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Everything posted by Moatilliatta

  1. People still seem to believe that MMOs are about becoming the new WoW. Also they're angry that they don't get the games that they want.
  2. There will be more TLJ if it is up to mr. T
  3. ^Isn't getting any. I'm serious why did we turn this into schlong worshipping? This should have been about posting beautiful women or something like that.
  4. The only sexy lesbians are the ones that aren't actually lesbians. Also what's with the sausagefest in here?
  5. Why don't you just admit that you're really Volourn? I didn't actually mean it like that and it was mostly a commentary on how most people seemed to have stopped playing. Now that you've gotten me started I'l say that the AI building troops for amphibious landings that it is incapable of making makes it both buggy and pretty stupid.
  6. If there is anyone left who haven't left the game because it's a buggy mess then they should think about downloading this Royal Family Mod. I don't think it enables any actual gamplay but it gives information that could be usefull. I hope thy'll be able to do more with it in the future.
  7. Assassins creed convinced me that most gamers are masochists at heart. I personally didn't enjoy the good parts enough to make up for the bad parts. Edit:
  8. And why's that? Totally forgot about this. I'm unsure what you're expecting me to say but I'll try anyway. From what I know of The Path it tries to be art (or arty, or whatever) in two ways: 1) It tries to establish the idea that the stated goal might not be the actual goal, or rather that the stated goal might not be the most "worthwhile" or most "interesting" goal. I'm unsure whether this is actually intentional by the developers or if they're just following the little red riding hood stories blindly. I think it is useless to the highest degree since they ruin it by using an essentially binary measure of success that successfully subverts the point they're possibly trying to make by making visiting grandmothers house the actual breaking of the rules (i.e. you don't get a SUCCESS mark). I'd also arguet that it has been done by other games in the past in better and more effective ways making The Path even more irrelevant. 2) It tries to put up several metaphors that makes me think that the developers were artschool dropouts and I honestly don't get why people find them significant. A better way to describe how I see them is to compare them with this "artist" whose work I most definately wouldn't call art either. Have I missed something important that means it is more important than what this guy is making? I'm honestly interested since I've yet to see someone make a coherent argument that doesn't boil down to them liking it just because. For reference I think You Have To burn The Rope is a much better attempt at being art or arty critique, or whatever.
  9. One of the best build engine FPS. Blizzard already tried to do a Warcraft adventure game.
  10. Yeah, but there isn't any cost increase to go from 3 GB to 4 GB. Also, using 2 identical 2 GB sticks might mean a small performance increase. And you're slightly more "future proofed". Go with at least 4 GB even if you're going with XP. I suspect that Krezack already knows this, but the important difference is 32bit vs. 64bit, and the consensus that I'm reading seems to suggest 64bit Vista still being superiour to 64bit XP. I also seem to remember that how much of the fourth GB that you get is dependant on the amount of ram on your GPU.
  11. I haven't kept up lately, but I don't think anyone has posted that Blizzard has bought the rights to Redneck Rampage. Supposedly they have a few employees that have worked on RR in the past.
  12. Calling The Path an arthouse game is offensive to art as a whole.
  13. As a Obsid forum discussion grows longer, the probability of someone whining about DRM approaches 1. I seriously wonder about some of you sometimes. The article Wrath posted should really just be condensed to this:
  14. Yeah, and it is sent over the internet.
  15. 80ms is like a good multiplayer latency. The problem is that MP games, if I remember correctly, predict your actions ahead of time and that would also be needed here and I'm not sure if that would work. Also, wouldn't this excacerbate the problem of high-end users hogging all the ISPs resources and as such lead to caps that would make this kind og gaming infeasible? It could work if their compression is awesome enough but I'm sceptical. Edit: I think we can say that there would be definite problems with games relying on very precise input i.e. fighting game combos and such stuff.
  16. Gaintbomb claims 80ms of latency which sounds pretty bad. Anyone know how low it'd have to go before our eyes can't see the difference?
  17. Kinda late.
  18. The teaser site says winter 2009. So, yeah.
  19. I tend to find cheaper DS games when looking at internet stores. CT is still relatively new but you should be able to find FFIV for some 20
  20. Your face is overrated Morgoth. Are you refering to my Bully comment? I said that bully wasn't much better because Rosbjerg was unsure about how well MP3 will work on a PC, and as I pointed out he has good reasons for being nervous if we're judging by their earlier products.
  21. I just realized that I misread your post since you were silly enough to use imperial measuremeants. Silly American. Unless Google is lying to me then 10oz of my juice would contain half the sugar of your American 10oz juice and that can hardly be called particularly harmful unless you're drinking more than one glass or if you're a health-
  22. Both of the first two games console versions came half a year later.
  23. Mine has 8.5g. Edit: The key is sticking to one glass as more than that will mostly just hurt.
  24. This isn't the GTA4 team, though the game that they made, Bully, isn't much better.
  25. Sounds crappy. I'll stick with Allan Wake unless they surprise me.
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