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Constentin Lévine

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Constentin Lévine last won the day on May 13 2024

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About Constentin Lévine

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  1. While shifted, you have naturally not access to your weapon's sets and your armor' goodies ; if you make Shifter not allowed to wear armor and weapon at all (so they should be nude when not -shifted) that can justify the infinite duration of the spiritshift. What do you think?
  2. Once you have access to Wall of Draining, the 3s could be increased a lot. I'm going to take a look if the bous effect is always here after switching off the weapon, maybe that can give some perspective to your idea. Edit : Then, as intended, you can use the Seeker's Fang to proc the engagment immunity, and prolonge the effect with Wall of Draining, an change the weapon to another set and you keep the bonus effect. After combat end, the effect is still active and you can prolonge them with Strand of Favor trick forever.
  3. Actually, with the Footsteps of the Beast (boots), this enchantment is basically a permantent immunity to engagment, this is very nice. With the icy beam Ninagauth's Bitter Mooring it is also very good. This is Squid's Grasp that have an immunity to flanking, not Seeker's Fang, and as a wizard, escape to the enemies by a simple move is good -and enemies are very slow while hobbled. This echantment seem designed to be a melee wizard (or at less at middle range), to use weapons or melee spells (beams, jolting touch, draining touch etc).
  4. About robust inspiration from Nature's Balm (pl3), does that give more health per tick than robust from Lay of Hands (pl1) ?
  5. I'm agree with that, especially in contrast to SC druid -- and paladin as support / melee defensive character is not really the better way to make a good offensive caster in my opinion ; just tried to find something resounding like a synergy.
  6. Paladin/druid can cast Venombloom with Spell Shaping around himself with the poison imunity from Righteous Soul and Inspired Beacon on top of some engagement / some PL from Spine of Thicket Green. With Courageous or an interrupt immunity, he can be a melee aggro caster, with the help of the party to get some bonuses to deflection. Actually find a useless character is not easy, depending of their subclasses but also of the party composition.
  7. A ranger / mage slayer with Frostseeker is very good in practice! My first character I made was a Beguiler / Priest of Wael and I had the impression to loose the better of each of their subclass parts.
  8. I obtain the same result (180%) with Red Flag chain (with an hidden assassin for a long crit chain). But also with some other bonus like the grotto mask DoT, etc. I expected over than the Monk Inner Death boost but +180% with other goodies from assassinate and deathblow give a full attack at already 200 damages with Mohora-Modwyr.
  9. oh ! Does that mean if you crit with Mohora Taga (example Debonaire + 100% crit vs Charmed with Gambit in chain crit), the red flag loop cause a evil tons of stacks for the damage bonus?
  10. That is the regular behavior : when 2 same weapons are equipped (in the same set) and when both have a same enchantment only the first weapon trigger the enchantment. So you cant get +4 fire PL with 2 Sun and Moon ; but you can have Adaptive and Strategic Shot with an unique set.
  11. Also, to max arcana can be useful and a good source of damage (and heal) ; take care to have some layers of concentration before casting the spell to not loose your scroll by an interrupt..
  12. It is thematic and match very well with the Charm of Bones, for the AoE size of Putrid Stench and the Wicked Briar attacks vs skellies.
  13. The most powerful set for Tekehu is, in my opinion, SC Stormspeaker Of course there is many way to build him without the inconvenient to be overpowered, and druid / chanter doesnt require a lot of micro-mangement to be efficient, but Tekehu is the only one to have access to The Ranga and, in this sens, is really interesting. So this is a overvitamined version of this particularity exploited in this topic.
  14. Retribution trigger on Damaged case, not on hit.. Ironskin work on hit and should be fade quickly with Pollen Patch for example. Maybe it is possible to trigger a lot of damaging things (if I can speak like that) with the Rekvu's Scorched Cloak inside a wall of Flame, or a ray of Flame, and also with an immunity to the poison inside a Malignant Cloud or a Venombloom area, but it is not sure.
  15. The effect of avenging storm (not the bolts) is an attack against yourself, like most of self cast buff.. Moonwell or Consecrated Ground make on yourself a roll per 3sec, Pollen Patch per 0.3s. That work very well with the freeze lash of the corn of the Auroch, or the ring of clenched muscles, but also some other stuffs like : Regrowing (Fleshmender), you are going to loose the AR bonus on each hit from buff, No Fool, I, Gipon Prudensco, you gain the bonus very fast with pollen patch for exemple, Dug In, Wahai Pogara (the speed bonus), and Entropy Shield from the Chromoprismatic staff (the damage reduction). And maybe also some other things from dlc..
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