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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. When do we get some AP news? When will the SEGA press event be? Will Obsidian make a statement about the rumored delay please? I know the answer already. "Soon"
  2. More like Alma from FEAR. No, not at all.
  3. Or a Resi4 Remake for the 360/PS3!
  4. Some new and sexy screens I found: Titties and furries! This game can only win! Edit: Who else gets the Victoria (Thief2) vibe from the 2nd screen?
  5. I'd rather like to see Capcom doing a Resi1 remake for the 360/PS3.
  6. Am I the only one who thinks Riddick sucks? Okay, I only played the demo, but from what I've played it was really weak and uninspiring.
  7. My understanding is that Bio is now a Multiplatform developer. All titles from now on will be PC-360-PS3 titles, including DA (confirmed) and ME2 (inofficially confirmed). Why would they do exclusive stuff anyway? Doesn't make sense for EA's politics.
  8. What do you mean "scroll down a list"? You either select the portrait, or the character I presume. Probably window-drag is supported as well?
  9. Well, define gameplay. I mean, for the sort of story-telling style Bioware does (and for some reason never wants to fundamentally change), you don't need different gameplay. NWN stuff worked fairly fine, so there's no need for them to treat new waters there. Not that I say that is how it should always be, but the NWN-style gameplay is the least thing that bothers me about DA. Still, Bioware ought to come up with fundamentally (no, not revolutionary) different stuff. I mean, don't they have the urge to make something different for a change?
  10. I remember the whole HL2 experience was a blast when I first played it on day one release. Took me 17 hours to finish it, in two days. Awesome. But now I wouldn't dare to touch it again, because it's old and boring. Same for the Episodes. I need new fresh Valve fodder, but no full-price MP mods like TF2 or L4D please. They gotta do sometime a new singleplayer IP, besides of HL.
  11. Agreed. While I still enjoy the "typical" Bioware narrative, I'd wish a company like Bioware which enjoys a lot of freedom would take more risks in that regard. I also wish they'd use a bit more imagination for their quests. The copy & paste stuff starts to wear off. But then again, the larger a company, the harder it is to change things internally.
  12. The UI does look pretty simple as well. No doubt the conversion to consoles should be less a headache then. Though I haven't seen screens of the character window and inventory yet.
  13. We will see.
  14. There's Part2 of the walkthrough video available: Click Looks very solid. Just ignore the stupid speaker "there's always challenge behind every corner", "every choice is up to you".
  15. Those posters look sexy, espcially the elf mage one. Well, I don't get what people mean about "it looks so generic". Not more "generic" (whatever that means) than PST or Fallout or BG2. I think the graphics design in DA is beauitful, and definitely the best since BG2. @mkreku Crappy animations? Look at the Gothic series again. Didn't hamper your enjoyment, either, did it? I think the animations were primarily done from an isometric (tactical) point of view, were it isn't so important to show all the small nuances. Of course when you zoom in, it shows...but hey. They said they continue to tweak the animations, and even then if they don't get better, this doesn't annoy me one bit.
  16. Sorry, I miss-wrote PS2 with PS3 (that's why the edit). I once owned a PS3 and played Drake and MGS4, but what stuff do you think is good (and exclusive) on the PS2? No Sqauere-Enix stuff please. I heard Primal, God of War, Ico+Sequel are good for starters.
  17. That is the best security ever and should all be like that. No it's not. CD-check? That can be easily bypassed by a Nocd-Crack. Fallout 3 sold so well because it's a Bethesda product. Like it or not, but there's a huge fanbase around Beth, so doing some internet DRM would have done more damage actually, in that particular case. Dragon Age imo doesn't need some fancy and expensive DRM either, as fanboys and Bio-haters alike will storm into shops and buy it anyway.
  18. Sooner or later I'll decide to get me one of these PS2 thingy-thing myself. My Gamecube is totally rad, so I think the PS2 should be also... Any kewl exclusives I should get?
  19. Looks friggin awesome, though the AI seems to be a bit passive/stupid. The art style is great. And yay to the 90 hours length!
  20. I'm sure the Bioware producers will come in consent with the EA peeps pertaining to the DRM. There was a big mauuha-muahhh about Spore and Mass Effect, so I don't think they'll repeat that process. If they're smart, they'll try to implement Steamworks. But they're not smart, so....
  21. There was a lot waste in ME, yet I liked it for the main story missions. Luckily enough, the waste was optional and not forced upon me.
  22. I got Titan Quest for $3.99 USD today, so that's maybe 3
  23. Wait, that game went Alpha a few months ago, and now it's supposed to come out in September? How frakkin inconvenient is that? And I was sooo looking forward to the June release.
  24. The real joke is your face!
  25. Without Bluray, I'd have to had swap the disk in MGS4 several times. Things like that piss me off! But Bluray didn't. It saved my gaming experience.
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