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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. You were a bit late with that point, Adria already said that. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Good point! .........edits before anyone notices how foolish he looks
  2. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yep, I know, pretty much the same, but throw me a frickin bone here we aint got much to go by
  3. I think Haydn Christiansen was a little robotic in AoTC, I dont think I've seen his other films so I could'nt possibly comment on them. He did have good performances in AoTC however, such as when he killed the tuskan raiders on tattooine and was explaining what he had done to Padame, I think he executed that scene extemely well IMHO
  4. I REALLY hope it isnt Dustil! I thought he was as annoying as his father! And dont get me started about his father :angry: But my thoughts are, and I and someone else said this before, that he is some how connected to Atris who he is fighting in the wallpaper. Whether they are related, brother, father, etc. etc. or her old master who fell to the DS, I dont know. Im probably wrong but who knows everyone has an opinion
  5. Ive also seen it on a few websites, but you do have a point a good one at that, never believe what you read in the papers people
  6. Has anyone else seen the pic in XBM? Its of Sion, but he does'nt have a naked torso, he has like a cloak thing around him with straps and the like.......A little like Kain from Legacy of Kain: Defiance quite cool IMO
  7. Come on, 3 prestige classes = 3 sith lords, maybe your right but a little odd if they werent dont you think?
  8. Same here! Masked guy = Sith Lord Sion = Maurauder Unknown Sith Lord = Assassin IMO anyway, I mean thats what I assumed
  9. Thats what I mean, I could'nt imagine Sion being one to skulk about and attack from the shadows undetected like an assassin would! But maybe I'm getting the whole sith assassin point of view totally wrong. It just seems strange that someone as established and as far from subtle looking as you could get (not to mention who crops up so much in the game as far as we know) would be a stealthy assassin. An in your face fighter (Maurauder IMO) would be a far more obvious choice, but we dont know very much about the other sith lords so I may be wrong
  10. I got that quote from XBM, it came with a cool picture of Sion alot different to the ones I've seen, but alas I can't find it on the net. But I mean assassin was the last thing I expected Sion to be (they maybe wrong, I maybe reading to much into it or this may have been cleared up) but I always assumed that Sion was a maurauder, so I thought this may be new info, thats why im posting it. What do you all think??
  11. :D :D i never noticed that before sorta ruins the image :D
  12. I thought he looked a bit s*it but i didnt want to say anything
  13. ahhh i see! clever little %&*$s heres me thinking they did it all by hand and time :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think what u meant was that they are <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yep, exactly what i meant
  14. ahhh i see! clever little %&*$s heres me thinking they did it all by hand and time :D
  15. That maybe but u can tell its the Sh1t! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> 2tru, revan just looks like he dosnt give a s*it about none of them, and he is just about to put foot to ass when malak the prat has his little, i'll whack you now because i darent face you routine
  16. Someone has WAY too much spare time <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You should see the site its from!! Sabahattin Dere had it in an earlier post, **** me someone has an eternity on their hands :D :D
  17. maybe, but i just thought it looked ubercool, and if i have a PC (no matter how powerfull he is) that looks s*it, i sort of dont get that WOW factor.....if you know what i mean. The more skilled and experienced the PC looks the better i feel they are actually improving themselves, but we already know thats in, BUT if it pulls it off remains to be seen
  18. Nail on the head my friend, that really REALLY got to me to :angry:
  19. considering i wouldnt really do either i think its a little irrelevant, and its licking where i live so.....my appologies for putting sickening thoughts in your head p.s let me edit
  20. damn!!! i would wet my pants like a little girl if that was confirmed *pulls himself together* now that would be ubercool B) p.s, is the Hm bit a good sign?
  21. Well its good to know my future favourite game of all time is in good hands, you have my thanks p.s was that ass kissing? it just dawned on me after id wrote it happy now
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