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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker



    Yeah. If you ever played MP in the IE games, you'd know it was just "tacked on" - it didn't change they game in any way, except that other players could control some characters. Doesn't sound hard to implement to me.





    I'm all for MP, but it's a very large technical process. 


    They have already got the Unity engine, in either case they have already made games before (DS3) which you can play online over Steam. To implement the functionality in PoE from there onwards should not be particularly hard.


    Well of course all labels such as "hard" are subjective. What I'm saying is that it's IMO not hard to write a program in Java or C# which communicates over an internet connection. It is not very hard to communicate positions on the map of players, creatures, et.c. (especially not if you have already written code that does exactly this, then you don't need to do any deeper thinking about how you want these things to work out in theory). Then you already have pre-alpha multiplayer right there. I have no idea if it's hard or easy to make it efficient, though.


    Personally, I have never made a multiplayer game so I don't know exactly what would be necessary (although I have many friends who are working on that kind of stuff). I have done some rudimentary stuff using sockets in Java (which is on a comparable level with C#), for example a chat program (pretty much a homebrew MSN Messenger with uglier graphics ;)). I have also done a lot of other programming of course, but mostly I do sciency stuff, I guess the closest I get to programming multiplayer games is cluster programming with MPICH in C, at least that is about message passing over connections.


    EDIT: If anyone should believe otherwise, to clarify I am talking about multiplayer as it worked in the IE games. Nothing more, nothing less.



    Proper multiplayer requires quite a bit more money mainly because we would need to bring on network programmers and have a dedicated online QA staff. Also, the total programming dev time would probably increase by around 33% which is quite a bit.



  2. In general it is going to be hard to avoid spoilers - but not really for me. The only thing I will be interested in is the general sentiment (and perhaps the review score), and that can be sumed up in a nice spoiler-free blurb.


    I paid for my tier years ago, and through the process I have gotten my moneys worth. Let us hope the game is also worth playing.


    It is interesting how streaming is changing the face of reviews however.


    It was going to be in the game, but it was cut.


    Really? I find that doubtful, since it's fairly well-established in CRPG circles that respeccing is the devil.



    Josh Sawyer have explicietly said he wanted it in the in the past, as long as there was a non-trivial cost associated with it. However, he recently revealed on the SA forums that it would cause some complications with the character/leveling system and because of that, the feature was cut.

  4. So has any one heard if there are plans for expansions or Pillars 2? I know the game is not even released yet but it would be a shame not to continue the franchise like all the Baldurs gate, Incewind Dale games and Neverwinter games did.


    Any one have any thoughts on this?


    One of the Kickstarter tiers included the first expansion, so that is definity happening - the devs have also confirmed it many times during development that there will be one.


    There are as of yet no official confirmation whether there will be a sequal, but the devs are hoping that it will happen.

  5. Well when I said 2-4 wks I was more or less talking about a few of the thing's like the audio transitions and mixing and a few other thing's they were currently working on, plus I think obsidian has a much larger team than inxile and they just pull folks from wherever there's a need. But yes I'm sure they're still going to want to test it, so if anything maybe it'll come in a nice patch sooner than later.

    You cannot pick and choose which parts of the game uses the version 4.x version, and which uses version 5. if you want to use any of the new features of Unity version 5 you have use the entire thing, which all the changes to file formats, API's and what have you. At best there will be some kind of compatibility mode, but I highly doubt it.


    An engine upgrade could come with a future patch after most of the worst post-release bugs have been dealt with (perhaps coinciding with expansion), but there is zero chance that Obsidian will delay the game this close to the given release date, to port it to a newer version of Unity.

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