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Night Stalker

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Posts posted by Night Stalker

  1. Just addind Difficulty would add like 10 DLC of content i don't understand thier way of thinking. People would grind and search the area for decent item to complet thier set of equipement to continue the main quest.


    I feel like it's a money decision making. The difficulty is a main problem and they don't talk about it.

    They acknowledged the difficulty on Veteran and PotD mode was a problem in the Tuesday Q&A stream and said they were going to fix it in an upcoming patch (and Sawyer has said so as well on his Q&A site).

    • Like 1

    DLC was part of the fig campaign, the last game also had dlc.


    So it's actually good that they are releasing it soon and giving us details on what it will be. I was hoping for something meatier than the three dlc's sound, something like the white march or an actual proper expansion but they never said that this would be all the dlc ever released so who knows maybe we'll get an expansion after all.


    Either way I am pleased there will be post launch content. Sorry about you wanting to play it all at once but it's pretty normal to have to wait for a complete edition of a game to do that, I am not saying that is a good thing but it isn't an inherently bad thing either. They were very upfront about the fact that there would be dlc, it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


    Seems like you are implying that because they are releasing it so soon it must be like ripped from the main game or should just have been part of the main game. I can see that perspective but non of it sounds like it has much to do with the main plot. It will have been budgeted and planned for but they didn't know what form it would take when they pitched it which means they hadn't started working on it yet then.

    If they aren't full blown expansions, would you have a time frame on when the expansions would come?

    I think the three DLCs are it, and even if they aren't, they are all we know of.

  3. I'm setting an alarm get out of bed and start my GOG download at 3am Tuesday 9th (thanks Australian Eastern Standard Time and **** Australian internet). So can take the day off work and spend the whole day playing.


    I'm so excited that I physically feel it, like a dog stamping its paws for dinner.

    You know, if you use GOG galaxy you will be able to preload it (from Friday and onward). You will still have to decrypt it come Tuesday, but if your internet is really bad...
    • Like 4
  4. The new level will be called "Path of the Vela". You'll play as the five year old girl on her quest to avenge her parent and all the pets from the first game.


    All attributes at 3, no class, no level up and automatic terrified affliction on most battles. :aiee:


    And of course the greatest handicap of all: Being an Orlan :p

    • Like 3
  5. About save import. Is there any extra reactivity or anything for importing your own save compared to making a new one?


    Not sure if I'll be able to finish POE 1 before release, so got me thinking if I might aswell don't, and make the choices in Deadfire on starting new game...

    Sawyer has gone on the record that there will be some minor reactivity that will only be available to people who import (he did not go into further detail), but otherwise there should be no bonuses from importing.
    • Like 1
  6. I was really excited at the prospect of giving my Watcher a fancy hat instead of a hood in Deadfire, but the moment I achieved this goal, my elation was tarnished by the fact that the hat gave my Watcher a shaved head.  I seem to recall the devs saying that that issue was going to be fixed in Deadfire (I could be wrong; please don't throw rocks).


    I too remember they said they would look into it - apprently they didn't have the time/couldn't figure out of how to do it properly.


    I wish we could pick eye colour separate from face.


    Josh has said that they will look into it after launch.

    • Like 1
  7. Damn, got busy for a week and requests are spawning like rabbits.  :aiee:  Guys, where have you all been before?? I'll try, but I'm not sure I'll be able to do all of these before release day.


    Not to be presumptuous, but for anyone kind enough to process "my" portrait I would be totally fine with having my images bumped to the bottom of the pile - I intend to wait for a patch or two before I will start playing in earnest anyway, so there is no rush.

    • Like 1
  8. 250.000 for 4 portraits and some cosmetics are a insult to me aswell.

    Streach goals in crowdfunding are specific and concrete goals (as opposed to the underlying goal - a better game) used as enticement to get people to contribute more money, the vast majority of which will go into the basic development of the game. Some of them are robust game mechanics (theoretically the relationship system), others are throwaway tchotchkes, and so on - their monetary cost to implement may differ, and so do their subjective value.


    If you are disappointed that the sidekicks do not live up to your expectations, that's fair enough, but to feel like you've been insulted based on "their cost" is taking it a bit too far.

    • Like 13


    Hey Guys,


    Just finished my second playthrough of Pillars, but i didn't complete White March Part 2. I just didn't have the stamina, and was ready to finish the game. Unfortunately, the result of this is a throwaway slide at the end of the game that says the Watcher died because of some random army that chased after him.


    Now i really don't feel like going back and finishing that expansion just to get rid of that slide. Does anyone know if i can still import my character even with this endgame slide? I really want to import my character.




    I don't thnk so. Deadfire requires a gamecomplete.savegame save game - if you only complete WM1 and then complete the game, the game will not generate that file.


    At least I remember a dev saying that - if you want to make sure, go look in your PoE savegame foldder and see if there is a recent gamecomplete.savegame.



    Where does this save game show up? I am not seeing one in the load game screen of either of the two characters I have completed the game with??



    It does not show on the load screen - you can find it in your PoE 1 save game folder.


    I assume Deadfire will look for it in the PoE 1 savegame folder.

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