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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. And I will continue eating Nutella! (and become fat )
  2. Strange. I always thought Christians embrace the joy of life and family hood, so aren't nipples then part of this? Anyway, I agree though. A game that has nipples or not is to me like a breakfast bread with nutella or without.
  3. That reminds me that I should go back and finish Dead Space. I stoped somewhere at Chapter 6. Curse that stupid Zero Gravity!
  4. You don't have to show explicit nudity to have ballz. Bioware does not shy back to use sexual themes (boobs!!!) in their games. Whether they show something explicit or not is not the point for me. Wanna see boobies, then watch pr0n.
  5. If it is coming out at all.
  6. Pretty. Bio clearly want to pull a LotR there...but hey.
  7. Played the Killzone 2 demo today and I don't get all the hype around it. It looks nicely, yes, but boy, it's sooo average. Maybe a 6/10. And, and it's good to have my PS3 back.
  8. Man, update your Flash thingy.
  9. DA Origins revealed: http://dragonage.bioware.com/origins/
  10. What do expect from a bunch of nerdy SciFi freaks? Of course they ripp-off stuff, but as long as the outcome remains enjoyable, I'm not complaing there.
  11. What I really missed in the demo was the "punch" of combat that the first FEAR delivered. Enemies just aren't agressive enough in FEAR2. But maybe it's just a demo thing.
  12. They did the first one that they did Of course they did the first one they did. But they also made the most recent one off the Requiem movie license. You mean that Predator thingy for the PSP? Who gives a flying sausage? They better make it rock like the first AvP.
  13. And you're playing it's
  14. I heard FEAR2 is dumbed down compared to FEAR1. I think I'll pass this time.
  15. ...for a guy that never played the predecessors, but likes atmospheric and scary stuff? Just asking because play.com has the PC version very cheaply for the end of February. Anyone who already played it wants to comment?
  16. Ridley Scott + Sigourney Weaver = Win. Anyway, I'll probably end up buying all three games as well.
  17. Boobies showed up in Age of Conan though, and that game still managed to get a "M" for some reason in NA.
  18. I hope this is just a mistake. While I think the RPG won't come out until mid 2010, I'm pretty sure CM is scheduled to come out this year.
  19. I want Rebellion to stay true to their own roots. Meaning that they shouldn't try to pull an (excellent) AvP2 because in doing that they'll fail. Make it better hard, fast, hysterical like the first one, and I might end up liking it.
  20. God I'm glad I've the worst behind me... Don't give up buddy, just get to a neurologist and things will get fixed, even though it takes some time.
  21. Rebellion created the first AvP game, and that was their best project to date. Otherwise it's seems they've a rather weak portfolio.
  22. Call me old-fashioned, but I like it the most how FEAR or HL handles death. When you die, you die. Quickload follows. No autocheckpoints, no Halo-like recharge of Health and no other dumbed down nonsense.
  23. AC was, just like the recent PoP, an artistically great achievement, dumbed down by unable and unimaginative designers. Ubi Montreal has some great and talented artists, but no good designers/writers.
  24. I remember watching "Fire in the Sky" when I was just 12, alone, at midnight. I was ****ed up since then.
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