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Darth Nole

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Everything posted by Darth Nole

  1. That's true. Where are the light side powers? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why would anyone want to use lightside powers when you can shoot lightning, choke the life out of someone, drain their vitality, give them the plague, make them go insane, or wrap them up in a ball and smash them against the floor? I'm only kidding of course. Maybe the lightside powers are so good they're keeping it a secret. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I hope your right.
  2. Ohh and yes LoTR 3 age is for PC. I think. Im pretty sure it is.
  3. Fable!!!! Its coming out this tursday, your every action determins what you look like, how people respond to you, and stuf like that. Its kind fo like a KotOr/ Zelda mix I think. I cant wait. Goin to be a great RPG
  4. That would still require me getting my butt handed to me by a bunch of online teen nerds and getting mocked about how bad I am. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> :D
  5. Yeah i forgot 'bout that thats how they were in KotOR.
  6. Man I dont know if I can Play Kotor agian soon. I dont even what to say how many times i'v played it.
  7. Yeah i guess so. thanx agian.
  8. This is a Jedi Master who is a Zabrak and his face doesn't look like Maul's. Eeth Koth <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That dosent even look like the same EXACT species. and how in the world did you find that. holy crap u have a lot of free time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Star Wars databank found it, I merely linked it Also, it's been discussed before, so I already knew what name to look for in the databank. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Ohh. thanx. But I still think that Maul looks cooler. Ohh and what bout Maul eyes. Did he were contacts b/c dang they looked pretty evil too, and that other guy didnt have those eyes.
  9. This is a Jedi Master who is a Zabrak and his face doesn't look like Maul's. Eeth Koth <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That dosent even look like the same EXACT species. and how in the world did you find that. holy crap u have a lot of free time.
  10. I was just wondering 'bout that. hmmmm...... dont know.
  11. I dissagre, i know that they were tatoos but I wish that they were like something that the whole species did. Thats what made him so scary.
  12. Dude if the zabrack looks like that I will be disaponted, I want him to look like Maul!!!
  13. thanx man.
  14. maybe in all of those thosands of years we could of proved ourselves wrong and advanced far enugh to find some kind of black light. i dunno. or could be a tool of ultimate evil or something. oh and to the persone that said rainbow-couldn't be possable b/c all colors combined make white.
  15. Not now but some are coming out b/t now and Feb. for you PC users. what 'bout Doom 3
  16. just something to pass the time.
  17. I was wondering 'bout that. You would have to live in like a movie theater.
  18. yeah battlefront sounds good forgot about that one
  19. I was wondering what game you guys were going to play while waiting on Kotor2? me- Fable, Halo 2, Doom 3, LotR 3rd age, Call of Duty 2
  20. Peach? thats too close to and orange like color.
  21. I hope thats not it b/c i dont want to be a apprentance i want to be a Master.
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