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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker



    I hope it's self-published at least in the west. Maybe CDPR could publish it in certain select European regions. I've long been a fan of Paradox but just recently they have started to rub me the wrong way. Paradox is also trying to sell to Tencent, at least that was the last I heard. Or Tencent was one of the interested parties, but I know Paradox is seeking investment to grow, they are publicly traded after all.


    Obsidian is in a really tight place, after Paradox throwing them under the bus a bit with Tyranny I think Paradox has Paradox in mind. Kind of going the way of Zenimax if you will.


    Maybe Devolver could publish it?


    Man if only there was a PC-centric company who owned an entire content distribution system that was privately owned that could publish games and not force the games to be restricted to their own store...

    What do you mean when you say that Paradox thew Obsidian under the bus with Tyranny? Something happened?



    Well, that does need contextualized and curtailed a bit. It's not like a business agreement was violated. But Paradox went on record saying that everyone at Paradox expected it to do better. Ergo, something went amiss in the market and Obsidian product.



    For context see this article: Why didn't Tyranny sell? Paradox on Obsidian's RPG (PCGamesN).

    • Like 1
  2. What exactly transfers over from PoE?

    At the very least the end state of the companions,

    what you choose to do with the souls, if you betrayed any of the gods, and if you kidnapped (and kept) the Orlan baby.



    I assume that if it is covered in the ending slides, and is not 100% contained to the Dyrwood, it is likely to get a passing mention.

  3. I don't like the idea of pitch black dungeons in a game like this. I like to see where I am going, and where the enemies are, so that I have a better idea how to approach the next fight tactically. In addition, a part of the enjoyment of these games is looking at the beautiful backgrounds; something only looking at a tiny part of it at a time would remove.


    I wouldn't mind it in an isometric ARPG like Diablo or its descendants however.

    • Like 1
  4. From the horses mouth:


    Hey, guys. I probably could have chosen my words better than I did. I wasn't trying to upset any of our Linux supporters and I didn't mean to belittle their support. I love all of our backers and I appreciate all of their help.


    We basically had to build our Linux infrastructure from scratch on our side. It wasn't something we were used to. It was also painful for us to develop in Linux because the Unity tools didn't support Linux at the time. This meant that we were unable to debug on the platform.


    Now that we have gone through the process of creating these builds it is something that will be much easier for us in the future. Pair that with SteamOS, Steam Controller, and Steam Machine and I think Linux's future is good with PoE games.


    • Like 1
  5. <p>


    • Reading souls of random NPCs is completely useless. I did it for the first dozen then stopped. If you did this for important NPCS that you deal with regularly, maybe... it would be background information. But doing it for npcs we never interact with? ever? why even bother? why should we care? The stories are not even that interesting (compared to other games such as fallout, which are basicly 1) short 2) INTERESTING 3) STORIES), they offer no twist, humor, story telling, or insight into the world... they are just very descriptive of that specific npc we have NO reason to care about. Please do something better with soul reading in the next game.

    The NPCs that you can read are Kickstarter backer rewards. That is also why so many of them are Godlikes, and why descriptions are of ~*awesome cool people*~.

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