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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Bush commuted more than 1. It was the specific one in that instance that caused an issue.
  2. No, I mean if he's using executive powers for Republican -> Democrat feuds. I pity the fool that doesn't enjoy a good Ninja Rap.
  3. There's nothing wrong with firing people using an executive discretion explicitly stated as a power of the office. However, if it's being used for the reasons reported that it might be used for, I think it important for the public to know it.
  4. Morality is too abstract for me to contribute to this thread in any serious fashion. Without bringing religion into it, morality is entirely subjective and I'm sure I'd fall under the banner of moral relativist. Or just plain evil. All I'm saying is that if everything else on the planet disappeared except for me, a couple of babies, and a grill, I know what I'd do.
  5. Sounds good to me, I'm sure the thread could use the break.
  6. The thing about Night Elves was that they rejected magic. Sure, pretty much everything in fantasy that's not steel and iron is magic, but you can only have so much of just that. I liked their inclusion in the lore as the original elves. Turns around the traditional good high elves having an evil dark elf group split off them. It turned it around, the good purple elves had an pseudo evil high elf group split off, that go good, then go evil again. The only thing I really see particularly weird in Warcraft is the Forsakened. In Frozen Throne it really felt like their only purpose was to create a player race for WoW. Which is absolutely awful, because fantasy games = serious business.
  7. You're too young. We should probably throw you back.

  8. Can you elaborate? I've been looking forward to watching that. It's bad. It's a typical sci-fi channel movie, only dragged out an hour longer. Apparently the author of the books it is loosely based on had nothing to do with it nor was she too happy.
  9. Tale

    Another 17 year old on this forum? I'm too young to feel this old.

  10. I only click on the profile because I like eggs. And people don't post enough while I'm at work.

  11. I keep trying to play Condemned. But I'm in the department store. Not to spoil anything, but that's scary, man. Maybe I'll start a game of Fatal Frame III that I'm borrowing from a friend.
  12. That's cheating. Most of those aren't installed. I can call your Half-Life 2/Episode One and Counterstrike. Uplink is unfortunately not installed right now. The rest I don't have. I'll raise with the entire Command and Conquer collection (except sole survivor) installed from the original CD's and not The First Decade. Only original CDs I have of C&C are Generals and Zero Hour, neither installed, nor is First Decade. Of course I see all of that and raise you with the fact that I don't have any games installed that aren't on my desktop because I'm not a communist. In other words, you're to cheap to play online. Just as well I suppose. You'd only end up pwned by my Demicanadian Bastard Lunatic. Piffle, I played him online. He just BLEW UP the realm. Not my fault.
  13. What about me? :sad: I see your selection and raise you my Steam Account. I love your desktop image, though. Not registered with a realm. Or rather, the might of my Trans-Kobold Shiv-Knight is to great to be contained by a petty "realm."
  14. I liked Warcraft 3's story. Grom :'( *sniffle*
  15. I'm playing Driver Juggle, the brand new game from nVidia. It starts off with your widescreen monitor not being set to the right resolution, but windows does get set to it. So your monitor scrolls from side to side. You then have to go on a quest (don't go the control panel route because that's a dead end) to find a solution. You need to backtrack.
  16. Try Juhani Just say NO to furries.
  17. I'm not a hardcore gamer. I don't even own any games. I'm a habitual liar, a shut in, and I'm only here to be social.
  18. Trying to get Bastila to get it on with my Dark Side female and realizing the game does not support lesbianism. And to say something beneficial that I'll never forget, the silver HK-47 knockoff on Peragus. He just wanted to be helpful, gosh!
  19. "We of the peace party were assisted by the atomic bomb in our endeavor to end the war." - Kōichi Kido, one of Emperor Hirohito's closest advisers "a golden opportunity given by heaven for Japan to end the war." - Hisatsune Sakomizu, the chief Cabinet secretary in 1945 "If a means is justified by an end, the use of the atomic bomb was justified for it brought Japan to her knees and ended the horrible war. If the war had gone longer, without the use of the atomic bomb, how many thousands and thousands of helpless men, women and children would have needlessely died and suffer ...?" - Philippine justice Delfin Jaranillla, member of the Tokyo tribunal "I now have come to accept in my mind that in order to end the war, it could not be helped that an atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki and that countless numbers of people suffered great tragedy." - Japan's first defense minister Fumio Kyuma, who is from Nagasaki, in 2007 "It's very regrettable that nuclear bombs were dropped and I feel sorry for the citizens of Hiroshima but it couldn't be helped because that happened in wartime." - Emperor mo'frackin bloody Hirohito
  20. We seem to have an extra tweak now instead. She-nan-igans
  21. Dang, beaten. When oh when will my lecherous ways over the interweb pay off!?
  22. Just like any other skill, it takes practice.

  23. I hated swoop racing in both 1 and 2.
  24. Does not compute. Omelette would never say such a horrible thing about me. :'(

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