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Everything posted by Rostere

  1. I would only add that I do think some of the quests had potential, but such potential is never developed. They never go anywhere or lead to anything that has ramifications for your character. The quests just kinda...end. And leave me with a real sense of how utterly pointless that just was. Bethesda definitely believes in quantity over quality: they throw out a bunch of things, but instead of developing those things to the point where they have significance, Bethie instead just throws out a bunch more things, and then more and then still more. I guess their thinking is that if they throw out enough ****, people won't realize how utterly devoid of meaning and conseqence it all is. Those are exactly my thoughts on Fallout 3. A lot of times there were quests, or details in quests, which spawned some curiosity in me but every single one of them ended without really making some kind of impression. The quests in F3 felt just like reading random Twitter posts, or playing Starcraft matches which ends with your opponent lagging out, or something like that. It's never concluded or tied together in a way that doesn't feel clich
  2. trust me, according to mkreku, i'm part of the fox crowd. the irony that one of the fox commentators had such harsh words to say about the content in the memos is... well... delicious. taks You got me intruiged. Linky? Find what you want to read here. On a side note, I also find this intriguing. It reminds me of how important it is with critical media. I find it perfectly logical that Fox News chooses to do this however. Unlike in other countries, where there are several parties, in the US there are only two and thus biased media (whether it's left- or right wing) will be tied to a specific party. Following Bush's decline in popularity, they will seek to distance themselves from him to eventually allow new leaders of the Republican party to step forward and start anew. Also, they will try to blame Obama for the laws enacted under Bush which liquidates the privacy of the individual (of course with the premise that they're "enemies of the state", but we've heard that one before). I hope this will lead to some good things though. The US needs a healthy debate about the PATRIOT act et.c.. In my opinion, excessive surveillance laws are no good, regardless of which regime is in charge.
  3. I don't give a **** about how big the game world is, I don't think it's possible for Obsidian the fail there. I just care about how well made the content in the game world is.
  4. significant, no, but does it happen, yes. saddam's two sons, apparently, did it out of sadism. maybe they were also pushing the propaganda issue, dunno. Once again, I doubt they did anything out of sadism. I do not in any way mean to excuse their use of torture, rather the opposite, but "sadism" is a word I feel should be used with caution. It is not about the use of excessive force, but something deeply psychological. many, many more than that. the US is the only one that outright admitted to it, probably because it got leaked. and keep in mind, they didn't admit to torture per se, but smoothed it over a bit. You are right, but I think you got the point.
  5. i would doubt that. during the inquisition, yes, but not so much now. there are obviously some who think that such methods work - right or wrong, plus some that are simply sadistic (particularly the ones that do "real torture" as the US defines it). taks I'm not so sure myself. If someone for some reason wants to be able to enforce laws and do things the public would otherwise be lax to accept, it would be to his advantage if he could just pull terrorist plots out of a wizard's (torturer's?) hat. Now, since I am not entirely sure if you really get news reportings on "terrorist plot thwarted" terrorist act planned" et.c. since I don't watch American news channels, but if you do and at the same time have about a hundred guys being detained in some sort of terror camp where they are tortured to reveal information, I would be questioning those reports. I do not believe there is any significant amount of people who would torture anyone because they are sadistic. I think their reasons are just ignorance, perhaps some kind of violence- glorifying naivity. This whole thing is so absurd I almost can't relate to it. It's like some kind of bad joke. How the **** could this happen? Let's see.... in which countries does torture exist as a method of interrogation? North Korea and the US? lolwut?
  6. Cool. I also have this feeling Torment's reputation is growing, it seems the game is mentioned in interviews and comments everywhere nowadays.
  7. Then maybe that is the point of the whole thing.
  8. That is exactly the first thing I thought of! Seriously, I had been thinking that maybe the new unannounced product was an "outsourced" Fallout sequel/ spinoff. But this being some kind of financial crisis and all I thought someone might have called upon even darker powers and ressurrected the Baldur's Gate franchise or something like that. I wish Obsidian good luck on their new project . I didn't think Fallout was a very very exciting game, but the art style from the older Fallouts was definitely there. Obsidian has a great opportunity to score a big hit, I think Well, I agree to that there were interesting details to be found in places. However, when I played the game I found it hard to relate to that in any way, I didn't really know what to think when the plot was utter cack and all the fun was in the very small things. It felt almost like you didn't play the game for the game itself.
  9. I was being sarcastic. I meant "just a wee bit more" than 10 pounds overweight. If you write: "[Obese] probably means they're like 10 pounds overweight ahahaha" And I respond, correcting you: "To be obese, you'll need to be more than ten pounds overweight " Do you think I am trying to tell you you were right? In the future, I will stick to plain facts so that you will not get confused.
  10. Welcome to modern videogames. With those graphics, you could believe the game is about Thorton being very drunk and having forgot his glasses somewhere.
  11. I don't care about if fat and/ or black people hurt me or not, that's not interesting or relevant. To remind you, we are talking about prejudices. Also, the reason why blacks more often commit crime (which has been statistically proven) might have something to do with the fact that blacks are also most often of a lower social standing. Duh. The notion that "all Americans are obese" derives not from the fact that 90% or something of the Americans are actually obese, but from the fact that obesity is much more prevalent than in other countries. Also, the majority (over 60%) of the people in the US are either overweight or obese. A traveller from another country with different statistics on obesity will probably turn around in the street and look at fat people when in the US, and it will be one of their strongest memories of how the people looked. Also, I've been in the US (in California) myself, so I can't be entirely wrong on this matter. Also, you're obese when you have a BMI of 30 or over. You're overweight when your BMI is 25 or over. To be obese, you'll need to be more than ten pounds overweight .
  12. There's too much bloom in everything. It makes me sick
  13. Exactly my point. You want another game, but you can't touch the story because that would turn out as a mess.
  14. About americans being fat... Maybe the reason is that obesity is more prevalent in the US than in other countries? In that case, the prejudice that all American are fat can be easily explained, and is as reasonable as any prejudice. And even though all prejudices by definition are inferior to knowing the actual facts, honestly, who is without prejudices altogether? http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/hea_obe-health-obesity If that was a serious comment, then it would be interesting to hear your comments on the evolution of altruism, for example the one modeled by applying a genetic algorithm to the iterated prisoner's dilemma. Both forgiveness and sharing without being guaranteed getting something back are behavioural traits which are favoured by evolution. Now, I don't know about you, but I feel I am living in an (at least in many ways) altruistic society and that altruism is perfectly natural.
  15. Yes! This has to be something good
  16. Yep. Everyone wants another Torment. The question is only how you could make a sequel without messing up the story.
  17. You know, it's pretty easy to buy vodka on the "black market" (sounds ominous when I write it but it's a rather commonplace thing). Vodka brands like for example Viru Valge (estonian vodka) get here from people who buy it in other countries and then brings it back to Sweden. There are people who do it legally and people who do it illegally and there are people who do it for a business and those who don't, and it's often a bit unclear where the line is drawn between these when you buy from someone. Of course that's only talking about how the products were brought into Sweden, all selling of liquor is illegal here except in Systembolaget and in bars with a licence. By writing this, I do not intend to imply that I am taking part of or supporting any sort of criminal behaviour. Oh yeah, and Junai's example was of beer you buy in bars (I think). To compare, if you go to a club in Stockholm, an ordinary drink will easily cost you upwards 13$. A glass of vodka (10 cl, just one step in quality from the very cheapest brands, perhaps Moskovskaya) would be 23$. Yes, you're completely right... But Norway must be like the only place in the world where alcohol is more expensive than in Sweden. BTW do you have something similar to Systembolaget in Norway? If not, that might explain why alcohol is more expensive where you live.
  18. Food, and also (especially) alcohol, is expensive in Sweden, so take care to check the prices before you order anything ("Oh, was that price per centilitre?" is a classic). As I understand things, fish dishes should be a local specialty (or maybe that's only because we people in the other parts of Sweden associate Gothenburg with old fishermen), but I have no recommendations there myself. The central area of Gothenburg for restaurants and such lies around the street "Avenyn" in central Gothenburg. It's been almost a year now since I last ate out in Gothenburg, but as I remember things there is a variety of different places to go to in that particular area. If you are short of money and time, an interesting alternative to fast food is the indian restaurant "Mother India" at K
  19. I both agree and disagree with the OP at the same time. While it might have been more easy for a modder to be proud of his work "back in the days", the end product (the mod) is what really matters. Games and mods are an artistic expression and to facilitate the process of their construction has to be a good idea. Saying otherwise would be like saying times were better when only a few could read and write. But yeah, I guess modders kind of lose some of their prestige when developers release modding tools.
  20. OK, it might be detailed, but it's still a piece of ****. Oblivion is essentially like Postal only without all the fun stuff. Ultimately, you feel there isn't really any point in anything you do. Everything from the visual style to the story to the "details" are just wonderfully bland. What's the point with detail if it doesn't add to a meaningful game experience?
  21. I want a severed arm as exotic weapon!
  22. True. The first step is to protect the ships from the current pirate threat, so that "crime doesn't pay". The second should be to somehow get the people in Somalia a decent job and food for the day.
  23. Apparently, not as much as pink crates have against the rest of the world. http://www.gametrailers.com/player/47527.html Dude, that's a cube, not a crate.
  24. I firmly believe that all crates should play en equally important role in the game, regardless of color, size, or political persuation.
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