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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker

  1. I have my doubts that we will be able to send our idle companions on quests in PoE2. In PoE1 they were parked at the stronghold, which was fixed geographically and therefore easy to find. In PoE2 we won't have a stronghold, we will have a boat to move around the archipelago (and which the PC always will be relatively near to), making it harder to justify the randomly picked stronghold adventures we got in the first game (How did the quest giver know we would be here? Is the place our companion has to go to even on the same landmass?).


    Secondly, I don't like the idea of these adventures showing us a cutscene. I wouldn't mind some scripted interactions that much, but for me the stronghold adventures were something that the companions explicitly did away from the story the PC experienced, and somehow involving us in their solo adventure seems wrong (reading the summary of what transpired was fine, since they themselves could have told us). It also seems to be a lot of resources to use on something that was done to flesh out the initially half-baked stronghold.


    That being said, take heart in the fact that we will get some scripted interactions while sailing the seas, some of the leading to in-engine combat, some of them being purely choice based.

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  2. But PC developers do have a lot to gain by getting on console, and it's a nice chance for goodwill and improving their game logic. Which certainly will be used going forward anyways.

    PC developers also have a lot to lose by getting on console if started out branding their game PC centric (explicitly or implicitly). The PC audience has already bought into the title, and if they feel that the developer has begun to cater to the console market and their sensibilities, a backlash becomes likely.


    I don't see this happening with PoE however, not as long as Josh Sawyer is as heavily involved as he currently is:


    It's extremely rare that anyone brings up non-PC interface questions like, "How would this work on a tablet?" or "How would this work on a console?" and my answer is always, "I don't know or care."


    If we develop a game that's intended to be cross-platform, I have no problem entertaining those questions, but Pillars and Deadfire are both being developed for Windows/Mac/Linux, and that's it. I am not willing to compromise any aspect of the game's design for the possibility that maybe someday someone will want to put it on another platform.

    Source: Josh Sawyer, The Something Awful forums.


    As for full voice acting, I think that the keep in PoE1 proved that if you do something, you should do it well or not at all. To this day, the keep is still being brought up as a strike against the game.


    I feel that you should either hire professionals to do voice work, or don't voice that bit. I have yet to find a case where speech synthesis has been done truly well, and I would be against using a cheap third-rate narrator for the bulk of the text, even if it was an option you had to toggle on.

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    Are you considering bringing the pad controls to the PC version of PoE or is it an absolute No Go since the console version is not developed in house ?It would be awesome if you would !


    The console version of PoE changed a bunch of UI elements to work with their control scheme. We don’t plan to bring over any of the console version’s UIs or controller functionality. For the PC versions of PoE, we have Steam controller support.

    Source: Josh Sawyer, Frog Helms Fan Club (his Q&A tumblr)
    • Like 2
  4. I wouldn't hold my breath:


    It's extremely rare that anyone brings up non-PC interface questions like, "How would this work on a tablet?" or "How would this work on a console?" and my answer is always, "I don't know or care."

    If we develop a game that's intended to be cross-platform, I have no problem entertaining those questions, but Pillars and Deadfire are both being developed for Windows/Mac/Linux, and that's it. I am not willing to compromise any aspect of the game's design for the possibility that maybe someday someone will want to put it on another platform.

    Source: Josh Sawyer, The Something Awful forums.

    Are you considering bringing the pad controls to the PC version of PoE or is it an absolute No Go since the console version is not developed in house ?It would be awesome if you would !



    The console version of PoE changed a bunch of UI elements to work with their control scheme.  We don’t plan to bring over any of the console version’s UIs or controller functionality.  For the PC versions of PoE, we have Steam controller support.

    Source: Josh Sawyer, Frog Helms Fan Club (his Q&A tumblr)


    Personally I don't care for playing such games using a controller, but for Deadfire I would leave the decision up to Obsidian (after they have delivered on their promise on a PC targeted game).

    • Like 2
  5. so then will console sales of pillars 1 go towards it?


    Unlikely. The Fig crowdfunding campaign is long behind us, and new pledges do no longer count towards the streachgoals. If they have locked down the scope from Fig funds, why should money from other sources expand the scope?


    As an aside, an ever-expanding scope, even if predicated on more resources, is a good way of making your product go over time, go over budget, and become a mess.


    The money may however go toward post launch support and DLC/expansions.


    All of these speculations are of course based on the idea that the console ports will be profitable and Obsidian will get a decent cut.

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  6. I think the best solution would be to rework the Obsidian.net website so it has the usual social media feeds (and links to the ones that cannot be embedded in the website), as well as an up-to-date list of the newest Obsidian YouTube releases and upcomming streams (preferably in some calendar format e.g. May 12, 2018: Obsidian Plays Don't Starve! May 19, 2018: Obsidian Plays Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus).

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