat up their profits when it does 99.9% of the time. I know many industries that were practically wiped out because it's impossible to make any profit because the costs are just to great. And usually the industries that actually could pay additional cost without noticable decrease in profits are the ones the additional tax don't apply to.
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