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Darth Nole

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Everything posted by Darth Nole

  1. thats what i thought!! rotfl!!!
  2. Man! people must be really bored. I mean there talking about the color of the ship! Hahaha
  3. how is black impossible?
  4. hopefully a knight, where you might be able to go up to master.
  5. Devs!! well i know that you are adding more lightsaber colors and on the weekend programer sticky he said that white/silver was one of the colors, and i was just wondering what the other colors were goin to be. Like maybe orange, black ( that would be cool), or some other colors.
  6. Sorry this is not the forum for kiddies with pets! This forum is for those who wish to talk about TSL. :D rotfl
  7. Yes it took a long time on tatooine in the dune sea getting over to the eastern dune sea and the sand people territory, it would be pretty cool to have a speeder.
  8. Most of those suggestions would be pretty cool, but i dont know about that alien PC i kind of liked being a human. Youy get diversity seeing if diffrent alien races like humans or not.
  9. yeah i dont want it to be korriban but i do want it to be a sith occupied planet with tombs (which i thought i read something about a tomb in a interview). I can only hope. :D
  10. intresting perspective, but... well maybe. prob. not.
  11. Yeah thanks i have been wondering bout that.
  12. i dont know if anybody has talked about this but i was wonderingif there was going to be any new sith worlds in KotOR2 b/c i personally loved korraban. if anybody knows please answer
  13. That would be cool but im sorry but it isn't going to happen.
  14. Thought i might as well try it gets very annoying trying to read the fourms and all i get is fighing
  15. And another thing. Why has everyone been arguing lately, this is a KotOR information fourm not a schoolyard.
  16. Yeah that what i was thinking, that maybe you are the apprentice, but like it has been saying in the interviews that your supposed to be the last of the jedi, and if you are how can u be the apprentice?
  17. Hey, I was just wonderin' what kind of thing you would be able to upgrade besides Blaster, lightsaber, armor, and melee.
  18. I dont know if it was just me but i LOVED Korbban so i had to vote for that.
  19. I had to choose the DS apprentance first. It would be cool to make him go and carry out dark tasks for you and stuff like that
  20. hands down Luke Skywalker is the most powerfull jedi. Hold on hear me out, In the movies you never got to see his full potintel (however u spell it). But during the sequel trilogys 7-9 u really see what hes like if you look here (www.supershadow.com) u can read them. And most powerfull Sith would have to be Darth Sidious, YOU GET TO SEE HIM FIGHT YODA!!! in Revenge of the Sith and you will see then.
  21. I also think that this would be an interesting kind of like side plot. Like a lil side quest. But prob. wont happen in kotor2.
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