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Everything posted by LoneWolf16

  1. Level grinding, socializing, hypnotizing.
  2. Actually, no. I've never once heard that. And I have family in England, who refer to it as such. My father in law was born in England. My favorite English author calls the country England. I've heard bands call it England. I've heard the BBC call it England. In fact, the Queen of England isn't called the Queen of the UK, but rather the Queen of England. Blair is referred to as the Prime Minister of England. So surely, the English must hate their country being called England. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Belligerent much?
  3. They had plenty of time to pack. Anyone who wanted to get out had all the time in the world to do so. The people who didn't chose to stay, to protest. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Also true. I'll pipe down now. ...although it still doesn't seem right to me.
  4. Not at all what I said. I said that the good of the many outweighs the personal preference of the few. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I still fail to see how your memories, posessions, and your home are considered a personal preference. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Because they chose to live in the Gaza strip. They could've gotten out months ago. They could've gotten out two years ago when Sharon started taking pullout. They stayed, and now they're getting pulled out. But it's what they chose to do. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True, but surely they deserve at least the time necessary to pack...
  5. Not at all what I said. I said that the good of the many outweighs the personal preference of the few. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I still fail to see how your memories, posessions, and your home are considered a personal preference.
  6. I wouldn't call your home and all your belongings a "personal preference"...At the very least, you give the people time to pack their lives up. But no, common decency apparently isn't so common. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> They weren't forced to settle the Gaza Strip, by any means. They chose to do so, knowing full and well that it'd be at the very least dangerous, and that something like this could quite possibly happen. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So...they deserve this, for taking that risk?
  7. I wouldn't call your home and all your belongings a "personal preference"...At the very least, you give the people time to pack their lives up. But no, common decency apparently isn't so common.
  8. A Perfect Circle "Thinking Of You" Lying all alone and restless unable to lose this image sleepless, unable to focus on anything but your surrender Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying So delighted with a new understanding Something about a little evil that makes that Unmistakable noise I was hearing Unmistakable sound that I know so well Spent and sighing with that look in your eye Spent and sweating with a look on your face like Sweet revelation sweet surrender sweet, sweet surrender Surrender... Tugging a rhythm to the vision that's in my head Tugging a beat to the sight of you lying So delighted with a new understanding Something about a little evil that makes that Unmistakable noise I was hearing Unmistakable sound that I know so well Spent and sighing with that look in your eye Spent and sweating with a look on your face like Sweet revelation sweet surrendering Sweet revelation sweet Thinking of you, thinking Thinking of you, Thinking of you, Thinking of you, thinking... Sweet revelation sweet surrendering Sweet revelation
  9. How about this. You move into my neighborhood. I suggest that I don't want any people named LoneWolf in my neighborhood, so I murder your family. Then I propose that there would be peace if you gave me your home, and all of your belongings. Then the police come in and force you to conceed, and yet I attempt to kill you and your remaining relatives anyway. And then you watch the world defend me. How would you feel? Imagine facing that prejudice your whole life, to the extent that you know countless people would simply kill you for being who you are, and being told to play nice with those who seek your death. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Did......did you just make a thinly veiled threat to murder my family? And while I sleep, no less? Ender, that's a bit uncouth, don't you think? Now, leave me be. I need sleep, arguing about something I can't change, or even affect in the slightest at 5:40 in the morning just isn't right.
  10. Good god...It just keeps going. I can't stand it, I'm off to bed. Play nice you guys.
  11. I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And there you go, Ender. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. I did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And there you go, Ender.
  13. Didn't he suggest Africa?
  14. Goodnight. Sleep well.
  15. That's the dictionary's definition. And if the dictionary (which I linked) is no longer allowed to define words in our language, then civilized debate ends completely. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You can look at a glass of water as say its half empty or half full. Our definitions are irrelevant to the Muslim mindset, as they're not constrained by our point of view - and have their own variation in perception. How can you argue that our definiton is right whilst theirs is wrong? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Agreed.
  16. That is not what I said. Freedom fighters target oppressive GOVERNMENTS. Terrorists target innocent CIVILIANS. Apparently you don't see that distinction. Apparently you've never seen when CNN shows Al Jazeera TV, or read the news reports to the terrorist tapes that come out. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The term "innocent" is subjective, isn't it? And yes, I happen to agree that video taped decapitation is above and beyond what's necessary.
  17. Killing civilians is not effective in the slightest, nor good tactics. Iraq will be decades recovering from this, both in terms of the lost skills of the people killed and the pyschological damage to the survivors. Without the insurgency, the US would probably have been gone by now. The insurgents see only the short term goal of evicting the US and ignore the long term goal of building a strong nation. It's criminal stupidity, as well as bloody murder. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> True enough...and if one were to think about it, allowing the U.S. to finish building up Iraq and leave...and then attacking, would definitely be more effective... Terrorism IS a brutally efficient practice. Its purpose is to instill fear, and the murder of the innocent does a damn fine job of inciting terror.
  18. Yeah, drive safe. Or fly safe...whichever one you'll be doing.
  19. Brutally efficient. Edit: Terrorist tactics, I mean.
  20. Considering that Japan's dignitaries, when speaking to their western counterparts, had alluded to a peaceful surrender a few weeks prior to the bombings...I'd say it'd be a tough argument. (I'm sorry I can't provide a source, but do me the favor of not questioning my integrity.) And I don't recall anybody here stating that the killing of innocent civilians was in any way justified.
  21. That doesn't justify terrorism. You make really weak excuses. I asked you what the correct decision would have been after WW2. You provide none. Sources? Are you defending the 9/11 terrorists? It sure sounds like you are. The WTC is a commercial building staffed by civilians. They murdered civilians and you equate that to policy of the US? Sure, we go out of the way to bomb targets that have zero military relevance and murder thousands of civilians. Find one instance of it. You've flat out made false statements. I can't call you a liar, but we both know the reality of the situation. That doesn't make it true, but you seem quick to discount murder and rush to it's defense. I wonder why that would be? What's your motivation here? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ender, with that military bit you left yourself totally wide open. Hiroshima, Nagasaki. Keep in mind I am pretty much on your side here, this situation is messed. Edit: Also, Lone Wolf's point is teh win. WTC wasn't not about the civvies. It was about instilling fear and crippling economy. I would consider Terrarism a method of war if only because 'civilized' war isn't feasible on the kind of shoe string budget Terrarist organizations operate on. It's still wrong to kill civvies, but when you're fighting a war from a third world country, against troops from a 500lb Gorilla or a nation like the US, there's not many other feasible methods of waging war other than terrarism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Exactly. Edit: That's not to say that terrorism is acceptable, or good...just strategically sound.
  22. The World Trade Center was an icon...it wasn't really about the people working inside of it.
  23. That's hardly constructive.
  24. Looking back, I meant my "putting words in his mouth" comment, in reference to the "So the Palestinians are okay killing innocent civilians. You are down with that." comment.
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