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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. Ouch, but who knows how far these lawsuits will actually get. DDRM is nasty, but the legality of it is another matter.


    A shame it is not the British legal system. No legal agreement is binding - a EULA for example - if the terms are judged to have been unreasonable. The first of those two cases, as described, would almost certainly be upheld in favour of the plaintiff.


    Yeah, I think if EA got sued in some European countries, rather than in the U.S., it would be much more likely to lose. Alas, in Slovakia at least, people are very reluctant to initiate lawsuits.

  2. King's Bounty: The Legend runs at 1920x1200 at the highest settings for everything, though at those settings there is a slight but noticable delay between me clicking somewhere and the character moving there, but I like the graphical beauty of it at those settings and the issue is not gamebreaking so I am sticking to those settings.


    Scratch that thought - I must have been running something in the background, when I last tried that last time, since I just fired up King's Bounty again (still 1920x1200 and highest settings) and it works like charm without so much as a single slowdown.

  3. Intel Core 2 Duo P8100 2.1GHz

    4GB 667MHz DDR2 RAM

    500GB HDD

    NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTX

    17" WUXGA


    This is it, right? Looks great, and the proc is a P-series too.


    Yes, that's indeed it! I did make a typing error with the graphics card though - the suffix should read GTS (not GTX). The two letters (X and S) are next to each other on the keyboard, but of course in this case it makes a difference.


    I'm looking at laptops right now, though my budget limits me to something like 9600M GT.


    May I ask what is your budget? If you look for good deals you can probably go higher than you think. I scoured the web for deals for weeks (or maybe even months) and asked for lots of advice on this forum and on other fora on all sorts of things related to purchasing a laptop - including quality of the build, because I want it to last.


    In the end I got the Sager NP5793. It is currently on a $600 off sale here: http://www.pctorque.com/sager-5793-gaming-computers.php


    It's a great deal and still available until stocks run out, since the model is about to be replaced by a newer one (which will be without the $600 off o:) ).


    The base price is $1360, but you can configure it in various ways. My configuration cost something under $1600, but it has a Blu-ray drive and that's already including shipping and handling, taxes and the charges I had to pay for an international wire transfer (since my bank is back in Slovakia and I had to wire the money from there - that alone cost me about $40).


    You can also go for a 6MB cache processor, but I was advised that this is not that useful for gaming or normal applications and is mostly only good for encoding of video and so on.


    D'you mind letting me/us know how your laptop performs with the newer games? I can never trust benchmarks.


    I have only installed 2 games so far (I have only had it for basically one day):


    King's Bounty: The Legend

    Fallout 3


    Fallout 3 can run on ultra high settings at 1920x1200 resolution, but at that point the responsiveness does seem rather deteriorated. I cannot judge the framerate, since I don't have a program installed that would measure it, but it would probably be low. At lower resolutions and settings, it of course, runs better - I am currently playing at 1600x1200 resolution and medium settings and it seems to work fine. I have not yet tried tinkering to find out what is the maximum resolution/settings it can pull off while retaining performance.


    King's Bounty: The Legend runs at 1920x1200 at the highest settings for everything, though at those settings there is a slight but noticable delay between me clicking somewhere and the character moving there, but I like the graphical beauty of it at those settings and the issue is not gamebreaking so I am sticking to those settings.

  4. New machine to arrive this week:


    Intel Core 2 Duo P8100 2.1GHz

    4GB 667MHz DDR2 RAM

    500GB HDD

    NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTX

    17" WUXGA


    I made a mistake. The NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTX should read NVIDIA GeForce 9800M GTS.

  5. In terms of speed, the 3850/3870 are more than just as fast as their counterparts, and 4xxx-series are coming up.
    Not really - benchmarks as well as other indicators (pixed fill rate, bandwidth, etc.) show them to be behind top-end NVIDIA mobile cards. 4xxx series might correct that, but hopefully it won't turn into vaporware. Remember that the 3850/3870 have been released many months ago, but they were basically vaporware until a couple of weeks ago - no laptops were available that had them. Even now, only very few laptops have them. Given that, who knows how long it will take for the 48xx series to actually appear in notebooks. Hopefully, it will be faster than the 38xx series.


    What top-end cards? The 9800m gtx et al? Sure! 9600m GT or less? Certainly not o:) However, all of the higher end mobile graphics cards are actually not good for the whole notebook-idea of portability etc., as they simply use so much power they can't run at full speed for very long when the notebook isn't connected to a wall socket... So yes, they aren't widely used.


    Yes, I mean 9800M series (GS, GTS, GT, GTX). Top-end ATI compared to top end NVIDIA...


    Battery power is not very important for all notebook users. I, for example, use a notebook as a desktop replacement, but I do need a notebook for that, since I move relatively frequently and have to fit all the possessions I move with on an airplane. Battery, however, is something I rarely need. Indeed, I just bought a notebook with 9800M GTS after having considered many other options including notebooks with the 38xx series of graphics cards. I am not anti-ATI by any means - my older machine does have an ATI card (Mobility Radeon X700), which has served me well and was glitch free, but at the moment they simply can't compete in the mobile top-end graphics market. This will probably change with the 48xx series if these cards don't take as long to appear as the 38xx.

  6. Well, if you want really old, try Doom 1 & 2 and Wolfenstein!

    Nothing beats Quake 2 for old school FPS action. Whether it be the single player campaign or just blowing up your best friends :)


    I have never played Quake 2 to be honest. The first FPS I have ever played was Wolfenstein, then DOOM and then DOOM 2 and then there was a long lull before I played any more FPS games.

  7. In terms of volume, they are leading for laptops (if you count the cr**** Intel integrated graphics out), but they're giving way, not least because of the high faliure rate caused by low quality soldering material (?).


    That issue was supposedly overcome already.


    In terms of speed, the 3850/3870 are more than just as fast as their counterparts, and 4xxx-series are coming up.


    Not really - benchmarks as well as other indicators (pixed fill rate, bandwidth, etc.) show them to be behind top-end NVIDIA mobile cards. 4xxx series might correct that, but hopefully it won't turn into vaporware. Remember that the 3850/3870 have been released many months ago, but they were basically vaporware until a couple of weeks ago - no laptops were available that had them. Even now, only very few laptops have them. Given that, who knows how long it will take for the 48xx series to actually appear in notebooks. Hopefully, it will be faster than the 38xx series.

  8. Unreal Tournament 2004


    In fact, that is the only FPS I have played anytime during the past 3-4 or maybe even 5 years.

    I second this choice UT2K4 This game rocks. Unfortunatly when i go online i dont find as big of a community as before UT3. I tried UT3 and that blew. Ut3 was meant for consoles, and the weapons of choice were lacking. I dont recommend it


    Yeah, UT2K4 was good - especially on a LAN where you don't have to rely on online players...

  9. Don't forget The Black Hound... I know though that we are still very far from getting this module...


    After spending a long day crunching code I don't see how Josh goes home and fiddles with the toolset. When I get off work I do things that are to total opposite of what I do at work.


    That's a good point. Even if you love your work, you don't want to spendall your time doing it.

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