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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. I have to say that I really like what BioWare is doing with Dragon Age. I like traditional fantasy with some subtle new twists to it and that is precisely what Dragon Age promises to offer. ;) I love the graphics and the style in general. I am really looking forward to the game - in fact, for me it's the most anticipated game at the moment. Barring some sort of DRM fiasco or unforseen circumstances, I am will surely buy this game.

  2. Thanks for the article.


    As to the possibility that the EA is reacting to the backlash - well, that's fine by me. As long as we get to purchase their games without the need for online activation and limited installs, as far as I am concerned they might as well be reacting to anything they want, so long as their reaction entails removing these anti-features and keeping them removed.

  3. after all, they have Wow and are working on another MMO - even


    WHy are they working on another MMO? Are they planing on killing WoW in the future?


    Well, that they are working on another MMO is pretty old news, though little is known beyond that tidbit. Bear in mind that the the MMO, however, is not yet announced, so it is probably quite far out - especially considering how long Blizzard development cycle can take. By the time it releases, WoW might not be at the top of the heap any more, so as strange as it may sound now a new MMO might be just the thing for them to regain market share at that point in time. Furthermore, the new MMO might appeal to a different target market or to those who have tired of WoW, which may limit overlap to some extent.

  4. Well, it's clearly too early to tell what type of game it will be, but I doubt it will be a MMO - after all, they have Wow and are working on another MMO - even Blizzard is not crazy enough to be working on 3 MMOs simultaneously!


    Actually another Warcraft RTS would be kind of nice to have! Still, I suspect a new IP - Blizzard has been relying on the same three IPs for more than a decade now and although wildly successful, they will probably nonetheless want to expand their IP garden.


    Blizzard(along with Valve) have earned enough good will from me that I will play anything they make(except MMOs).


    I am pretty much the same way - a Blizzard game that is not a MMO is an auto-buy for me (not Valve though - I have actually not played any of their games, so I cannot judge).



    Have you at least played Portal?


    No, I never have.

  5. Well, it's clearly too early to tell what type of game it will be, but I doubt it will be a MMO - after all, they have Wow and are working on another MMO - even Blizzard is not crazy enough to be working on 3 MMOs simultaneously!


    Actually another Warcraft RTS would be kind of nice to have! Still, I suspect a new IP - Blizzard has been relying on the same three IPs for more than a decade now and although wildly successful, they will probably nonetheless want to expand their IP garden.


    Blizzard(along with Valve) have earned enough good will from me that I will play anything they make(except MMOs).


    I am pretty much the same way - a Blizzard game that is not a MMO is an auto-buy for me (not Valve though - I have actually not played any of their games, so I cannot judge).

  6. Well, it's clearly too early to tell what type of game it will be, but I doubt it will be a MMO - after all, they have Wow and are working on another MMO - even Blizzard is not crazy enough to be working on 3 MMOs simultaneously!


    Actually another Warcraft RTS would be kind of nice to have! Still, I suspect a new IP - Blizzard has been relying on the same three IPs for more than a decade now and although wildly successful, they will probably nonetheless want to expand their IP garden.

  7. What I would hope for the unannounced Obsidian game to be, in order of preference:


    1) KOTOR 3 - unfortunately, this is highly unrealistic, given the TOR MMO

    2) Pathfinder RPG game - again, this seems highly improbable

    3) 3.5E D&D RPG - this too is very unlikely, as I doubt WotC would countenance another 3.5E CRPG - they would want to move it to the loathed 4E - though if it were a new NWN 2 expansion, this one might work ;(

    4) Original IP - A new fantasy IP, as BioWare is doing with Dragon Age, might be nice, depending on style and flavor that were to be chosen

  8. Bugga. Thought WoTC is bringing back Dark Sun into their 4th edition since they are reviving some old settings. Happends DS wasn't one of them.


    Actually, there's a lot of speculation that next year's campaign setting will be Dark Sun. The proponents of this seem to have made a compelling argument for it.


    Yes, the signs do point that way. As much as I like Dark Sun, though, even that won't be enough to bring me to 4E. Worse still, I fear they will butcher Dark Sun in the same way they did Forgotten Realms, which will leave the setting effectively ruined even post-4E (say after 5E arrives). As such, despite my very positive opinion of the setting and it suitability for CRPGs (the two Dark Sun games in the 1990s were awesome and the first one of those was actually my first encounter with D&D [though I played other PnP RPGs before]), I am not sure I am keen on Dark Sun being revived at the moment...

  9. Heh, I always thought zone restrictions were silly. Although doesn't MI5 have the technology to mod his DVD player?


    I'm not really sure if zone restrictions have anything to do with fighting piracy though.

    I honestly can't think of a reason for zone restrictions...


    I think they were instituted to artificially split the market into different segments, so that different prices can be charged to different segments depending on what each segment will bear. Frankly, I am surprised that the European Competition Commission has not yet jumped on this issue - the most likely reason is that they have more important cases to deal with.


    I do think, however, that piracy might be partially responsible for region-zoning too. Maybe the movie-companies believed that in the absence of region-zoning, there might be widespread movement of pirated DVDs prevalent in Asia also into the European and North American markets, thus decreasing profits there.

  10. I bear good news! :)


    EA has decided not to use online authentication on Sims 3! Rather a traditional disc-based authentication will be used and it will not be SecuROM! :p:):)


    Links: (Taken from BioWare boards)






    To give credit where credit is due, I originally found the information here: http://forums.bioware.com/viewtopic.html?t...65&forum=22

  11. I hope this thing fails, or else it will accelerate the game as a service rather than a game as a product transition and we will soon see no normal, online-free game products again. :(


    Hmm, maybe with my insistence of having the game as a product without dependence on outside server, I am just too old for gaming and should seek a different hobby?

  12. I don't know how much you know about nuclear winter, but I do want to point out that a nuclear winter would not actually last an enormously long amount of time. Depending on the scale of nuclear exchange percipitating it, nuclear winter would last anywhere from a few months to something over a decade (let's say 20 years at most). Whereas even at the lower end of the scale it would be long enough to wipe out most mankind from exposure and food shortages, you should bear that in mind if you want to keep the game realistic - no multigenerational time spent in nuclear bunkers (because nuclear winter would definitely be over long before that) and probably no drastically new technologies or major radiation-induced evolution of new life-forms due to the inherent time-constraints. You could, chose to ignore this aspect of realism, but that is what it would be like. After the nuclear winter ended, you would actually get global warming...


    Hi, I'm leader of the game mechanics design for "Par Pig" as we are calling it - the nuclear winter is sort of my idea.


    Hello, nice to meet you here! :)


    This is not specific to your comment - but others have said "why europe" - because actually we want to have late-cold-war era Soviet equipement lying around. I originally wanted to put the game in Germany (since mvBarracuda is German) - but he wants to avoid too much conflict with Zero Projekt. We also wanted the "feel" to be a snowy wasteland (in the sense that FO1/2 , Wasteland was Desert), but the game will not be ALL Arctic Tundra (i mean, it's an RPG... you want to talk to inuit all game?). I actually wrote up an alternate location that took place in Minnesota/Wisconsin/Michegan/North Illinois area but it didn't have much traction with the graphics dude who came up with the "Sweden" setting...


    Well, I actually think Scandinavia is a pretty good setting for such a game. Indeed, because of its status as 'European periphery' it would likely be targetted with fewer nuclear warheads and it would actually, therefore, be more plausible that a greater proportion of the population survived there than in other regions of Europe.


    Well, you are not the only one who can read a wikipedia article, you know.


    Actually, although nuclear winter is only peripheral to that, international security with the concentration nuclear weapon issues (deterrence, proliferation, etcetera) is, in fact, my Ph.D. focus field, so no need for Wikipedia for this. ;)


    However, like most climatology - Nuclear Winter is a theory. So the _exact_ effects, dependent on actual tonnage of dirt and debris thrown in the atmosphere are not exactly known. There was a time when Nuclear Winter was totally "debunked" as a thoery, but it's made a comeback with people applying the latest and greatest climate simulation models (the ones that predict global warming).


    Right, but we actually have some decent indicators for this based on vulcanic eruptions, so it is not as nebulous as it might seem.


    Here is my thought - and it doesn't have to be realistic to the point of "in congruence will all climatology to date" - but it does have to be plausable. There is a BIG nuclear war, following a conventional war in Europe ca. 1988. Nuclear Winter (as above 5-10 years tops) + starvation and disease and other secondary effects wipe out 90-99% (we haven't decided yet) of Western European population. The game starts in 2008 (20 years after) allowing us to have a mix of "war survivors" and "new world kids" as characters. What if the Nuclear Winter triggers another Ice Age? We know that there is a (excuse the pun) positive feedback effect of Snow/Ice on lowering global temperatures? Could the NW have pushed it over the edge? Ice Ages happen throughout history WITHOUT any sort of Nuke war - all we are doing is stopping civilization for 20 years... So that leaves the PC in a world on the cusp of a new ice age... and starting in the far north latitudes where the effects would be felt earliest.


    So - I am not asking if the above is "theoretically sound" - and we have an issue of "geological time scales" conflicting with game time scales on the order of a few years... but is the above plausible enough for a video game? Even a gritty, realistic one? I think it's substantially better than most.


    Sure, it is fine for a video game. A completely realistic video game would probably be pretty boring. All I wanted to suggest is that when a departure from realism is made, it should be made with the knowledge of what the realistic outcome would have been. I am glad that that maxim is being followed.


    In any case, good luck with making the game, back to studying and paper-writing I go. :ermm:

  13. the setting is set in stone so moving it elsewhere is no option at this point anymore


    Fair enough, but did you read my comments about how nuclear winter works in terms of timing? Are you going to take it into account?

  14. There you go, Monte Carlo, thanks for finding some evidence for my assertion! :(


    Besides, I think U.S. gamers are much more open to non-U.S. locations than is commonly believed. I am currently in the U.S. and my interactions here provide anecdotal evidence that the fabled U.S. insularity is greatly exaggerated.

  15. The Playtest is now closed. The final version of the Pathfinder RPG will be coming out on 13 August 2009 during GenCon: http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizo...allyClosed1719e


    Do we have a clue about what kind of changes they are planning to make? Are they major or just minor changes?


    We don't know precisely what kinds of changes will be made, but there will be previews before the 13 August 2009 release. It has been stated several times by the designers, however, that the final version of the Pathfinder RPG will be closer to 3.5E than the Beta version was to 3.5E. They said, that they basically wanted to try how far they can push it and thus experimented with the Beta and some of the changes will be reverted back to 3.5E way of doing things (and for some of the changes I think this is a good thing).


    There are also some hints that of some other changes. For example, a while back (still during the playtest) Jason (the lead designer) posted an alternate Barbarian and an alternate Paladin on the boards for community evaluation. These were substantially different from how those classes were in the Beta, and in my opinion much nicer (especially the Barbarian), so I hope they make it into the final versions (with some modifications based on my and other community-member feedback - I hope).


    For now, however, we don't know of any specific changes. I am looking forward to the previews to find out!

  16. My new specs:


    Intel Core 2 Duo T8100

    NVIDIA 9800GTS with 512MB VRAM

    4GB RAM (I run Windows XP 32 bit, however, so not fully utilized)

    500GB 5400rpm HDD

    Blu-Ray player / DVD burner

    17" 1920x1200 pixel screen

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