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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Having fond memories of games like Archon I&II, Adventure Construction Set, Mail Order Monsters, Bards Tale I-III, Heart of Africa, Hard Hat Mack, M.U.L.E., Marble Madness, Neuromancer, Racing Destruction Set, Skyfox, Realm of Impossibility (one of my all time favourite games) and Battlechess. They also published a game called Wasteland, which I unfortunately never found in a store What have they done lately? I enjoy Command & Conquer 3 and Battlefield 2142. Only games I've purchased from EA in a while.
  2. Producer or director, he's still involved in the movie's creation. Just because he doesn't have overt creative control doesn't mean everything that comes out of the movie is not connectable with him. Violence in movies is not done for skillfully for art. Violence in movies is typically done: a) Unrealistically and action packed. Often done this way for games. Explosions, people flying through windows from bb guns, etc. b) Grotesque and shocking. Has never been done this way for a major game release to the degree movies accomplish it. A bit of the old ultraviolence, it's done to be shocking. You can call that "artistic" but again you have to be willing to apply the fact that they're just trying to be shocking to both. I've seen major movies where we get to see people limbs sawed off with blood flying around in splatters as it happens, gratuitous torture, etc. You can't say Saw is "artistic" but Manhunt is "senseless." The entire point of movies like Saw and Hostel is to be sensational, edgy, and to creep the viewer out. Same thing games like Manhunt go for. And games like Manhunt will still do it less graphically than the movies. Can you honestly say that a movie featuring is more artistic than what Manhunt offers? Oh, I don't mean it's always the case, mostly violence is still just stupid violence. But sometimes brutal viiolence has actually "artistic" place in movie. I yet have to find game which has brutal violence not for those reasons you put up. You never played FEAR! You've seen nothing until you've seen a torso flipping through the air STILL HOLDING AND FIRING A GUN in slow motion! Or even a body just vaporise into a red cloud as you shoot close range with a shotgun, also in slow mo. Which is especially neat because when it happens, it happens so often in doorways and halls, so you just run through that red cloud thinking "oh god, that's just creepy, I walked through a vaporized dead man." None of it is any more brutal for the sake of being brutal than the fight scenes in Kill Bill.
  3. I would care, because it would turn into people bothering me for not having a fast car and hot girlfriend. And then the postcards... oh god, the postcards.
  4. I think I'll have to side with Gfted1 here. The argument presented easily turns around to say that government prohibition has the same effect. Morality is pretty subjective. In that moral responsibility is what we believe it to be. For some people moral responsilibity extends to the immediate. For some people not using 100% recycled paper has you responsible for new diseases coming out of the rainforest. Maybe I don't find it silly, but I don't subscribe to that philosophy. I do think it's a very forward thinking philosophy. But I also think it's very arrogant. The logic seems sound, but it is untested. It is also a blame tactic and I've never believed in blame without intent. Mens rea is not just a legal term for me. Also, like I said with my comment about government prohibition, it is a two-way door. If we blame the consumers, we can equally blame the government. Both can supposedly see the consequences of their actions. Both continue with them. And once again making this is arrogant. Because neither we nor they know the full consequences of their actions, whether they be greater or smaller than we suspect.
  5. Play Overlord, it's a more genuine representation of Halflings.
  6. Producer or director, he's still involved in the movie's creation. Just because he doesn't have overt creative control doesn't mean everything that comes out of the movie is not connectable with him. Violence in movies is not done for skillfully for art. Violence in movies is typically done: a) Unrealistically and action packed. Often done this way for games. Explosions, people flying through windows from bb guns, etc. b) Grotesque and shocking. Has never been done this way for a major game release to the degree movies accomplish it. A bit of the old ultraviolence, it's done to be shocking. You can call that "artistic" but again you have to be willing to apply the fact that they're just trying to be shocking to both. I've seen major movies where we get to see people limbs sawed off with blood flying around in splatters as it happens, gratuitous torture, etc. You can't say Saw is "artistic" but Manhunt is "senseless." The entire point of movies like Saw and Hostel is to be sensational, edgy, and to creep the viewer out. Same thing games like Manhunt go for. And games like Manhunt will still do it less graphically than the movies. Can you honestly say that a movie featuring is more artistic than what Manhunt offers?
  7. Anything where the Halfling is not utterly destroyed is a horrible event.
  8. I disagree. The motivation behind these holidays was not to celebrate the birth or crucification of Jesus, but to get more followers. The motivation behind a celebration gives the meaning for such events. The motivation behind the original celebration does not give meaning to the motivation behind the contemporary. Over time things change. The longer the time, the more the change.
  9. Have you even seen Hostel 2?
  10. I'd like to point out that you really don't have any say in the matter of the game being Fallout or not. It's Fallout because the owners of the brand say it is. Whatever. So if Kellog but **** in a box and call it cornflakes, will it still be **** or cornflakes? Genius analogy. For it to be Fallout, it must be made of falling radioactive particles from a nuclear explosion. Otherwise, it's fallout in name only. Just like every other Fallout game.
  11. As a Director, but he did help produce Hostel 2. What does it have to do with kids? I know plenty of pornography I wouldn't want my kids exposed to, doesn't mean I'd feel it right to ban it entirely.
  12. I finished Overlord and will be playing Hitman 2. Apparently Eidos's support site has nothing but corrupted patches. So, I'm patching from Fileplanet. Eidos's forums and website are outdated, too. They're advertising Blood Money as Coming Soon and the forums still say that Contracts is the latest game in the series.
  13. Oh please. Next you'll be boycotting Tarantino.
  14. There's nothing wrong with the subtitles. He's also Devastator in the movie novelization. They changed his name at the last second (to Brawl from the sound of it). But they couldn't get that into the film. Either way, he is Devastator. They changed his name to brawl about 10 months ago. Or longer. When they announced what TFs were in the movie, his name was Brawl. When the movie opened in the UK and people asked the writers why he was Devastator, they said it was an editing problem and it would hopefully be fixed for the US release. It wasn't so it will likely be changed for the DVD. His toy is called Brawl as well. Early versions had the police car as brawl. I'm going to see if I can find anything to support what you're saying.
  15. Original Half-Life has problems with dual core for many. Or at least it did. Try changing the priority to one core.
  16. There's nothing wrong with the subtitles. He's also Devastator in the movie novelization. They changed his name at the last second (to Brawl from the sound of it). But they couldn't get that into the film. Either way, he is Devastator.
  17. So why did you ask me to add you? Because I'm just that awesome.
  18. I would have kicked your balls if you handed me one. And as soon as it stopped hurting to do so, I would have laughed. Vigorously.
  19. I don't even have an XBox 360.
  20. Hey McFly, you Bojo. Those boards don't work on water.


  21. I once considered handing out "Happy Native Oppression Day" cards on Thanksgiving. Because I felt like being controversial. Oh, back when I was young, before my premature grey...
  22. Ooh ooh, add me, add me.

  24. You are a jerk, you jerk. -.-

  25. Quick question for the forum. Who here chews tobacco and is in a relationship? Is she mentally challenged or are you just ridiculously rich? You'll have to excuse the off-color commentary. But how does your significant other put up with it? Living in Texas, I occasionally see people who chew tobacco. It seems like the most disgusting habit that is legally allowed in the US. Yet these individuals still have relations with females. It blows my mind.
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