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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. Anyone else somehow getting more hope for a KotOR III because of FO: New Vegas?


    'cause the peeps returning to an old franchise despite another company owning it and working on it just makes me feel that somehow they might also return to KotOR, despite SW:toR.


    We can only hope. Maybe we will find out some neat stuff soon, I have a feeling with the new generation of gamers playing Kotor 1 and 2. They want to know what's happening next.

    Most games have multiple endings, so I think it's really possible we might meet Revan, or come upon her grave, where she went, and then get vengeance on Revans death? There's so many things they can do to continue. With todays visuals it could be a spectacular game. I can only hope, for which I have since I first played them. :lol:



    "Revan was a man, not a woman!"


    "Huh, maybe I just hoped Revan was a woman."


    According to official canon, Revan was indeed a man and the Exile was a woman, but of course, each of us had our own playthrough. :x

  2. Undoubtedly a KOTOR III RPG singleplayer would be cool, but saying a Star Wars MMO (Not even related to KOTOR III really, just because they mention Revan doesn't mean its related, and the Sith are always related to other Sith so that doesn't count) is going to be bad without first playing it is kind of close-minded.


    Well, I don't participate in any pay-to-play online games - I still want to buy the product rather than rent it, so any MMO is automatically bad for me. If it were that the MMO was made to please those who like such games, but would not impact the releases of the single-player games than I would not really care, but if the MMO displaces the single-player games, that makes it bad in my mind. :lol:


    Only a Sith deals in absolutes... remember that. :D


    I... I... have been slipping lately... lately, I find myself tempted to ... mind control... lure... deceive... and intimidate people for my own benefit...

  3. Heh, well Mr Rorie, you have your own reasons I gather. If you can't share your information, that's a fair enough from me. Thankfully I planned for that eventuality and decided Bioware might be more forthcoming.


    As it happens, they are.


    They sort of have to be. BioWare is part of EA, which is a publically-traded company and thus required to release certain information. Obsidian, by contrast, is a privately held company.

  4. Seriously, though, this trailer was aimed at a different demographic than classical CRPG players. Although it seems much maligned both here and on BioWare boards, it is nothing to get worked up about - after all, expanding the popularity of CRPGs by marketing the game to people in other game market segments may get them to play the CRPG and some of them might find that CRPGs actually have a lot to offer, thus expanding the market for them and benefiting us all. :banghead:

  5. I have not tried Windows 7, but what I want from an OS is something that's as direct a path between my own applications and my hardware as possible. No BS, no resource hogging extra fluff, no draconian security systems. Does Windows 7 fulfil that criteria? Then I'm interested. If not, then I just don't see the need to upgrade from my Windows XP yet again.




    The only thing it brought to the table was a lot of forced-on memory hogging applications that you basically couldn't say no to.



    I agree. I don't want things like 'Aero' (though I know that this particular one can be turned off) that pointlessly take up extra memory. What I want is a stable operating system that has a normal graphical/windows interface, good compatibility with programs (including backwards compatibility) and indeed does not have draconian security that will annoy me every five seconds. This is why I wasn't thrilled with Windows Vista and stuck to Windows XP.


    I understand that Windows 7 is based on Windows Vista, but what Bokishi said about it being designed to run on netbooks does give me hope for the new OS, because it probably means that it cannot include too many useless memory-hogging features. Stability of Windows Vista is supposed to be pretty good, so I don't mind if that carries over to Windows 7 and the interface will probably be normal windows-like (hopefully they won't make too many pointless changes just to be different). Compatibility with older programs is something that I am a bit worried about - Windows Vista had at best a mixed record on that one (though it improved dramatically with SP1 in my experience when I had to deal with Windows 7).

  6. I can say that Obsidian was founded in 2003 by the owners mentioned above by Syraxis. Our first project was Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II, which was followed by Neverwinter Nights 2, Mask of the Betrayer, and Storm of Zehir. We're currently working on Alpha Protocol and Fallout: New Vegas.

    What a telling omission you've got there Mr. Rorie.


    Happy now? :)


    Well, no mention of Aliens... ;):o:)


    Still, this "other stuff" is intruguing - I hope some revelations are coming soon (though admitedly, the recent revelation of Fallout: New Vegas was pretty momentous).

  7. I guess I really am the award winner of Topic Killer award.


    Man, I have told you already - it's not your fault. We pretty much all agree with you in this thread that KOTOR = good and MMO = bad. It's just that with no new information coming out, it is difficult to add anything more to the conversation at this time. This thread has had periods of low activity before, so it's not as if it's something new.

  8. Saying since I might not be able to play it in 10 years so I won't play it at all doesn't make much sense.


    It does if you do not want to support the "rental" system.


    Exactly - the only way not to support the "rental" system is not to participate in it. Also, it is hardly as if Mysteries of Westgate is being picked on - I apply this policy of non-purchasing automatically to any and all games with online activation and/or limited installs. Even if a game like Dragon Age, probably my most anticipated game coming out in the near future, has online activation, I won't buy it regardless of how much I am looking forward to it at the moment. Heck, I wouldn't even buy KOTOR 3, Diablo III or Starcraft II if these had online activation and there are probably no other games I would like to see more than those. It is a blanket policy - no exceptions - no matter how much I was looking forward to the product before its online activation anti-feature was announced, I will simply not participate in the rental model.

  9. I have to say that the 4e rules are the worst of the bunch of the various rules sets of Dungeons and Dragons, and I have been there since the original Red Box. No, I will not get a 4e computer DnD game. NWN2 is my last. I don't even bother playing DnD any more. The only 4th Edition I play is Shadowrun. A 4e Shadowrun game would be sweeter than a 4e DnD game, that is for sure.


    D&D wasn't the first PnP RPG that I have played - that honor would go to a local RPG from former Czechoslovakia (now it is a Czech RPG), but I did transition to D&D after some time. I started playing D&D somewhat later than you - probably about 1995 or so with 2E AD&D, though I did look back at 1E AD&D too (not really that different from 2E AD&D) and I even saw some things about what came before in D&D. I definitely have to agree that 4E is by far and away the worst incarnation of the rules and it also butchers the settings in the most egregious manner by a long stretch compared to any other edition. I will keep on purchasing 3.5E expansion packs for NWN2 (so long as they are good of course), but I too will most likely refuse to purchase any 4E CRPG.

  10. I am primarily a PnP gamer (even more so than computer-gamer) and I really dislike what 4E has done to both the ruleset and the flavor of D&D. Although the marketing prowess of WotC is probably such that the edition will be successful, I refuse to personally support the further butchering of the ruleset and D&D flavor/settings with my money, so having seen what they have done from the previews and browsing in a store, I have not purchased the 4th edition. It would have to be a truly super-epic computer game with an amazing story, great characters, superb polish and so on to even make me consider making an exception for 4E computer games.


    WotC has decided to go for a new, younger demographic with 4E, essentially sticking it to a great number of existing D&D players. That is a legitimate business decision on their part, but it does mean that many of us will no longer be giving them our money.

  11. Well, I think you are partially correct. I return to the information I collect very rarely indeed (though I do occassionally return to some of it). As such, it is to a large extent a waste of time, yes, though it leaves me with a large archive of materials that are indeed no longer available online (most news articles, for example, have a limited life-span on the net) as well as the ability to use all the materials offline (though it is true that I make use of that very rarely).


    I guess my recognition that such archiving is a considerable time-sink is one reason why I would want to at least partially automate the process.


    Really? Major online newspapers have searchable archives, as far as I can see. Other sites tend to not delete their articles and posts, it's not like they are taking any space. A lot of blogs do not have extensive archives, because they did not exist all that long. May I ask what exactly do you archive news for? Except for gratifying your OCD, that is. :grin: Are you going to datamine them? It's rather hard to find anything in a few gigabytes worth of text if you don't precisely know what you are looking for.


    If I was to do something like this, I'd run a script to periodically scrape text from HTML pages (or RSS feeds) and shove them into a database. But that's just me, I guess.


    Well, many Slovak news sites have only limited archives and Slovak press agencies tend not to have public archives at all. Other sites do have archives, but searching them is often a paid service or requires that you buy the specific articles in question. An example of that would be Scientific American, which permits the reading some articles and moves other to pay to view sections after a while.


    I don't datamine the articles. When I come back to them it is generally because I want to read something about a topic. I generally have few problem finding the archived articles I want, since I archive them in a very organized manner with many folders and sub-folders. If I want to know about the various proposals for changes in the Slovak pension system, as well as the actual changes instituted or how it functioned before reforms X and Y, for example, I can go to the Archive and look up the Economics folder, the Pensions subfolder, Slovakia sub-sub-folder and therein I have articles, government documents, analyses of various institutes/think-tanks and other information on the topic. Before you ask, yes, I am the type of person who wants to look up things like this and in this regard the archive has proven very useful, since many of the articles about and analyses of the pension system I can no longer find online if I check again.


    On top of that, I also feel that I have build up a huge uninterrupted archive (must be getting close to a decade now) - sort of like saving old newspapers from a bygone era. To me, this has an intrinsic value in and of itself.


    That said, yes, to a large extent what I am doing with the archiving is some sort of OCD. It would therefore be nice to automate it or failing that at least to automate it to some extent. :*

  12. P.S.: how do you live without Firefox? Or specifically how do you live with IE.


    What's so bad about IE? I am not some sort of "advanced user", so for me it's an ease of use issue - the 'ease' of IE being that it is already on my computer and I am already used to it. Barring auto-archiving, it does most things I want it to do, so why switch?


    The number one reason would be that it's not secure. Another would be that it doesn't render a lot of pages correctly.


    What's so bad about IE? I am not some sort of "advanced user", so for me it's an ease of use issue - the 'ease' of IE being that it is already on my computer and I am already used to it. Barring auto-archiving, it does most things I want it to do, so why switch?

    The single biggest reason is hundreds of extensions. Including, but not limited to bookmark syncing, ad removal, tweaks to sites with Greasemonkey scripts.



    The number one reason would be that it's not secure. Another would be that it doesn't render a lot of pages correctly.

    Actually, that's no longer a good argument in favour of Firefox. It has become so popular (almost reached IE market share), which makes it a popular target. In the past month, I can't remember a week when my Ubuntu did not download firefox or xulrunner security patch.


    Anecdotal evidence suggests Chrome is better in this respect. And if you want to be really secure, run Lynx. :*


    Of course, it's losing 'security through obscurity' as it becomes more widely known, but it's still safer than IE purely by design. And it still renders pages more correctly.


    Eh, I'll switch to Chrome when it actually becomes available on Ubuntu and Mac. I'll seriously miss Firefox's "recently visited pages", "reopen closed tabs", and "bookmark all tabs" features, though.


    OK, fair enough - I am not some sort of IE advocate - I have simply been using it, because it's the default browser and I didn't really see any reason to switch. I am perfectly open to using Firefox and Chrome if they offer tangible benefits over Internet Explorer.


    On that note, I am about to do a system wipe/formatting and complete reinstall on my new computer (about 6 months old now, so time for a system reset). I have been hearing a lot of good about the Ubuntu version of Linux on these boards and elsewhere, so I am sort of entertaining the thought in the back of my mind about installing that OS instead of Windows XP or Windows Vista (I generally favor XP over Vista, but it may be time for an upgrade [i bought both for cheap - some sort of university deal]). Still, I have many worries about it:


    1) Compatibility Issues - Work: I would definitely want to install Microsoft Office 2007, since I have many documents that I worked on in that program as well as its older counterpart, Microsoft Office 2003 (and indeed prior Microsoft software such as Winword...). I want to be able to work on them in a familiar program (Office 2007) and everything must work flawlessly in terms of compatibility of older and newer document files, excel files and so on.


    2) Compatibility Issues - Gaming: I want to play games on the computer, including upcoming ones such as Dragon Age.


    3) Ease of Use: This includes having a graphical 'click-based' interface that is easy to transition to from Windows and without me being left wondering what kind of 'click' I need to perform for function X and so on.


    4) Availability: Where can I obtain it from? I understand that it is free, but is it just downloadable online, or should it be ordered?


    5) Other: Any other issues I should know about or other advice you care to give?


    As you can see, I am slightly tempted, but my doubts are still substantial about whether it is worth the hassle or if I should just stick with Windows with which I am already familiar.

  13. Once upon a time Adobe acrobat could save entire websites, you would just set a number of 'click levels' for it to follow and those would be included in the folder it was saved to. If you included off site clicks you would get a lot of unneeded stuff, but it was a nice feature.


    I believe EI had the a similar function but without the handy 'clicks'. Haven't used either in ages.


    Now that would be nice. I would not include off-site clicks, of course, but the Adobe Acrobat feature you describe would be really nice!

  14. Well, I don't really use bookmarks and 'favorites'. As you say, the page might well disappear in the future, so why bookmark it? Instead, I tend to download it.



    About the only things I want to save are pictures (photos, comics, news pics), so I do a lot of r-clicking/save image. Tons of folders for those and most of the time I never browse through them later. So I do know the feeling, kinda.


    Well, I also do that with comics... it's not just news I archive - that was more of an example than anything else.

  15. Anyone else somehow getting more hope for a KotOR III because of FO: New Vegas?


    'cause the peeps returning to an old franchise despite another company owning it and working on it just makes me feel that somehow they might also return to KotOR, despite SW:toR.


    We can only hope. Maybe we will find out some neat stuff soon, I have a feeling with the new generation of gamers playing Kotor 1 and 2.


    Is there a new generation of gamers playing Kotor 1 & 2?


    Actually there are quite a few people I have met on my forums, that are teens playing it. They want to know what happened to Revan, too. :o


    That's good to hear! :)


    Let's hope, however, that they won't be satisfied with the MMO as providing sufficient explanation/KOTOR fix...

    They aren't. They want a complete game we can play, without having to be online. Sometimes if something isn't broke, don't fix it. :lol:


    I hope they get their wish. Obviously, by extension, our wishes for KOTOR 3 would be fulfilled too. :)

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