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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. Had to pick up NWN2 from Steam as well just for SoZ because I haven't played it yet Oh and those heretics that haven't played Mask of the Betrayer, go buy it now! Edit: Seems NWN2 is doing great. #2 on top sellers list
  2. As long as it isn't only for PS3, I'm happy
  3. Definately getting these: Dungeon Siege 3 Dragon Age 2 Mass Effect 3 Batman: Arkham City Dead State Most likely getting these later on: Witcher 2 Bad Company 3 Diablo 3 Trine 2 Waiting for reviews to see if they are any good: LA Noire Xcom Deus Ex Rage
  4. Hmh, Bully for 2,50 euros. Any idea if the PC version is decent thesedays?
  5. Aye, and you've never seen original release date being pushed back a bit to avoid direct competition with like 3 other crpgs...
  6. You seriously expect magazines to use a preview game as magazine cover instead of all the titles that have come out recently? "Hey all of our competitors got games such CoD:Black Ops, FNV, Mafia 2 etc. as their cover. Let's use DS3 that we know very little of as our magazine cover!" Do we even know if there's proper material to use a magazine cover... You could give that doomsayer thing a rest for a bit.. The world is not ending in 2012, nor can we predict the outcome of DS3's success when they haven't started their pr campaing properly.
  7. You are always doubtful, but then again I wouldn't take that March release date as a certainty Intense PR before release sure beats the old method of starting the pr campaing 3 years before the game even comes out
  8. We call that winter. If it's not -20 celsius, it's not winter.
  9. Meh, not coming out on PC. That sucks. I guess Bethesda doesn't want my money...
  10. Poor Feargus has never beaten Colonization Good interviw though, would have hoped he would have asked a bit about the unannounced projects though
  11. I personally got really frustrated with the stupid endlessly respawning enemies at some areas and stopped playing. Not sure if some patch actually fixed this issue. I disagree about the atmosphere though, big part of gaming atmosphere for me is dialogue/story and well Stalker really didn't shine in that category (at least not from what I could see).
  12. Are you guys trying to summon Volourn? That 5 millions is nice figure though, even if it's units shipped.
  13. Finally finished the game on hc mode naturally. And what a sweet game it was. Few crash bugs (apparently it was hdd ******** around that caused it. stupid eventid 11 errors...), few graphical glitches, your normal gamebryo bugs and few nastiers quest/companion related quests. BoS chain bugged for me and Arcade won't join me after I sent him away for a little while Will have to reload an earlier save and finish game with other factions as well, and maybe explore those few remaining places
  14. Definitely not Q1 2011. Blizzard is releasing the WoW: Cataclysm expac in February and there's the added competition of Bio's ToR, which - regardless if it will be a WoW killer or not - has a lot of momentum. Releasing Diablo III at said point would not be a good marketing move for Blizzard. Diablo 3 should be out, if Blizzard decides to release it within 2011, at least 6 months after Cataclysm's release. Even so, the closest thing to competition DS3 has, is Dragon Age 2, which is the only other big name multiplatform RPG. The Witcher 2 is still PC only, right? Isn't Cataclysm coming out in December?
  15. Well yeah, usually. But since we don't know what kinda deal they've made can't really comment on that. To me it seems somewhat odd that we keep hearing these odd rumours from time to time about a movie/series/game based on WoT, but nothing ever comes out of it. Maybe they are just doing the minimum to keep the license in their hands a bit longer and waiting for the series to finish...
  16. They've been holding on to the license for many years now, I just don't see them suddenly getting their **** together and managing to release a movie/tv-series/game using the license. There's a good reason Robert Jordan (r.i.p) was pissed off at Red Eagle...
  17. I doubt Red Eagle even manages to start the project.
  18. Yeah, and compare that to another indie crpg company as in Troika. Oh yeah, they kinda died after they lost the bid for Fallout license and couldn't get any contracts. Seems to me like Obsidian's 3 projects at the same time works a bit better than 1-2. Yeah, their track record is really poor. I mean c'mon releasing 6 games on 4 different engines in quite fast time (most of the games anyways). It's not like kotor, nwn or fallout 3 didn't have any bugs. And all those games had much longer development times than Obsidian had.
  19. So now you got a degree in running an indie gaming company? I think Feargus (or someone) explained it pretty well why they operate with 3 teams/games being in motion simultaniously instead of just 2. Cba to find that interview though.
  20. It does, to me But, yeah, let's rather throw **** at Obsidian because they couldn't get the game working perfectly on like a million different setups that people have. Getting the game to work perfect on "millions" of different setups old and new, with up to date drivers and drivers from 2007 is a pain and there's just no way anyone can q&a that much. Considering how fast they could actually fix that steam crash, people should be happy and not whine. And yes, that save crash on pc was only related to steam, talked with a online friend of mine who had the pirated copy for few days since he "couldn't" wait any longer. That copy didn't crash a single time, steam version a few times before he got it patched up.
  21. Messy? I've had 2 crashes and two weird graphical errors + normal ai errors that come with the engine. I wouldn't call that very messy. Not to mention they've already released a fix for that crashing bug (or atleast it stopped crashing on my comp after the 2nd patch).
  22. QFT. Especially now that games are available digitally.
  23. Oh yeah, forgot to add in my previous post: If anything that reviewer is asking for trouble. I'm pretty sure Zenimax doesn't take kindly to pirates? reviewing their pirated copy Since there's no way such a site actually got a review copy.
  24. Funny review is funny. Feels like Oblivion with guns... I wonder what Fallout 3 felt like.
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