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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Thinking of Dead Space, I'm still waiting for a patch so that a can configure my keyboard. The WASD controls piss me totally off!
  2. System Shock 2 wouldn't have been so thrilling if there wasn't some respawning.
  3. Most of these silly flaws are mostly concerned to older games. Modern games these days are so easy and streamlined that you can't possibly do anything wrong before some tutorial system tells you otherwise. Some of the "newer" games however I hated was Call of Cthulhu. 2006 game release, but the level design and jump/puzzle sections reminded me of some friggin 1997 game.
  4. I think it's pronounced "reee-kill". "Rekyhl" only if it would be rekyle.
  5. Go play FEAR, but avoid the expansion packs.
  6. I'm gonna have to wait until next Tuesday. But honestly, I don't really expect much. Mindless Zombie gore fest + multiplayer? Nahhh...
  7. Good read. Thanks Matthew.
  8. Apart from shooting off heads, I also liked to shoot off the Minigun from a Supermutant. Pretty funny once he realized his gun is kaputt, he screams and runs away and comes back whily throwing grenades at me. Hilarious.
  9. I doubt SoZ will need a beefier computer as the engine has (again) been optimized.
  10. Are you people talking about Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of Earth? That game was in development for eons, and constantly was pushed back. Back then in 2001, 2002 or so it got some moderate attention, I wouldn't say hype. The publisher went out of business, and then I think Bethesda picked it up. Then it was quiet. Then the game was suddenly released. At any rate, it was a dead born child, as the game failed sales wise, and the company went out. I got the PC version and overall liked some parts of it, but could never really finish it thanks to backward old-skool design.
  11. It doesn't have to make sense. It only has to look cool. And shooting people's heads off never gets old.
  12. Still have Dead Space going on.
  13. F2 and F3 are on par, F1 was inferior. But since I can only vote for one game, I chose Fallout 3. Cus' it has teh better gr0phix!!!11
  14. It showed in Mass Effect. Even the big and mighty Bioware was forced after all to fill the lifeless planets (uncharted worlds) with meaningless tasks, without any link to the story whatsoever. Seems like even Bio bit off too much that they couldn't handle to digest. Heck, for that reason alone I wish they would have better left that uncharted world nonsense completely out, and better focus on polishing and fleshing out the actual story missions and sidequests on the citadel. I don't mind linearity in terms of leveldesign, but I really wished there were more engaging and deeper quests in the story mission and on the Citadel for Mass Effect. I hope they learned that lesson for ME2.
  15. Good. I hoped Obama would win. However, now he needs to revert the mess that Bush caused in the last 8 years. I feel already pity for him...
  16. Yep, you are 100% correct. Kotor 2 already exists. And I hope for something completely new from obsidian and not KOTOR3, it would be nice for them to create WH40k RPG or WHFR RPG though. Yeah, something "completely new", by making a WH40K game...riiiiiiiight. Back to Kotor: Kotor 2 sold very well, so I don't see why LA shouldn't do a deal with Obsidian again, sometime in the future. Right now they're too busy on focusing on TOR, and probably another in-house project. After all, LA only chooses a limited amount of deals with developers because every SW project needs a lot attention and support from LA. Maybe LA just doesn't currently has the free ressources to support both TOR and a Kotor3? Maybe after TOR is done, we might see a KOTOR3 from Obsidian? Sometime by 2015 for Xbawks 720 and Playstation 4 perhaps?
  17. That's why he's called Magical Volo!
  18. I once ate shark. Catshark. Very good.
  19. Obsidian will keep doing both 3rd party and selfmade IPs.
  20. If there are people who like turn-based games, there will also be interest in making these games. Or why does the Civilization series sell like hot cakes? Besides, it didn't stop Obsidian to develop NWN2 plus two addons, a game that is clearly directed towards the hardcore fanbase, so why should Obsidian hesitate to make more isometric PC RPGs?
  21. I guess Hurlshot is right. But someone still may dream. @Lajciak That's what I meant. Van Buren, gameplay wise, but with a newer engine.
  22. Exactly. Something like...Van Buren? I don't know why you need Fallout to go isometric and turn-based. My favorite game ever is Jagged Alliance 2, an isometric turn-based game. The strength of that game lies in the tactical TB combat. I would love to see a rebirth of that genre and gameplay style. So, you just answered my question. Because I love isometric turn-based games too? Oh, not to mention Fallout of course. Beth still can make Fallout 4 a'la F3 style. Besides, didn't Ferg once stated they'll continue to have at least one PC hardcore RPG in development, even though this might mean they have to self-finance it? Sure they could do their own Post-apocalyptic RPG, won't stop them here. But Fallout has now been ressurected from the dead, so what could be better than another Fallout game that uses SPECIAL and is isometric and turnbased? Surely it will be directed towards "fans" first and foremost, but chances are it should sell reasonably well now that the fan base has been extended, courtesy to Beth.
  23. Exactly. Something like...Van Buren?
  24. I'm not sure Beth would be that strict about that. I mean they're also a developer, so they're sitting on the same side of the table, right? It would be more a matter about relationship and trust I think, but I think if Obsidian is interested in it and Ferg presses Beth to make a deal, it could really happen.
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