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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. And my grandad is 64 with no greys and all his teeth! honestly How do you know he doesn't dye his hair? Because he is my grandad so there Nah I live with him so im sure id see his just for men boxes :D unless he hides them the sneaky b*****d
  2. And my grandad is 64 with no greys and all his teeth! honestly
  3. Perhaps the jedi enclave wasnt there then and revan stumbled across the tomb during the mandalore wars, but thats simply a guess
  4. oh yeah about revans robes. i'm kinda confused. well when you make it in the description its says that the jedi saw it as an abomination and had it destroyed but they didnt realize it could only be created by the starforge adn its was never expected that another could be created. What confuses me is that on the dream on datooine revan and malak kad found the first star map but had not yet found the starforge so how is it that he had obtained the robes in the first place and another dream it shows a close up of revan the robes looked like armor so i assumed it was armor Nah they must be robes otherwise they wouldnt be called revans robes right? but yeah I thought that about the dream on dantooine, must be a mistake or something
  5. I dunno I agree with your points but it just seems a little like nit-picking to me I would appreiciate it far more if their efforts were concentrated on things that beneficially enhance the gameplay and storyline instead of how a characters head moves, but thats just me.
  6. True but how much more rewarding will it be to wait for all this time and then play a supreme and polished game with all the things you didnt like about the first one ironed out? That is why most movie tie in games are sh*t, because they are rushed out to coincide with the movie release so im prepared to wait a little bit longer though I can only speak for myself
  7. Sorry this is not the forum for kiddies with pets! This forum is for those who wish to talk about TSL. :D
  8. All been covered I think, a couple of your suggestions are being considered by the devs and a couple are in such as improved guns and stuff as far as I can remember dont mark my words though
  9. ok yes storm's hair is white. but have you seen the cartoon or comics? 1: In the cartoon its pretty obvious storm is well over 35 maybe even 40 2: the movie is based on that storm but they chose to have halle berry fill the role 3: Do you realize how many time storm has been electricuted by her own powers??? i remember one episode she got knocked out cold for a while but i cant remember how many days but i do remember it was near fatal by once again her own powers to call forth lightning from storms its actually she can control weather but most of the time she uses lightning attacks and tornados Halle Berry is about 35!
  10. That's so? Then what's this?: I like her pajamas. Who wears a hood with there pajamas? Oooh. Got something against hoods, have you? I can wear whatever I like to sleep in, and unless you're sharing my bed then you don't have any say in the matter, mister. All I'm saying is most people don't wear a hood before they go to bed. Ps: Has anyone else noticed the girl in white doesn't have a shadow? Hmm no shadow put in later to tease us or maybe a late addition
  11. Well you could start by NOT making them EXACTLY the same EVERYTIME, and that would be improvement enough, well a start anyway
  12. :D A True Jedi's strength comes from Latex! SW S&M Nice
  13. No pic! No link! Consider yourself flamed To be honest I cant remember, put a link up!
  14. I wonder if GL himself thought up all the names for the planets and people? Because if he did he should be up there with my mate jrr
  15. Well the last thing I would want is a same sex romance!! You may think im small minded but believe me when I say, I have nothing against gay people but to me it just wouldnt seem to fit in with the star wars theme, I mean to change the whole sw universe to fit in with the whole politically correctness of today! It would be like (and I dont mean to make fun of the subject) "Donatella the feminist ninja turtle"
  16. While I would love to see Revan play a big part in TSL, Revan in KotOR was a highly personal character for me, e.g we made/played and finished the game with a character which was unique to every player, so I think if obsidian cant find a way to make the Revan in TSL the unique and personal character he/she was in the last game Ive changed my mind and think he/she should play a minimal part.....Wish it wasnt so, but what can you do
  17. Well my friend to be honest KotOR was an X-Box title to start off with so no matter how good of a PC you have you owe the X-Box for being able to play it on your beefy PC at all And I know you mean if it was a PC only game but........It wasnt, it was an X-Box only game in the beginning B)
  18. I heard the controls are better for x-box. In fact, I know. I like the x-box controller to, and i prefer it to a keyboard, i know you can get controllers for the pc but im used to the x-box one so it seemed natural
  19. I would definitely get it for the PC, not just for the extra content, but you also have better graphics and the ability to use different mods. That alone makes it worth the $20. Bah!! spoilsport I was just planning on getting p*ssed with my extra
  20. Yes you can. If you bring him on the sf, he realizes what he's done and attacks. Does he? wow I never knew that B) Well now you do. Cheers B)
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