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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker

  1. If the expansion pack's party-based AI system and any other essential 'enhancements' (single player stealth for example) are retroactively applied to the base game then PoE might not stay a PoS.


    Josh Sawyer has stated that all mechanical game features that comes with the expansion will also be added to the base game, no matter if you own the expansion or not. I do not know if this also applies to the higher level cap or the abilities, but I think you will need the expansion for that.



    Also, Wasteland 2's devs realized that Unity 4's character models are horrible and will re-release their program on Unity 5. Will PoE also upgrade to Unity 5?

    From what I have been able to gather from the developers, it seems unlikely, at least with this expansion.

  2. Feargus Urquhart (CEO of Obsidian) has said that they are considering growing PoE into a franchise with licensed novels, games and possibly a PnP RPG, and have already launched a Kickstarter for a card game.


    In any case a lot of mechanics would have to change from the game to a PnP version. First of all PoE has no concept of 'turns', but rather uses absolute time for both activating abilities, and how long they last, and then there is the percentage issues you yourself raised. In short, Josh Sawyer has gone on record many times that a lot of the mechanics of PoE were designed to be easy to work in a computer game, rather than to emulate an already existing PnP game.

  3. Well, given that Feargus has said that Backers (that have bought into the ExPack level) will be getting both parts, I think it's pretty safe to say that both will have a price tag/



    It could be, but I don' think it automatically follows. I got the impression that it would be more of a "Season pass" thing, where buying it would net you both parts, with the first part released months before the second part, but they would add up to a single full expansion pack. Feargus' remark seems more to be more about nipping any confusion whether or not backers would get the whole expansion pack in the bud, rather than whether it is going to be two separate products that add up to the size of a single expansion pack.


    No mater which way it goes I will be looking forward to see what they come up with.

  4. I do wonder if each part is gonna be sold separately though. If it's basically 1 expansion but in 2 parts, I wonder if we buy the part that comes out if we have to buy the next part as well or if it will automatically download when the next part is ready?


    I have a hard time believing Obsidian would require people to pay for each part separately, when they explicitly said they were making a "real" expansion pack. I have a feeling that it would leave people with a sour taste in peoples mouths if a old-school throwback like PoE tried something that just seemed similar to current DLC practices.

  5. I apologize if this has been posted before... This is my first time on forums.


    I'm having major difficulties in starting a new game -- the beginning cutscene is mostly white and blocky; I can't proceed past it.


    I'm on Windows 8, with a decent system and have had Norton check over my entire disk. I can play normally with my saved files, but not start a new one -- why?


    If you use Steam, have you tried to verify your files? Otherwise, have you tried to reinstall the game and then patch it to the latest version?

  6. Hi Guys,


    "everyone"  is talking about a 1,6GB Patch, I have the GOG-Version and its only 96MB,

    Can someone elaborate?


    Steam uses a different patching method than GOG.com - I think Steam replaces all the files affected, whereas GoG.com provides a program that makes the affected files into the new patched files.


    Since the GOG.com version only contains the difference, plus an overhead for the program, its patches are usually smaller than the Steam patches.


    I guess its just a minor thing but after seeing the changes in 1.05, I wish that one made it to the disc version instead of 1.04. 


    Anyways, great work.



    Exactly. It doesn't make a lick of sense.  They delay the shipping of the CD version UNTIL AFTER 1.05 is released, but the base game is 1.04!?

    There is a lead time when producing physical discs (point in time where the plant they use is available + time required to press the discs). They probably sent their game master with the 1.04 image over between the completion of 1.04 and 1.05, in order to have the discs pressed, so that they would be able to send them out around now.

  8. I've never played an rpg on multiplayer, so out of curiosity, why are so many people so strongly opposed to it? It doesn't sound like it would require that many resources to implement multiplayer functionality, or that it would affect anything for players other than those who actually chose to use that option. What am I missing?



    Proper multiplayer requires quite a bit more money mainly because we would need to bring on network programmers and have a dedicated online QA staff. Also, the total programming dev time would probably increase by around 33% which is quite a bit.



  9. Based on your last post, I don't think you will enjoy PoE. It takes its main inspiration from the IE games, like the Icewind Dale games, which had a heavy focus on party-based combat. You can of course solo it (and no party members are forced upon you after a very short tutorial area), but it was not balanced around it.


    Also, while PoE still has a lot of options for character customization, there is no option to dual- or multiclass, and I highly doubt it will ever be added.

  10. So...you would not like to be able to create/join a group of like-minded fellows, with a Game Master (you know, Dungeon Master) who can literally be any role, and just...go...have...fun?!?


    Why would you not want this?


    Don't you realize how many hours of fun you can multiply that into?


    In essence, you get UNLIMITED gaming sessions.


    "Technical" reasons:


    1. NWN 1/2 already exist, and do exactly that. PoE is a different type of game.


    2. PoE was built to be a single player game, trying to make it into a multiplayer game would most likely result in a half-baked multiplayer solution.


    3. Trying to fit a DM system into PoE will be incredibly hard, if not practically impossible. as the game was not designed with it in mind.


    4. There would be a need to create a standalone tools, which would be a major drain on OE's resources, that could otherwise have gone into the game.


    5. Due to the use of prerendered backgrounds, it will be far harder to create maps than it was in NWN 1/2.



    Personal reasons:

    1. I already have a real-world gaming group, so that need is filled.


    2. I am at a point in my life where my free time for computer games is limited, but my gaming budget, and list of unfinished games that I mean to play, is inversely expanded. So I value 80 hours of professional authored experience in my CRPGs over 1000 hours made by well-meaning amateurs.

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    Still no email for me in the US (Upstate NY)


    Did you get the CE or just the normal box? Looking at your backer badge, I suspect it's the normal edition? Darren mentioned the normal editions won't ship until the discs have been printed with the 1.04 patch.


    He also mentions that folks with tiers that include a physical copy should have gotten an extra digital copy so that we wouldn't need to wait to play. I certainly haven't received such a copy. On the other hand it will certainly save my husband and me money to adopt Obsidian's view that all we need for access to their games is a single GOG copy. In the past we've each purchased our own copies, but clearly it would be foolish to continue to do so.



    I got mine Hero copy, but it wasn't there at the begining, so it might be worth checking your products page again. Otherwise i'd reach out to the support staff.

  12. The CCG is Pathfinder.



    Do you have any plans for an Eternity tabletop RPG or anything like that? I mean, you created this new world and all this new lore, do you see that expanding out to other media?


    Absolutely. So, actually one of the things we're going to announce very soon, I don't even know if I talked about it. Not in the latest backer update but the next backer update, we're definitely going to talk about how we're going to be Kickstarting... not us, but another group is going to be Kickstarting a Pillars of Eternity card game. This isn't like a CCG or anything like that, but it's more just a fun, kind of, four people get around and play a single session card game. You have heros, and you have a village, and all that kind of stuff, and you can take your heroes into a dungeon, and you can also take your heroes and armies and attack your friends while they're playing, so it's kind a very fun card game and it's actually designed by Chris Taylor. Not... there's two Chris Taylors. [Laughs] It's Chris Taylor, a friend of mine for many many years who was the lead designer of Fallout.

    So, that's the first thing we're really looking at, and also, absolutely on the tabletop roleplaying. We're not sure yet how we're going to do it, we were kind of going back and forth on, do we use the game's rules, do we use someone else's rules, do we come up with another set of rules? And it's something we're going to be talking [about] soon. But absolutely, we want to expand. New books, roleplaying, all that kind of stuff.



  13. argentina the people who backed this backed it because they wanted a type of game that was no longer made - the IE like games. Games with prerendered graphics, a iso-metric perspective (or at least something resembling a 3/4 perspective), tactical and party based.


    A good analogy is to think of the backers as film buffs who have funded a slow black-and-white movie, because they feel they simply are not made anymore. What you are proposing is that the next should go full color, because someone else found a new way of making the colors extra vivid. Your suggestion is simply at odds with the basic premise of why most people are attracted to this game.


    Sui Generis' engine may be perfectly fine for Sui Genesis, but what it would cost for Obsidian to modify it to their needs, if that is in fact realistic, is not worth it for PoE 2, compared to the engine they already have.

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