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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker








    Are You a professional game journalist?


    Since writing that post I've already received offers from Kotaku and Polygon.

    He said professional, not amateur :p


    Also BAdler, have you thought of optimizing the build process before you start on the expansion, or have you found that there is no way to make it significantly faster, even if you had the time (and less pressure)?



    Perhaps removed due to links to main quest? 

    Capturing the girl alive is part of main quest?!

    I doubt it, they are not going to implement only one option needing to be chosen so you can continue main quest.


    Additional quests were probably taken out that were connected with main quest. Like confronting the town about cultists, I could see that somehow connected with main quest.



    Maybe not just main quest but links to storyline/factions/other stuff they didn't want to spoil - I guess my point is it seems to me that the incompleteness of stuff in the BB seems more likely to me to be because it's the BB rather than they intend to release them in this state in the final build.



    I don't thnk so. It feels more like Obsidian's writers didn't think of the option/didn't have the time to implement it, or they wanted to force a dilemma.


    These situations are sadly always bound to crop up in games like these. The trick is then to give you the illusion of freedom, and make the goals and options in it make sense. For instance, since I played the Cipher I could just straight up solve the problem, so I didn't notice the lack of a knockout option.

  3. I am not sure if there is a topic about quests but maybe this one can do.

    I just watched on youtube the quest where you confront cultists and you only get two choices: let the girl go or kill her. That is not right. Where is knock her out option?!

    Then take her unconcious back to Lord and decide there what to do with her.

    I don't know if it is blocked out in the game, but there are conversation options to tell the Lord about the cultists. Also depending on class choice you get a third option on how to deal with the situation (tried it myself in v. 301).


    * Adding lock, and trap XP rewards 


    You should only award XP for opening locked chests and disarming traps on trapped chests. I probably don't need to explain why - those are the things that every player is going to want to do in every playthrough.


    For locked/trapped doors, there might be another way around them, and when there are trapped floors, it's a common tactic to just detect the trap and walk around it, rather than disarm it.



    I agree.


    The point of removing many of the old sources of XP was to discourage people from "degenerative gameplay", so adding new opportunities for this would not be a good idea.

  5. I have to admit I have doubts. D:OS and Wasteland 2 looked somewhat modern by using 3D graphics, something PoE explicitly avoids. For many it might end up sitting uncomfortably between the charming lo-res aesthetics of indie games, and the 3D spectacle of modern games. Also Obsidian has to dodge their reputation for making buggy, unfinished games, and release the game when there is not too much competition in the RPG market.


    I do hope PoE becomes a top seller within its niche, and I am sure a lot of old IE fans will buy it, but I am not certain it is going to break any records.

  6. Hello chacal, and welcome to the forums.


    To be perfectly honest I do not think PoE will be that much more interactive than other IE games. I even think that its lead designer said that there are no NPC day/night schedules (and the backer beta bears this out).


    If you feel that interactivity and real-world simulation is important to you, I would recommend that you took a look at Larian Studios' Divinity: Original Sin, which not only have gotten smashing reviews, but also seems to explicitly harken back to the Ultima series in its environment interactivity and trappings (opening a bag to loot will show a grid window with bag graphic around etc.). I haven't played it myself, but I have heard almost nothing but good things about it.


    I do hope, however, that you will stick around and see if PoE might strike your fancy.

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