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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Just wait until you try Wii Motion+. That will blow your mind! EDIT: I'm playing Nexus: The Jupiter Incident and it's super special awesome. Hmm, does that work by default with any game, oder does the game have to support the Motion plus?
  2. The new producer must be a Marilyn Mansion fan, otherwise I can't explain the dumb move into this "new ****" marketing direction.
  3. Playing Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime 3 on my Wii. Pretty darn cool that Wiimote thingy.
  4. Yeah, I know. But I'm gonna wait for a major price drop first.
  5. I'm going to put it with the rest of my collection and wish all the rest had such nice cases. I fail to see how a nice metal case is of any less use than a making of DVD or a poster. A DVD, I can watch. An OST, I can listen. A nude poster, I can dream. But what can I do with a steelbook case?
  6. Not sure if anyone from EA is allowed to meddle into Bioware affairs (except the CEO I guess), as the Bio boss is also an EA vice president, so he wields some power. Still, I think they did actually share some "know-how" with the EA peeps how make your game appeal to the rad kidz.
  7. What you're gonna do with a stupid case? It has no value. Please Obsidian, give me something of use. Thank you.
  8. It's funny when people try to modify a horribly outdated game with miniscule "better" animations that still look outright ugly.
  9. You know that Bioware has it's own marketing department, and Bioware is solely responsible for that Manson/sex scene nonsense? Seems like they learned a thing or two from EA...
  10. I don't get it. Why do people insist so much on Steelbook cases? It's just a stupid case. Forget that nonsense. Give me something of value. Give me a Making-Of, an OST, and the nude SIE poster please. Screw your stupid Steelbook case.
  11. Looks like Zeno Clash (?).
  12. One day I'm getting this Demon's Souls, when they actually find a publisher for Europe.
  13. An Unreal Editor would be awesome, but of course nobody can say how much third-party tools Obsidian is using, so a SDK may as well be unlikely.
  14. ...but that would have just bored the Xbox 360 Impulse buyer. Let's face it: Bioware doesn't want to show too much of their game because they fear it might not get so glorious receptions. And if there's one thing Bio can't stand, then it's critique for their work.
  15. Apples and Oranges. Dreamfall was succesful, therefor Dreamfall Chapters is fully justified, regardless of the success of TSW.
  16. So, what about a nude SIE poster?
  17. I think they just didn't know how to market a generic fantasy RPG. They can't rely on the D&D logo, so they have to make it appear..."distinguished". Not sure whether they succeeded on that though.
  18. I heard it's pretty bad. Lots of xplosions, but no real gripping gameplay or content. It's one of these $30 million games that get hype like there's no tomorrow, but in the end fall short on many sides.
  19. Ahh, I've very fond memories of TLJ, one of the rare cases where I actually enjoyed old skool adventures. But where is Dreamfall Chapters?
  20. This will be the first Bio game I won't get on day one. There's something fishy about DA... Something tells me it's 5 years too late to arrive.
  21. People are still confusing the old EA with the "new" EA, which is unfortunate, since I think the company improved in the last few years. And Bio will always be Bio. Just because they continue to evolve (for better or worse), doesn't mean they turn into Borg. Activision is the new "evil" EA!
  22. Nice video. I really like how cool he handles the situation.
  23. I've seen enough from it to come to this conclusion.
  24. Played Sonic Chronicles for 10 min, and had to stop because it was so poor. Oh Bioware, why have you let me down on this one?
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