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Everything posted by fastpunk

  1. Well, I wouldn't call it freeform, but Deus Ex's level design was... what's the right word here? Wider? It gave you plenty of space and the choice of a frontal attack or a backdoor approach. Not to mention that it usually had side objectives. Again, not really freeform, but it's one of the things I loved about it the most. So here's hoping Alpha Protocol is built like that, wide.
  2. I see I'm not the only one who finds MotB very good looking. Just goes to show you how big of a difference good art direction and smart use of colour can make.
  3. You know, this Twitter feed idea is pretty good. I'm starting to like this Mike Thorton character.
  4. Up to this point, the hype campaign for DA:O has had way too much pointless PR regurgitation (plus the embarrassing 'new s**t' trailers). Thank God for the Gamebanshee article, else I wouldn't even consider this game. It's a thorough piece, very few previews are like that (wish they did one like that on AP as well). Seriously, good job Gamebanshee!
  5. Pfff, that's the old s**t. Needs moar blood, sex and violence!
  6. If I cared about realism I would be bitching about the other special abilities present in AP as well. Which I am not. My point was not about realism, it was about Shadow Operative being out of place. I don't mind over-the-top elements, but this one goes way overboard.
  7. Cayetano - Which Color You Like Taken from mister Cayetano's brand new album, The Big Fall, published with one of my favorite recording studios, Etage Noir. Go here for some samples.
  8. For me it's definitely good old Age of Empire 2 + The Conquerors expansion. As for the why, it's just well balanced, I love the historical theme, and it's wicked for LAN games. I sometimes load up a custom scenario and play it for leisure. It's kind of my go to game.
  9. I'm with Will on this one. Shadows Operative seems like a lame idea. You can't justify it in any way, it's not even over-the-top, it's flat out overboard. It's not some sort of tech and it can't be explained by the character's amazing reaction time or some such. It's just too much.
  10. So it's October 30 now. Well, that will give me enough time to play through Risen, which lands on October 05. It's probably the game I'm looking forward to the most, followed by AP.
  11. The system requirements are quite reasonable. Except: 12 GB? Dammit, I gotta do some cleaning around here, make some room.
  12. Woah, big ass moon! It's the end of the world I tells ya!
  13. Thanks for the heads up, will check it out every once in a while to see what's new. I think that's Albatross.
  14. The video's a bit too heavy on 'immersion', but the voice acting is good. Also, I noticed they're using the Mass Effect dialogue wheel... can't say I'm a fan of that. Still, I'll keep an eye out on this game, it might be good.
  15. I finally got Mysteries of Westgate. What can I say, it's awesome. Quests have been very interesting so far, filler combat is kept to a minimum, though what combat there is falls on the easy side. It has a lot of skill checks, plus the story branches off depending on what faction you ally yourself with. I went with the Ebon Claws and their quests have been very cool so far, with interesting twists and situations. After I finish this playthrough I'll start a new one and choose the Church of Lathander path to see how that goes. Oh yeah, the companions, they deserve a thumbs up as well. Overall, I like it so far. It's not Mask of the Betrayer type awesome, but it sure beats the NWN2 OC. Hopefully, Ossian will become a full fledged development studio, they certainly have the talent to make interesting games.
  16. Rockers Hi-Fi - Going Under
  17. Cutscences are immersive? That's a new one for me, the exact opposite in fact. All I want to do is cycle through them to move on when I can play the game. I agree about cutscenes in general, but in this case I wouldn't worry about it too much. They are probably dialogue moments, hence interactive. Btw, Jean-Eric, how was the AI while you played it? I imagine you're not going to answer, but it doesn't hurt to try.
  18. Not with A gun, but TWO guns!
  19. It's pretty dry. It has no new info and little in the way of new footage. Though there's one wicked takeout move we haven't seen yet. It's at about 1:15 in. It hurts just seeing it.
  20. Yes, it had a few dudes ducking behind crates. Mike can put his back to a crate, pop-out only a small portion of his body and take shots at enemies, he can blindfire or blindthrow grenades, quickly switch between cover spots, mantle, or dodge out of a grenade's way. Wouldn't you say it's only fair for enemies to be able to performs these moves as well? Because I don't see why should Mike be able to do all these things if enemies can't. It gives him an unfair advantage from the get go. I'm not saying that your average thug should have the accuracy of a professional sniper, or perform every move with ninja agility, but it doesn't take supah sicrit spy training to jump out of the way of an incoming grenade, or put your back to a crate, or blindfire and blindthrow.
  21. Ah, ok then.
  22. Alright, the hesitation part might be excused by a lack of experience. But standing in the open while someone is trying to kill you, bullets flying your way and all... that one's harder to explain by inexperience. Look here: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/e3-09-alpha-protocol/50419 Skip forward to about 1:20 for the relevant scene. They get distracted by a sound while in patrol mode, and suddenly they focus so much on finding the source that they completely blank out everything around them? Sorry, maybe it's just me but that's not normal. They're not under assault, they're not in mortal danger, so there's little in terms of pressure to distract them so heavily. Yet they don't realize they're on the train track, and don't hear the sound that signals that a train is coming. It's hard to excuse this in any way.
  23. Pathfinding problems and enemies that sit still in the open or get run over by a train cause they heard a sound has nothing to do with them being low level or simple thugs. Just sayin' ...
  24. I think plenty of people have noticed the anemic A.I. , which was clearly evidenced in every AP dev walkthrough we've seen so far. Mike can take cover and all, but I've yet to see A.I. controlled characters do that. Not to mention that sometimes they just seem to be standing there in the open, waiting to be put out of their misery. OK, they don't take cover, but at least make them move a bit. They also seem to have some pathfinding problems, as I remember seeing an enemy get stuck on the stairs in the latest dev walkthrough. And let's not forget the icing on the cake: the scene were Mike uses some sound generating device to 'fool' the A.I. into getting run over by the train. No offense, but that's just pants on head retarded. A.I. behavior looks very inconsistent overall, to put it gently. I'm not sure how time-costly or difficult it is to set up proper A.I. in a game, but I must ask: are you guys (the devs I mean) working on actually improving it? Are you teaching the A.I. to have at least some basic self-preservation instincts? Will it ever learn to use cover? I hope Obsidian can get things working properly in this department till October. It would be a shame, since AP has the right ingredients (except mini games I guess) to be a captivating experience. Cheers!
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