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Magister Lajciak

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Posts posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. The case was awaiting the EC's ruling (funny that an executive political organ can exercise what's effectively judicial authority, don't you think? - we invented separation of powers, we can do away with it just as easily)


    It's worse than you think. The European Commission exercises not just executive and judicial authority, but also has legislative powers. For the moment, I don't think there have been huge cases of abuse of this combination of powers by the European Commission, but the danger is there, especially as more and more powers get transferred from the European nation-states to the EU, so reform of the legislative/executive/judicial processes at the EU level is desirable. The new Constitutional Treaty/Lisbon Treaty does not address this. It transfers more powers to the EU level, but does not reform the combined legislative/executive/judicial function of the European Commission.

  2. Sigh, thanks European Commission! Now I will have the inconvenience of not having an OS come with a browser, even though people in all other regions of the world will have it bundled in, yet still have the choice of downloading other browsers should they choose to do so. :*


    Needless to say, from my point of views as a consumer, I think this decision is outright moronic. Perhaps instead of going after Microsoft for bundling a free browser (and in no way preventing the use of other browsers) with their OS, our esteemed regulators should concern themselves with artificial market segmentation through region coding of DVDs and Blu-ray. Oh, wait, that would actually be helpful to consumers, so that's not going to happen. :p


    Form your point of view as a consumer, you won't even notice it. Most OEMs will ship a browser


    That does mitigate my anger. Hopefully, you are right about this.

  3. Sigh, thanks European Commission! Now I will have the inconvenience of not having an OS come with a browser, even though people in all other regions of the world will have it bundled in, yet still have the choice of downloading other browsers should they choose to do so. :o


    Needless to say, from my point of views as a consumer, I think this decision is outright moronic. Perhaps instead of going after Microsoft for bundling a free browser (and in no way preventing the use of other browsers) with their OS, our esteemed regulators should concern themselves with artificial market segmentation through region coding of DVDs and Blu-ray. Oh, wait, that would actually be helpful to consumers, so that's not going to happen. :p

  4. What we know:


    - Black Isle is working on a new game.

    - It uses their own game universe (IP)

    - Because of this, it probably uses their own rule set

    - It uses their home-made Onyx game engine (which is 3D, probably best suited for 3rd person, probably squad/team-based gameplay)

    - The game universe is fantasy-based, though whether that's steampunk, gothic fantasy, dungeons and dragons style, etc is unknown. Given their comments in the past, dungeons and dragons style can probably be ruled out and something unique and intriguing ruled in.

    - They essentially started working on this new game around the time Aliens was rumoured to be cancelled, so I think it's safe to just let that game go.


    Do we really know these things?


    We know that Obsidian is working on a new game and that it is a fantasy game. I am not so sure, however, that it is their own IP. In fact, I suspect that the game will be BG3 (a new D&D game could be nice if it weren't 4E), since Atari has recently stated it is reviving the Baldur's Gate franchise.


    I'm pretty certain we do:


    "What we'd love to do instead is tackle something like Baldur's Gate 3 or create our own new fantasy world - or have we already been doing that? :)"


    There's no way it's BG3, because Fergus isn't about to just leak the fact that they are working on BG3 in casual conversation - even if he wanted to, he'd be under contract with Atari and hence very careful about his wording. It's far more likely he's referring to "our own new fantasy world", especially given the wording of the sentence.


    I don't know... that is a very vague and non-commital statement that might well be completely in jest. Yes, Obsidian could be making their own fantasy IP, but I wouldn't base that assumption on this quote.

  5. Sorry for the somewhat OT intrusion, but what the heck is so bad about 4E? I've no knowledge about it, so please clarify.


    I don't really want to derail the thread, but since you asked I will just mention a few things briefly. I should mention outright that I am primarily a PnP gamer (and mostly the Dungeon Master), more so than a player of CRPGs, though I clearly do enjoy CRPGs too (otherwise I wouldn't be here :p ).


    My problems with 4E can be grouped into two categories (which are, of course, related): flavor & mechanics/rules.


    In terms of flavor, 4E has run roughshod over all things D&D, getting rid of races such as gnomes, while introducing races such as Eladrin or Dragonborn. This is just one example among many, many, many - practically the whole D&D flavor has been removed and replaced with something completely different. The old planes, such as the elemental planes, or the outer planes are gone and instead there are new ones such as the Astral Sea or Feywild. Dragons are no longer intelligent creatures that are fearsome in physical combat, but can also cast spells as was traditionally the case in D&D, but are now feral monsters instead. And so on and so on - there is very little D&D left in 4E - the flavor changes are so huge I don't actually consider it D&D anymore, though I don't doubt that some might have a different perspective on the matter.


    A special mention in terms of flavor changes should be made with respect to Forgotten Realms. FR was the first setting to be switched to 4E (with others to follow) and it was basically butchered. Some continents no longer exist (e.g. Maztica) and have been replaced with new ones, most of the deities have either been killed or retconned out of existence and the setting, the planar structure has been changed to be the same as the new planes in 'core 4E' (again, meaning that the normal planes we know and love are gone and replaced by new 4E inventions), and plenty of other changes have been made to make it a more generic setting.


    Now as to the changes to the rules themselves, these are perhaps even more suckastic than the changes to flavor. The driving reason behind the new rules has been balance between the classes. This is in principle a nice goal, but the way they went about it was not suitable to my gaming needs (I won't say it was outright bad, because different people want different things from RPG games, but for me it was definitely bad). Essentially, their balancing methods took too forms. If something is not considered perfectly balanced between the classes do one of these three things:


    1) Remove it from the game

    2) Nerf it beyond being recognizable

    3) Make it the same for all classes


    The result is that entire categories of special abilities have been removed from the game. These are often among the more interesting abilities, so the balancing has made the game much more boring. For example, all forms of summoning are completely gone from the game (give some players more actions per round than others), all save or die spells are gone (too dangerous), illusion magic is gone, and so on and so on. Oh and all classes now have the same 'power progression'. That means that the old magic system is gone and all classes, whether they are fighters or wizards get one ability usable once per day at level 1, another usable once per encounter at level 2 another usable at will at level 3, another usable once per day at level 4 and so on (the progression is made up to illustrate the principle, I don't actually remember at what level they get what type of ability - the point is that it is the same for all classes). This is majorly boring for me.


    There are many other things I dislike about 4E, but this a good start. I certainly won't be spending any money to support that system.

  6. What we know:


    - Black Isle is working on a new game.

    - It uses their own game universe (IP)

    - Because of this, it probably uses their own rule set

    - It uses their home-made Onyx game engine (which is 3D, probably best suited for 3rd person, probably squad/team-based gameplay)

    - The game universe is fantasy-based, though whether that's steampunk, gothic fantasy, dungeons and dragons style, etc is unknown. Given their comments in the past, dungeons and dragons style can probably be ruled out and something unique and intriguing ruled in.

    - They essentially started working on this new game around the time Aliens was rumoured to be cancelled, so I think it's safe to just let that game go.


    Do we really know these things?


    We know that Obsidian is working on a new game and that it is a fantasy game. I am not so sure, however, that it is their own IP. In fact, I suspect that the game will be BG3 (a new D&D game could be nice if it weren't 4E), since Atari has recently stated it is reviving the Baldur's Gate franchise.

  7. How lame is that?


    Clearly, Atari hasn't understood where the NWN core-crowd really is - the single player. But whatever.


    I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. I mean... take a good franchise, but switch it to 4E (most likely) and turn it into an MMO? It's like they are actively trying to lose me as a customer. Oh well, I am sure there will be plenty of other people who will enjoy it even though it will be an MMO and most likely 4E, so I guess that will just leave me lamenting the demise of yet another good franchise as a setting for non-MMO games.


    I suppose BG3 is being made too and probably as a single player game (I recall reading that the BG franchise is being revived), but that too will likely be 4E and thus an automatic no-buy for me. I guess I should really stop tracking 'D&D' games now, since all new ones will likely be 4E, so there is no point for me to waste time on following them.

  8. I disagree.


    KotOR 2 > KotOR 1

    NWN2 > NWN1


    Alpha Protocol will be better than Mass Effect.


    NWN2 was so much better than NWN1 it wasn't funny. Mask of the Betrayer absolutely rules.


    Baldur's Gate was fantastic less for its main plot, and more for the characterisations along the way. Even some incidental characters had a real feel to them.


    "NWN2 was so much better than NWN1 it wasn't funny."


    No. The OCs were about equal. Overall, NWN absloutely CRUSHES NWN2.


    " Mask of the Betrayer absolutely rules."


    This is true. But, SOZ is extremely SOZZY and one of the worst games EVAR!


    "KotOR 2 > KotOR 1

    NWN2 > NWN1"




    "Baldur's Gate was fantastic less for its main plot, and more for the characterisations along the way. Even some incidental characters had a real feel to them."


    Can't wait until they make the game that puts them into legendary status. MOTB could have been that but it's just an expansion.



    I would say:


    KOTOR >> KOTOR 2




    NWN 2 >>> NWN




    MOTB >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> NWN 2


    I like both BioWare and Obsidian. In fact, they are the only two companies I truly trust to make first-class CRPGs.

  9. well Sim3's drm scheme is that in order to get all the effects you have to DL the info from them, and thus it's not all contained on the disk given to you.


    You can purchase additional items (furniture, clothing, hairstyle etc) from the online store, which requires you register your game, but otherwise the only DRM is apparently a DVD check.


    This sounds perfectly reasonable to me.


    It seems pretty reasonable to me too. :lol:

  10. Another problem is if you don't have a credit card and can't buy stuff online. EA obviously didn't think this through.


    Anyone who doesn't have a check card nowadays aren't living in the 21st century and has more problems than just trying to get a game to work.


    I don't agree. This may be the case in North America, but plenty of people in my country do not have credit cards. Heck, I am currently in the U.S. and I too don't have a credit card - I just see no need to get one.

  11. I doubt the MMO will use WoW engine - the article seems to indirectly indicate that the only reason WoW engine is currently being used for testing purposes is because the dedicated engine is not ready yet. The engine not being ready yet even for preliminary testing also hints that the MMO is very, very far away from being released.


    It is true that there have also been rumors of a fifth project at Blizzard. Perhaps it is Warcraft 4 - that would at least show that a successful MMO within a franchise does not necessarily mean the end of that franchise for all other games. :ermm:

  12. The new MMO Blizzard is developing will be based on a new franchise: http://www.wowblues.com/us/blizzard-going-...6903519279.html


    I am not really interested in MMOs, but who knows, the franchise might be translated to other non-MMO games eventually.


    by Zarhym | 12/05/2009 21:55:07






    Q u o t e:

    So it's looking more and more like blizzard is spreading out achievements and making changes to the game so that achievements/goals take longer.




    It's difficult to believe you'd have this view if you had played extensively at level 60. The content has become nothing but more accessible over the years for a wider range of players.





    Q u o t e:

    Children's Week was a classic example of this followed by making WG quests weekly.




    I don't see how either of these aspects act as examples for your claim. Children's Week is an optional, fun holiday event. Now, if you want a flying mount that's faster than what the overwhelming majority of players have, sure, you might have to remain vigilant and committed to the holiday achievements. Even at that, we're talking mere hours of commitment for most each holiday.


    With regard to Wintergrasp dailies, there are a couple of reasons why we're implementing this on the 3.1.2 test realms: 1) Lake Wintergrasp is seeing an overabundance of players resulting in poor realm performance during peak play times; and 2) doing Lake Wintergrasp once or twice a day to get all of the dailies done is becoming a more convenient, efficient way of obtaining honor than signing up for battlegrounds. The change to make quests there weekly is being implemented in the hopes it will better stagger the participation in that zone throughout the week, as there are no quick or easy solutions to address realm instability that is due simply to having far too many people in the same zone at the same time; and we hope to see more players queuing up for battlegrounds. We're working on other ways of improving battleground participation as well right now.





    Q u o t e:

    Rumor is they will not be making any more expansions for WoW.




    Rumors are fascinating, given that they don't need a shred of evidence in support of their basis to spread like a wild fire. In fact, in the past we've provided nothing but evidence -- vague though it may be -- that would contradict such a rumor.





    Q u o t e:

    I've heard that they are focusing on other projects. If this is true you can expect more of this, and less customer service/content. At this point they can just sit back and add some new arena/pvp gear every4-6 months and that's it.




    This a common misconception. Such a misconception requires nothing but assumptions and misinformation to hold water. We have completely independent art and development teams for each project on which Blizzard Entertainment is working. Sure, people switch positions and may move to other projects from time to time. This is common practice in any company, whether or not the company develops games. But if a position is vacated, it is filled. You may have seen earlier this year that Jeff Kaplan, former game director for World of Warcraft, announced he would be leaving his position to begin work on the new, unannounced MMO. Tom Chilton stepped up to fill his role on the World of Warcraft development team. We're never short on talent and our teams are constantly growing. There's absolutely no reason or evidence to support the theory that we've shifted focus away from the Warcraft franchise. I'm surrounded by employees in this building working hard every day that can attest to this, were they not too busy working on a prioritized list of new content for this game to speak directly. :(





    Q u o t e:

    People are saying that there is another MMO in the works at Blizzard. Seriously, if there was, they would be advertising it already.




    Games take years to develop from concept to release. Diablo III was in the works for years before being announced. StarCraft II was announced two years ago and isn't even in Beta yet.


    We have nothing to advertise for the new MMO because it's a shell of a game thus far. We've already stated it'll be a brand new franchise, which means the lore, art, and game play are being developed entirely from scratch. It's an overwhelming process, but a process through which we excel. Our track record supports this.





    Q u o t e:

    Remember Blizzard said they would be releasing SC2 last Christmas about a month after WotLK. Now there is not even a date for SC2. If they can go from pre-orders saying its coming out, to not even having a release date on it, it kinda makes u wonder if that wasn't a cash grab last Christmas. And did anyone get ther $ back for SC2 pre order?




    Given that I'm a community manager for World of Warcraft, the latest news for StarCraft II can sometimes slip past me. That said, I can't find a single announcement we made about StarCraft II hitting shelves in the winter of 2008. I'm quite confident such an announcement doesn't exist, but you're free to provide evidence (released by Blizzard Entertainment, mind you) to correct me.





    Q u o t e:

    Bottom line, something is starting to really stink around here and I don't think its the Undead.




    What stinks is that a lot of information is out there that may prove your points in this thread invalid, even had I not responded, but rumors and assumptions can so much more easily be used to form unfortunate opinions of how we operate and where we're headed.

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