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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker

  1. Hey, guys. I probably could have chosen my words better than I did. I wasn't trying to upset any of our Linux supporters and I didn't mean to belittle their support. I love all of our backers and I appreciate all of their help.


    We basically had to build our Linux infrastructure from scratch on our side. It wasn't something we were used to. It was also painful for us to develop in Linux because the Unity tools didn't support Linux at the time. This meant that we were unable to debug on the platform.


    Now that we have gone through the process of creating these builds it is something that will be much easier for us in the future. Pair that with SteamOS, Steam Controller, and Steam Machine and I think Linux's future is good with PoE games.




    I have no doubt that in a year or so, with bugs ironed out and the expansions - people are gonna forget most of the flaws of PoE (like every other game you replay years after release). And praise it as a universally great game that was always flawless and well crafted, with love for the genre, unlike greedy modern games full of bugs and unbalanced mechanics!



    I doubt it, Obsidian's reputation for buggy games has yet to abate. Now if it was a game made by Bioware or Bethesda...

  3. The radio silence on both this issue and the Avellone novella is pretty disconcerting.

    The official word on the 2.0 patches and the expansion..


    As for the Abelone novella, it seems like he is chronically over extendeding himself, as he also hadn't delivered the Wasteland 2 novellast (which was turning into a full blown novel last time I heard about it).

  4. just bought the game today, is patch 2.0 already live or still beta?


    It is still in Beta.


    is the expansion, white march part 1 already available or still coming soon? do i have to buy it or free?



    Not out yet, will be released on the 25th, and you will have to pay for it (Backers could get it as an add-on, or as a part of a tier).
  5. @ Night Stalkerl what you say is true and I played and modded the TES games and installed mods for Fallout NV but the owners of a game are under no obligation to provide modding tools for players.  Even when they do provide tools they are under no obligation to support those tools.  Only if the player has to pay for something is there any legal obligation as stated in the EULA.   Ranting about something like this is childish.  This is also the type of thing that causes trouble and heartache for good modders who share their work freely with others.  It simply disgusts me.  It show a lack of common courtesy and aslo knowledge of what is involved.


    That's my rant for the day.  


    For what it is worth I agree with you.

    • Like 1
  6. That is a shame then. Not being an expert in Unity, does anyone know how difficult it is to port between 4 and 5?


    The obvious answer is that the bigger and complex the game is, the more time it is going to take.


    Wasteland 2 started the conversion to Unity 5 some time before the trail end of February (most likely just after release), and it is still going. Of course Wasteland 2 is also being ported to Xbox One and Playstation 4, so that is also eating up some of the time, even with Unity 5 cross platform support.


    PoE has however far less to gain by switching to Unity 5, so I doubt it will happen - perhaps for the sequel


    PoE is an excellent game to play without a lot of mods. I also fail to understand why a first time player is demanding mods.  If you have not played the game through how can you possibly know what it needs or rather what you may want it to have. 


    My best bet is that people have gotten used to mods after the recent Fallouts and Elder Scrolls games. Recently there also seems to be a lot of unofficial overhauls UI mods that fixes many of the small niggles (which I guess would be the IE mod in this case).

    • Like 1
  7. Programming still isn't at a point where you can "pump might" but also let the game know it is not intended to represent physical strength for that particular character. If programming that advanced was possible, it would be too expensive for a 5-million game.

    I am on the side that doesn't mind that the attribute system is more gamey than simulationist, but that has nothing to do with programming, but rather the underlying design decisions. You are right if you mean that as the game is set up, the game, cannot guess that you only want to boost magical might when you put points into it, instead everything connected to it now.


    However, I so not feel that it is programming that is keeping might from being more than a single attribute. You could design a far more fine-grained attribute system that instead had magical might, physical might, force of personality etc. If necessary these could also have subdivisions (melee/ranged etc), and so on.


    It would be hard to balance, but it could certainly be implemented.

  8. 1) First and foremost: where all the mods at? I've found a savegame editor, and a bunch of portrait packs (currently collecting and putting together an art-style/lore friendly collection myself) and some UI stuff. Is the game tough to mod? Are there plans for an eventual editor (found no info on this) for eventual endless player-made content? Also, voice packs - I have the audio equipment and access to varying levels of professional to semi-pro actor friends, but have only found a thread on replacing player character audio. Has anyone figured out how to create new audio categories so we can have more options rather than just 5 different male/female ones? This seems pretty critical considering the pretty low number of PC voices and long-term game modding down the road.

    Your best bet for mods would be http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/ .


    PoE runs on Unity 4, which makes the game hard to mod, and in some cases requires you to shell out a lot of money to get the editor. Unity 5 is far easier to mod for, and the personal edition is free, but it is uncertain that PoE will ever be ported to it.


    There are no plans from the devs to make a standalone editor, and at best they tried to not make it difficult to mod the game, not to enable it (it was never a core design priority to enable the creation of mods).



    I think should have a product based on PoE lore for the ipad. something focused on the scripted interactions, maybe

    Isn't the PoE card game for iPad (and other systems)?

    No, for now it is a physical tabletop affair. If it becomes popular, who knows?


    However, Obsidian is involved in making a Pathfinder licensed card game for tablets.


    By the way, I’m not really happy to see The White March coming in two parts either.

    I could have waited longer for it if it meant it would be published as a full expansion.



    I've seen similar remarks a few times and I don't understand it. Why not just wait until the second part is out? As far as I can tell, the only difference is that now you can play something a bit earlier if you want to.

    I think it has to, do with


    a) Obsidian promised a meaty expansion, with none of the modern DLC shenanigans, and then decided to split it up (which feels a bit like modern DLC shenanigans). To hammer the point home, Obsidian hasn't even confirmed if non-backers will have to buy each part of the expansion separately, or they will have to pay once to get the entire expansions (which the old nickel-and-dime DLC strategy).


    b) Sure, you can make yourself wait, but releasing the expansion in parts sends a signal that it should be played now. It's like exploits in computer games, yes you don't have to use them, but if using them is the optimal strategy, then you are more likely to use them, even if it diminishes the fun of the game.


    c) Since the expansion has been cut in 2 means that the story and the content of the second part must be cleanly split from the first part, instead of organicly integrated. This could very well not be a problem, but the possibility exists, and that diminished the expansion as a whole.


    We'll see when the expansion is released.

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  11. PoE is not built to be a NWN like game with a robust user toolset, multiplayer (co-op or otherwise), and the ability to make new modules. Many of the design decisions directly goes against the grain of such features, and in my opinion it would be easier to start over if such a game had to be made.


    Also, the premise of the PoE Kickstarter was for a single player IE like game, which is exactly what PoE is, so I am satisfied with what it is.


    If you want something akin to the NWN I would suggest you looked into "Sword Coast Legends", which has co-op and an optional GM role.

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