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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. I neither like the Witcher setting (too medieval), nor do I like the DA setting (too dull). So I really hope Obsidian comes up with something more imaginative for their new game.
  2. Nice setting, but not exploited in a creative way. It's just Kotor in an Asian setting...quite unimaginative, actually.
  3. Don't say anything bad about MGS4 you little Red Faction fanboy you!
  4. No, but I just don't see the point in a game like Red Faction to make everything kaputt. That's just stupid and serves nothing.
  5. I have fun with constructive input, not destructive.
  6. I doubt Obsidian will bestow us with "spoon fed" choices. All the long and hard working on that game, I mean come on, they sure as hell will make sure to give us a hard time (in a positive way).
  7. Lucky bastard as I am, I got one on my birthday, so I can't complaint. In fact, I'm so lucky that something evil will happen to me in the foreseeable future.
  8. What a bold statement. But no, it was actually Pippi, not the translation that spoiled my once pure soul.
  9. Red Faction Guerrilla is going to be great when it finally comes out on the PC. Destructible environments are just too awesome! Played the demo, it was a total borefest. Did you miss the part where you can destroy all the buildings by demolishing the support beams etc. with a freaking sledge hammer? Because that's the good part. Oh come on, I'm not a kid anymore that gets excited about these trivial things.
  10. Looks a bit Warcraft-ish. I wouldn't actually mind a stylized Fantasy setting.
  11. So, what if I have a fresh install and no backup data? How am I supposed to download Firefox in the first place if I don't have IE? How inconvenient.
  12. I'd buy it if there's a long Making Of video, some Obsidian studio insights, and an OST. EDIT: Or just add a postcard of nakey SIE, and I'll promise I get even three!
  13. Red Faction Guerrilla is going to be great when it finally comes out on the PC. Destructible environments are just too awesome! Played the demo, it was a total borefest.
  14. Or it's because it's so cheap. It only costs 20 bucks/Euros. Therefor, Nintendo wins by default.
  15. Pippi Longstocking, I presume that's Pippi Langstrumpf. God, my childhood was raped with this ****!
  16. MS plans a huge marketing push for Natal, like the release of a new console. Man, I'd feel so much Schadenfreude if it really bombs.
  17. Well I just hope it won't be a future requirement for all games...
  18. I just wonder how that Milo game from Peter Molyneux will turn out. I mean if you really want to talk to a real living boy, you'd need an AI processor with the horsepower of the USS Enterprise. Sorry, but I think that E3 demo was just that - an idea from Pete, that will be half-assed and compromised in it's execution, and finally marketed as "the new ****" from MS.
  19. Anyone else thinks this could be a total fail? I mean I just hope it won't completely replace the gamepad, because I prefer to play with something tangible in my hands. The casual crowd that never played a video game before might get excited about this, but I wonder what kind of games you have to create for such hardware. It certainly will be funny to watch Halo fanboys doing all crazy gestures just to reload the stupid pistol. "No dammit I want reload not squad-command #2!!"
  20. Hmmm. Anyways, that will be an interesting competitor to TOR and Secret World. Will keep an eye on it!
  21. More importantly, the actual skill increase should be perceptible. Nothing's worse than spending in your skill points and see only a neglectable difference. But the obviously worst case of all would be if the game is so easy/unchallenging that upgrading your skills becomes obsolete. That's how the latest Bioware games often feel. No matter where you spend or how much I screw up my build, I always get through the game easily. Now we don't want that Obsidian! Just keep it tough when I want to play Bauer, punishment is welcome IF I learn from it and want to try again, as opposed to just get frustrated.
  22. I must admit I cheated towards the end of the game because it became so ridiculously hard.
  23. Well if Vamps are playable I suppose it would suck mightily if you couldn't cross a puddle water.
  24. The setting is very intriguing, but it's ultimately the execution and core mechanic that will make or break the game for me.
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