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Everything posted by Gregorovich

  1. Thanks! Another build i wanted probably last build? Something to do with melee barbarian and wizard. I wanted a melee DPS barbarian nuker. Is it a viable? That's not actually what you want, but I'm trying ranged Furyshaper/Blood Mage. I use Red Hand: 16 Dex + Deleterious Alcracity + Frenzy + Ward Frenzy + Ila chant = 3.7 seconds reload, when the Arqeubus passive is on, so I have + 20 ACC and deal 60-80 dmg per reload at the moment. Also you're able to spam spells like rocket launcher to devastate small groups of enemies. Edit: all of mentioned above plus Devil's Breastplate + Acina's Tricorn + Pet for armor penalty reduction = 3.1 seconds reload of the Red Hand with weapon proficcience talent on. Fury ward works just like Ryngrim's visage 3s pulse with ACC (30+Your level bonus) When put it disables almost all the melee weapons, good against enemy rogues. It targets will instead of Fortitude, and has no weaken effect. Lasts for 45 seconds with my 20 Int. Very, very good. When the enemies are immune or only ranged enemies I use Frenzy Ward But that is good only for the ranged. Furyshaper looks better as ranged character, as the wards are too squishy to use them right near enemies, and how to say it (?) too fixed and can't follow your barb if he's melee. The best barb subclass for melee is Berseker. Multiclass with wizard is good, but not the Blood Mage, as Blood Sacrifice (which is random)+ Raw Damage from Frenzy means that every death is a ... surprise! Also Blood Mage has a defense penalty against blooded enemies (-15, i think), so the harder you hit - the more you get. It would be too squishy and difficult for me. And if you use Berserker/non-Blood Mage... Well there's nothing new in the build, as you could use it before
  2. It would be a nice idea to add someting like: Equipment: X Ammo, Where X is Fire, Frost, Acid, Electric, Magic (raw damage). So you get these types of ammo on the first, third, fifth, seventh and nineth PLs. They give you the bonus: +20-30% damage, but you deal 20% to yourself as raw. If you shoot with ammo, you have no ACC penalty. The opportunity to multiclass with Paladin for self-heal or Monk to get wounds.
  3. Well, I checked the firethrower's gloves, which give you bonus PL with Evocation. They had no influence on imbued spells, at least before the recent beta update. Actual problem is that character's PL does no affect the imbued spells. So they are like 1st level wizard. That's too big drawback at the moment
  4. Furyshaper seems to be the most potent barbarian subclass for a ranged damage-dealer, as you're able to stay close to your casters and protect them from melee foes, especially rogues, with fear ward or buff their cast speed with the frenzy one. But in such case it is better as multiclassed
  5. Furyshaper is mentioned only a few times, so it seems to be offtop; Anyway, I remember Boeroer mentioning too low ACC of the fear ward. So, I have just checked it and it seems, that it scales with character level: it had 84 ACC 30 base plus 54 from the level (19th level Multi-barb) Actually that seems to be a good thing.
  6. I have a plan: 1. Everybody tells here that Mage Slayer and Corpse Eater are broken, overpowered, unstoppable etc. 2. Devs read this an try to nerf them. 3. As the subclasses are already weak, the devs accidentally buff them. 4. We see them buffed, but say that it's impossible to play them now to ensure the success.
  7. To get the heal from Steel Garrote you have to have used the ability on the mob you are attacking (maybe in Melee only) ... so at a minimum, you have to spend time/zeal tagging mobs with the ability first ... frankly an arcane knight of a different subclass may give you more mileage, including the one (St. Elga) where the lay on hands prevents you from being killed for (x) seconds? Well, I took the Steel Garrote just for fun and roleplay, not for the bonus. Anyway, actual advantage you may take from Wayfarers to heal using FoD or Goldpact with extra armor. St. Elcga is useless in such case, as the effect of being unable to die is applied to everybody except the Paladin himself, if nothing's changed
  8. Some subclasses seem to be so disappointing for me, unfortunately Not sure, but there might be some synergy between any Paladin (Steel Garrote fo fun) and the Blood Mage. With Deep faith, Llengratha's Safeguard (LS) will give about 35 bonus to all the defenses, which is enough to fight in melee or compensate the defence decrease of the blood mage. Equip some shield plus flail. Blood sacrifice (BS) is random, but as it restores the lacking spells only, It is possible to abuse some powerful spells doing the scheme: Torrenet of Flame (ToF) - BS - ToF - BS until you're alive. What if try Arcane knight like LS - BS - run into pack of mobs - ToF/piercing burst - BS - autoheal with Lay on Hands if needed - Tof/piercing burst. It's possible to abuse any spell, the main con is that you won't be able to use a lot of protection and buff spells until you have a high-level cipher in your party, because it will take too much time to "reblood" your spell pool. I don't know if the thing is viable, but it sounds like an Arcane Knight of Steel Garrote devastating and punishing anything nearby
  9. It would be really nice, if the Arcane Archer's imbued spells were affected with the Power Level
  10. I haven't checked the other spells. Well, all the the damaging abilities should scale with the PL, so there's little point to take arcane archer, at least without AoE weapons. Does anybody know if the devs change any skills during beta? That's the first beta for me
  11. Imbued Minoletta's Missiles seem to be a bit underwhelming, I've checked that the amount of the missiles is not affected by the PL. So the multiclass Arcane Archer (multiclassed, as I used) will shoot only 3 missiles dealing 20-30 in total damage to enemies for 2 Bond. I's better to reduce the cost or increase the amount of the missiles. What do you think?
  12. Having three troubadours-summoners in the party feels like you're playing a real-time strategy, usually there is even no need to heal yourself
  13. I mean it used to deal frost/pierce damage at least a week ago But when I tried against the new Megaboss, I realised that the damage has changed, unfortunately
  14. Am I missing something? Does anybody know if this is a bug or nerf or what?
  15. Hi First of all, I think, It's better to go multi-chanter in your case, as 1. Single chanter has no significant advantages as for me 2. Chanter is somewhat passive in its playstyle, so combining it with another class is a great opportunity to make your MC do something else. And perhaps the only reason to go single is Slay the beast chant for thee SSS If you want to go full support, there are at least 2 good variants: - Something like the healing wall build: use Ancient Memory+Mercy and Kindness (Brisk recitation is off, so the chants could fully overlap with your 20 Int) for heal and a good option to multicalss with druid, priest or paladin - Summoner going like skeletons-Wyrms-Ogres-Summoned Weapons plus any class you want, as summoning does not really depend on your character stats. For example Herald (chanter-paladin) is a super tank-support-summoner character. About the other variants - Offensive chanter spells are not so great right now, as the Senen Nights has been nerfed - Other support chants and invocations seem to be mediocre
  16. Traditionally name my ship Berath's Laugh
  17. My Watcher is even more awesome - he is able to shoot with no weapon in his hands. Equipped with the Red Hand he holds his hands as there were the arquebus in his hands, but there's nothing, although the animation of flash during the shot works properly, and the damage has no changes, just the image of the weapon seems to disapper. The bug is triggered by conversations or level ups, as it seems to me and is cured just by unequip-equip.
  18. As long as an area has not been loaded into before, the difficulty changes for PotD will be available on any playthrough. If an area has been loaded, then a new playthrough will need to be started Thank you
  19. Hello, I have a question: do the difficulty changes of the Path of the Damned affect current playthroughs, I mean, the ones started before the patch?
  20. Had 2 chanters in my party - totally blocked Belranga with summons, ate fruit (hadn't know, that was Belarnga, but not the start of the dlc, so had no preparations at all) Shooting is the best option. Melee fight with Belranga ends quickly and with huge amount of injuries.
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