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Brian Lawson

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Everything posted by Brian Lawson

  1. Says who?? Half those places hand them out to people who don't necessarily deserve them either. Here's a good quote I once read... "The least of learning is done in the classrooms." -Thomas Merton (1915 - 1968)
  2. There are several current and ex-military people employed here at Obsidian. To find this discussion and some of the things that have been said in this discussion here on our forums...is quite entertaining at best. However, there appear to at least be a few people who know what's going on. Commissar seems to have things under control.
  3. This "problem" is the result of a combination of a number of things. Primarly it's due to the fact that the gaming industry in general is still kind of young. I say "kind of" because it's definitely starting to grow up. Through the 90's people would hop jobs left and right for more pay here or more pay there. It still happens today. However, certain studios and companies have by now (in some cases) earned themselves a reputation. In some cases it's a good reputation and in others it's a bad one. At this point though, I think it's still fair to say that the number of "bad" studios and companies still far outweighs the number of "good" ones. Bad meaning companies that abuse their employees with insane demands, work loads, working conditions, unrealistic expectations, poor project management, laying people off after they've got what they needed out of them, etc. Good meaning reasonable demands and work loads, good working conditions, realistic expectations, and good project management, etc. While it may sound simple...it can't be THAT hard to do all of those things...right?? Well, there are plenty of people in this industry that will/can tell you first hand just how difficult doing the "good" things can be. However, even the companies that fall under the "bad" category can still manage to survive because there are always newbies lining up to get their start. So, unknowingly...or even knowingly they will endure those types of environments just to get the experience. The problem with that though, is that when you're constantly hiring on junior and inexperienced talent, it eventually starts to reflect first hand in the product. Anyway, I think things are slowly evolving in this industry to more sensible and mainstream work environments. I could go on and on...but that's just my brief opinion. :cool:
  4. I think part of the problem with a lot of people, and possibly the original poster, is that more often than not...too many people are looking for that "free ride". I'm not saying that these people are good/bad writers, artists, programmers, etc, one way or the other. But honestly, this industry is made up of a lot of people who have busted their butts for years to get into it and to do what they/we do every day. I work with people every day who couldn't afford to go to college, but some how found a way...and here they are today, doing what they love. The bottom line is that those who truly have the desire and passion to do this every day for a living will find a way. Those who "think" they do or just like to "talk" about it...probably won't. It's reality. One thing is for certain, nobody is going to hand anybody a free opportunity in this industry. You need to be able to prove yourself and prove your skillz. :cool: Take BioWare's module making contest for example. Yes, while it's a great opportunity, you better believe they'll be interviewing the heck out of those that make the "first cut". And even then, I wouldn't be surprised to see them end up hiring maybe a handfull to maybe even only one or two at most.
  5. I learned the basics from the first editions of the following two books back in the mid 90's: C How To Program C++ How To Program If you're serious, I would learn at least the basicis of C before attempting anything with C++. Not that it's impossible to learn C++ without first learning C, it just seems to make things easier as far as the transition goes. Java is another good language to help ease the C++ learning curve.
  6. I am a little curious as to what you were googling. Did you google your own name? Are you a vain man Mr. Lawson? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No, I wasn't googling my own name. However, since you mention...I will admit that of course I've tried it before. Have you? I'm sure most people have... It can be quite entertaining to see what comes up when doing a search for yourself. :D Anyway, I always try to keep my promises...so when I say that I'll write more later, I fully intend to write more later. In fact I prefer posting over here versus the Bioware forums for several reasons: a) They're our (as in Obsidian's) forums b) They seem to be quite a bit faster and more responsive c) I like being able to change my avater...it's fun d) It's a bit grittier over here, which I believe leads to more meaningful (and entertaining) conversations What I found amusing in this thread are Volourn's posts regarding the rewrite of the graphics engine. I'm not sure we've (he and I) have ever directly exchanged comments regarding the subject, since Josh usually beats me to it.
  7. Man, I just happened to stumble across this thread from a Google search. How funny is that? Anyway, I find some of the arguments made in here rather interesting. It's late, I'm tired...I'll write more later. See ya! <_<
  8. Extremely well spoken. Thanks for taking the time to type that out.
  9. Some of you guys crack me up...even the haterz. But to be honest guys, I didn't even work on the game...but I am familiar with how the industry works and I don't think there's much I could personally say that would help you guys out.
  10. Sorry to disappoint...but that wasn't me.
  11. We hear you. We've always heard you guys and when possible we'd tell you what we could.
  12. But to be dissapointing someone would have had to be excited by that game " Yeah, you're right. I guess we should start a new thread for the flat out crappiest game ever!!
  13. Try looking up some old reviews for Superman on the N64!!
  14. - So am I - I fear we've already seen it (KotOR II). - Huge maps don't make a game good, just the opposite just look at Morrowind. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> For the record, two completely separate teams are/were working on Kotor2 and NWN2 (not that it makes a difference)...so, no you haven't seen the true potential of Obsidian's technical talent. Even if it weren't two separate teams, I'm not sure I understand how people can complain, knowing the full circumstance of having to develop the sequel (Kotor2) in literally less than 12 months. What can you seriously expect a developer to do in so little time? A complete rewrite of anything is totally out of the question on such a short time line. I think it's important to try and keep thing inperspective.
  15. Haahaa Don't they wish!!
  16. This pretty much sums it up. No matter which school you go to, you're likely to (or SHOULD) learn the basics. Anything beyond that is likely to come from your own personal efforts.
  17. Goldeneye just had that funky aiming thing with the little yellow buttons going on. It was so freaking annoying. It made the game feel less smooth. Halo on the other hand felt that the controls were much nicer. I'll agree with ya on that one. BUT...for what it was, when it was...Goldeneye was awesome. It was that system (the N64) in general that got me into gaming hardcore. I was smack dab in the middle of college when that thing came out...and that was all she wrote from that point on.
  18. Okay, I can see your point there regarding a PC FPS. I guess I should have been more clear when listing it...as I have only ever played Halo for the X-Box. In my opinion, it's arguably one of the best console FPS since Goldeneye on the N64. Man...those were the days.
  19. I like GTA. Halo on the otherhand... Just out of curiosity...what's so BAD about Halo?
  20. Some of my personal favorites from the latest generation are: Halo The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker Gran Turismo 3: A-Spec GTA3 / Vice City UT 2004 Madden 2004 Mario Golf I'm a big platformer/action adventure/FPS player. I absolutely loved Halo and The Wind Waker.
  21. Hey, thanks for the warm welcome guys. I think somebody got it right...my new job is 3D graphics programming. It's a blast...I love it...and oh yeah, I am working on Project Penn.
  22. Well, I must admit...I AM a new hire. As for the others...I'll let them speak for themselves.
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