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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. 5 million wouldn't be enough though. AW team is huge, probably around 100+ people. They need a big project or two smaller with full funding to keep them employed.
  2. Yep, it's a shame they can't Kickstart an another project immediately. I would gladly back that as well.
  3. Yep, no wonder they "got busy" late this week with stuff and weren't able to update Fig campaign. And apparently there are layoffs :/
  4. Apparently the Russian overlords have taken over Armored Warfare completely and the team at Obsidian won't be working on it anymore. With 50-100 people working on the project this means they might be forced to an another round of layoffs if there isn't an another project to ship all these people. This sucks. I actually enjoyed Armored Warfare, don't think i want to play it now... Oh and the news is on the front page if someone is looking for a source. No comment from Feargus about layoffs yet. But then again no media has picked up on story so far (at least I didn't find any) Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/ArmoredWarfare/comments/5tfhda/gentlemen_its_been_a_pleasure/ So apparently there are layoffs...
  5. Another 7500 backers doesn't seem unlikely to me, that's another 6 Islands. Yep, and I'd rather get quality over quantity. 15 islands would just mean they aren't as well done.
  6. I thought the whole point of the bounties was to provide challenging encounters for players who like that sort of thing. That as well. But still it's better if you don't hit level cap 20 hours before the last fight.
  7. 120 minutes of orchestral music isn't actually free and they do have a limited budget for the game. They already had a bunch of orchestral music in the game that they funded themselves. Orchestral music is one of the most wanted stretch goals in Kickstarter campaign games. It adds a lot to the overall feeling of the game. And if they don't increase the level cap 50% of players will whine how there's not enough new skills in the game and how they question that Eothas could kick The Watcher's *** if they are at the same lvl in the end that they were in Pillars 1. You need those extra levels to make it seem like your character progresses and is capable of defeating Eothas and/or other bigger and badder enemies. What makes you think that each level doesn't have significant gain? With multiclassing leveling up has bigger impact than before.
  8. If the side quests are well written I don't really mind not getting experience for completing them: I enjoy doing them for their own sake. True, but Pillars had bunch of bounty quests that kinda lost purpose when you already had hit the level cap.
  9. I imagine they will explain it by The Watcher gaining back what was stolen by Eothas and thus getting levels a bit faster in the beginning or something like that.
  10. I think it's only fair that we get to have more levels in the sequel. People would be somewhat pissed off, if the game ended at the same level as Pillars 1. In Pillars 1 doing sidequests etc. lost purpose a long time before the end as you hit the level cap way way before it. I don't think that is an ideal situation either.
  11. Excellent stretch goal. Though I would have loved it if there was like sample of non-orchestral music vs. orchestral music in there as well. I bet implementing those two extra levels isn't all that cheap. Design spells/skills, program them and then add animation, effects and art.
  12. Well maybe, just maybe something like that isn't all that easily moddable and might break plenty of things if done half ***ed and thus taking plenty of time from some programmer who has actual work to be done so the game isn't a buggy mess when it comes out? It would probably **** up the UI as well which I imagine is being designed for a party of 5, not six. Not to mention it would ruin whatever balance they've built for their encounters. Though why stop at 6, why not all 7 companions at the same time? The more the merrier? Enough of this "dumbing it down", old school crpgs had party of 8 people? I seriously don't understand why peole are so religious about 1 party member. I would understand if it was 2, but it's just one. The cook also doesn't have 50 people yelling in his/her ears about wanting less salt, more salt or how he just ruined everything by adding a some pepper into the mix.
  13. Yeah, I agree. I don't see why they don't talk more about the details. List the afflictions and inspirations, and give a rough idea of what they do. Give us some more subclasses to talk about. Show gameplay (just a single combat encounter would do). Tell us about how classes have been changed. Show us some examples of spells/abilities and how they scale. Do they just get more powerful, or do somethings get added effects like CC and the like. Everything has been kind of vague. There's only so much they can cover/tell during the campaign. If they give out everything right now, they won't have any updates after the campaign ends. It's not just these 28 days they need to figure out, they need to plan out their marketing plan from the small hints Josh started dropping until the day are done with the game and then some more. The game's release date is still 1 year away and they need to be able to talk about something new even after the campaign ends to get some media coverage and exposure, otherwise they risk that the game won't get enough exposure in the media to get people to buy the game once it's actually out. And from a marketing point of view, you want people to ask for more rather than going "stop spamming me all ready with your updates". So far in my opinion they've been giving plenty of information on the game, more than most publishers would after announcing a game. Publisher would just put NDA on pretty much every developer and few individuals would give that same practiced speech to few gaming sites/magazines.
  14. Adam also said that they are not comfortable showing big amounts of gameplay footage due to bugs and other (art?) stuff they need to sort out. They still have plenty of time left to tell and show more about the game. With the funds sitting around 3.2 million (if you count 800k waiting to processed) they are probably ahead of schedule all ready. The campaign is progressing steadily and they stil have plenty of "ammunition" left for the last push before the campaign ends. Though I believe just like last time, you can still add stuff to your pledge or pay through PayPal even though the Fig campaign ends.
  15. The campaign is most definitely not moving faster than PoE1 did! Not surprising under the circumstances as what is pitched is rather less ambitious this time around, being essentially minor upgrades to a game that is already in development rather than a new game to break the year-long drought in the genre. I would warn you about comparing the value of pledges (PoE1's kickstarter campaign) with the aggregate value of pledges and funds that fig estimates it will invest displayed as the total (PoE2's fig campaign) as a measure of how fast the campaign is moving based on backer involvement. (You can get the breakdown of the total by clicking on the small graph icon to the right of it.) To date, roughly halfway through the month-long campaign, the PoE2 fig campaign has achieved 1.24m in pledges from 21.5k backers and we've had Fulvano's voyage announced. Compare that with halfway through PoE1's kickstarter campaign, when it had reached around 2.0m in pledges from 50k backers (PoE update #13) and they'd just announced the Endless Paths of Odd Nua, and it is seem that the Fig campaign is proceeding at roughly half speed. Which is hardly surprising given the more limited scope of this campaign. Sure, let's ignore half of what they've raised and you can make the claim that campaing #1 was faster around the midway of the campaign.
  16. They also learned a lesson from the 1st game. 2nd big city will take a lot away from the actual big city they've planned for the game. Defiance Bay felt kinda small due to this, at least if compared to Athkathla (or however you spell that). Feargus has indeed clearly hinted that both Fenstermaker and 8th companion will be upcoming stretch goals. Same stretch goal even? I believe Josh said that they all ready have the stronghold in the game, but they are looking to expand/enhance it via stretch goal. Or at least that's how I understood it.
  17. No it's the opposite. It's going too slow and hence there's not a need for an urgency to post a new one. With all the stretch goals being mediocre (my opinion of course), the only interesting ones are subclasses and xoti. Berath blessings and NPC portraits, those didn't really add anything interesting for me at all other than just fillers in trying to bloat the funding amount. Even they release 2.8M stretch goals, i doubt it be any interesting. They probably keeping the big ones for the funding near 4M i supposed. When they are hitting stretch goals pretty much 2nd day, you can hardly call it progressing slowly. Yes, they didn't add "anything" that interests you, but they added a bunch of costly localizations into most of these early stretch goals which are quite important to people from those locales. Not every stretch goal can be catered to everyone/you.
  18. Unless I remember completely wrong they were surprised how fast they hit 1,1 million mark, but I'm sure they have had the stretch goals planned out for the whole campaign before hand. They might have wanted to change something though, based on feedback and they might still be looking into localizations that they can add and it's taking them some time. There's at least the Brazilian/Portuguese, Japanese and Chinese fans still asking for localization into their languages.
  19. The guest writer will be Eric Fenstermaker who will write Eder and that 8th companion. You heard it from me first George I imagine is busy enough with Wasteland 3 and working at InXile full time.
  20. From Obsidian's point of view that would make perfect sense. If it goes like that, then they have some control over when updates and new stretch goals are being announced. If you just spam 10 stretch goals at once, then they might be dead on the tracks for some time as all of it would up to backers.
  21. That's how I am reading it. I believe the Investors must be approved, and are waiting for that approval before being added to the total. It wouldn't surprise me if they used it as a boost between stretch goals either. For instance, they don't post all the approved ones at the time, but when we around getting close to halfway to the next stretch goal they update one or two of them to get us closer. That would kind of put a carrot on a stick for people to grab addons and or finally pledge. Especially if the upcoming goal is enticing to someone. That could be me being cynical though. lol I believe there is a approval process and the invested funds need to be transferred. Otherwise people could just "invest" silly amounts to the campaign without actually having the capital to do so. Which of course would **** up the whole campaign in the end. With those 800k "in the bank" just waiting, I believe this campaing will surpass Pillars 1 campaign when it comes to money raised.
  22. Damn you people are fast. I just noticed it and allready had few replies.
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