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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker

  1. Again, noone said anything about non-profit. I'm talking about overpricing the game. They dropped 0 money in it, they sell it at the same price a company sells their game while pouring tens of millions in it. Sorry, but to me this is unethical.


    Even if Obsidian have not used a single cent on it (which I highly doubt), there is still the hidden (from us at least) opportunity cost of using their developers time on PoE instead of developing a "regular" game for a publisher. It may very well prove to be a good long-term investment, but in the short-term I think it has been less lucrative.


    Personally I cannot get my head around the idea that a company producing luxery items like computer games should be called greedy or unethical because they put their price point above a persons expectations. In fact, for many of the hardcore grognard games prices are even higher, and don't get me started on the cost of professional software licences.


    If the market is not willing to bear the cost, PoE will move fewer copies, and the price will either be reduced, or sales will continue to suffer.

    • Like 1
  2. Excuse me guys for being dumb but....so, correct me if i'm wrong:


    Endurance works like health in every other game so when an enemy hits, we lose endurance and not health, right?


    But then, how we lose health?? 


    No, you lose the same amount of enduerance and health if you are hit in combat.

    As said above, Endurance is a short term resource needed to stay in the fight in combat, while Health is the resource required to stay alive.


    Your maximum Health is always greater than your maximum Endurance, as Health is Endurance multiplied with a class specific multiplier (which I think ranges from 4 to 6, but I may be wrong).

  3. Even though I pledged toward a digital download of the expansion , I am extremely appreciative of their will to back-port gameplay changes through a free patch. It shows dedication to their backers as opposed to the money-grubbing attitude that is so widespread in the industry. Kudos, Obsidian!


    I too have to voice my support for the back-porting, it is nice to see a developer going above and beyond to support the community.

    • Like 1
  4. Night Stalker, what is your background? as I mentioned I don't know the specific language used to code their game, but even in my basic logic coding classes a function was as simple as creating an if/then option. It seems to me they would have to classify a class for the adult language and place a query for the class, then either hide it or change the word. It really was like one of the first thing's they taught us in school, so I don't know why it would be so much more work?

    I work as a programmer, and I have a Master's in Computer Science.


    As for why you don't change the word. on the fly wouldn't work:


    a) There can be overlap with 'innocent' words: http://bit.ly/1vvwjV7 (it is bitly'ed because the language filter on this site would mess it up, appropriately enough). And no, I don't think regexes are the solution.

    b) The naive approach does not change the tone of the conversation, which could still be so suggestive that the word can be puzzled out.

    c) It would still have to be tested and debugged.

    d) If any words slipped through there would be an uproar.


    But again, it does not matter because it is a M rated game.

    • Like 1
  5. And it is really simple to remove it from a coding standpoint, at least in CSS, javascript or actionscript 3. I'm not familiar in C or C# but I assume it's pretty similar.


    Cascading Style Sheets are for look and feel only, last time I checked they could not be used for adding logic.


    if it were very difficult I would probably not even make a thread about it, but it's something that could be added in literally just a few lines of code. And indeed I'm not saying they have to take it out, just an option to toggle it off or on.

    Falcon, the effort required here is definitely more than that of a 'few lines of code'. Obsidian will have to

    a) Code in a parental toggle in their dialogue system, ensuring that if set the 'clean' dialogue is displayed

    b) Change their own dialogue tool (and file formats) so that it can effectively deal with having both the original and the 'clean' version being pointed to by the same response.

    c) Find all text entries with unwanted words, and suggestions, and add their 'clean' version to the dialogue editor, and rewrite them so they make sense without using the unwanted content (and they have to be thorough, since if they let anything slip there will be he'll to pay), and disable any and all for those instances, since it would be cost prohibitive to re-record them

    d) Debug and test all the tools

    e) Add the option in the game menu and tie it to the feature

    f) Test the feature in the game, making sure it works and does not break anything along the way


    All of this will take time and effort that could have been going into fixing bugs in the game. A M rated game I might add, whose feature set has been locked, and will be released in little over a month.


    It is not going to happen.

    • Like 1
  6. In one of the older updates, I remember Josh talking about the quality of the art and dynamism of the maps.  In the recent gameplay vid of Josh walking around some of the countryside and then in Defiance Bay, things looked a little too static.  I wonder if swaying trees, bushes, and grass have been chopped?


    Yes, they said it was too much work to make it look good.

  7. Anything new about the scripts? Do party members have some sort of AI now? I want to try out beta again, but if its combat is still as micromanagement heavy as it was before then I'm not sure I want to bother.

    There will be no AI scripting for the initial PoE release, but they have mentioned that it might be included in the expansion.

  8. It would make LESS sense to me in a sandbox than a pre-determined conditioned area like PoE/IE...



    For me the point is that a immersive RPG sandbox should try to somewhat simulate a functioning world. A part of that world is the economy, and sometimes people run out of currency. It might be a PITA, but for me that is part of the sandbox nature, in an IE type game I just feel it is an extra annoyance.


    But hey, different strokes for different folks.

  9. how can i acces the beta ver 392? 


    anyone help please!



    I assume you don't already have access to the beta.

    If you are already a backer go here and search for "Beta Redemption Instructions".


    if you are not a backer, try PM'ing Sensuki about acquiring a key - I know he has been buying keys for others, so he might still be able to.


    If, however, you are out of luck, take heart in the fact that the full game will be out in 2 months (and around the release the beta will be removed and deleted), so the wait should be bearable.


    You can't drop items on the ground? Damn I didn't even realize that was a thing...as in...games have been doing that for what 20 years? 

    Not sure how that's not a thing but I guess I'm more confused than anything.


    I don't care about scripts either as I actually like to play my games and not have them play for me. There are plenty of games now that are basically interactive movie/novels so...there's always those for people who don't enjoy DOING things in the game.



    People fixate on the weirdest things.


    The only reason I drop things on the ground in games is to make room in the inventory. With unilmited inventory, why would I ever drop anything on the ground?

    And if you really feel a need to get rid of it, sell it, or stuff it in a container somewhere.

    • Like 3
  11. Polish but not Portuguese? ...oh.. kay.

    For what it is worth, a few devs have indicated that Poland (and central and eastern Europe) are known to be good markets for classic crpgs. Therefore translating the game into Polish is a safe bet.


    As an aside, I don't know much about the gaming preferences in Brazil, so if anyone could link me to any information, preferably in English, I would be grateful.

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