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Everything posted by Chairchucker

  1. Sure if they wanna. I think one of the reasons for not doing it last time around was reduced budget, and now they've got that MS money. Another stated reason was 'don't wanna', so I guess we'll see if that's changed.
  2. This is not about 'the left'. The left is not a monolith. This is specifically about Whoopi and her own experiences and biases, specifically her experience of being part of the most discriminated against ethnic demographic in the country she's currently in right now. Also, white privilege does in fact benefit all white people in the countries where the dominant and 'default' ethnicity is white. We don't get discriminated against on the basis of race by the predominantly white holders of power like all branches of government, police, prospective employers... What she said was incredibly dumb and crappy, but I think it's important to note that the conclusion that you appear to have come to, 'so it's okay what happened', is absolutely not what she said.
  3. The gentleman here appears to jump very easily from 'God is capable of anything' to 'anything that happens without direct intervention from humans had direct intervention from God.' That may be the position of some Christians, but certainly not all.
  4. OK screw it I'll install this and be v. mad at you all when I don't enjoy it
  5. I heard Phoenix Point was not very good so even though I own it (I backed it on Fig or whatever) I haven't played it. So I doubt the DLC will change my mind.
  6. My current run that I'm trying to actually finish the game with has reached the part of the game where often when I get into combat the game crawls to a halt, so that's fun
  7. Yeah, and Sawyer mentioned some of the other more successful games from the same period, so I agree with you that it can't be entirely down to the top down perspective, nor to the party.
  8. Ooof. Yeah that looks like it. An extremely disheartening post.
  9. Hmmm maybe it wasn't Something Awful that Sawyer said that on. Here's basically All The Stuff He's Said Since POE2 https://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3856099&userid=17931&perpage=40&pagenumber=1 Notable entries that are kinda about 'that stuff I mentioned'. "This is one of the causes for me being burned out on directing these games. I don't write things to be contrarian or subversive, but nor do I really have any particular interest in conforming to the way in which fantasy stories are most commonly told. You don't fight Eothas in a boss battle at the end of the game because the focus of the story was always on figuring out what he was doing and dealing with implacable gods. If I had wanted it to be sUbVeRsIvE, I would have set the player up for a fight and pulled the rug out from under them. I knew that some players might expect to fight Eothas, but what would the right course have been? To decide that the story isn't really about dealing with implacable gods, but actually about beating the **** out of them? That you should fight some other manifestation of Eothas for no particular reason? Telling the player explicitly that he can't be defeated (which we strongly suggested, but players habitually ignore anyway)? I don't think I'm particularly clever or novel. I don't make these choices in an effort to wow/stun people with my radical takes. The stories I help develop focus on exploring ideas more than they focus on big confrontations. At times, that can be against genre conventions, but I'm not doing it to blow your ****in' mind, man. In the case of Deadfire, it just didn't feel appropriate to fight Eothas. Maybe that was just the wrong story to tell or I set up to be told in a poor manner. " "And to put this all in perspective, the first game sold pretty well. The second game cratered on release and slowly picked up steam, finally becoming profitable in early 2020 (IIRC). Both games reviewed very well. Whether you think it's justified or not, they are the most (professionally) highly-rated Obsidian games to date. Professional reviews of the game were strong and it still sold poorly, both compared to the first title and compared to our competitors. Frankly, PF:Kingmaker, DOS2, and BG3 are all wildly outperforming Deadfire. I've said this before, but if we ever revisit the Pillars universe in this "style" of game, I think it will mean re-examining our approach. If the conclusion is to that we need to change the formula and the format significantly, it draws into question why we would even go back to the series. " Neither of those were quite what I was thinking of, so maybe it was in his tumblr
  10. I don't have much sympathy for other white people whose takeaway from the news that people of colour and other minorities have been disadvantaged by the history of their country is 'man I'm tired of hearing this.' As many people of colour have said, (not me, I'm white!) 'You may be tired of hearing it, but I guarantee we're more tired of living it.' Also, in many cases developed nations have directly contributed to wrecking developed nations and causing situations people want to flee from, so no, I wouldn't take that as evidence we've 'done something right.'
  11. While we may sometimes not like it, the bottom line is games need to make money. PoE2 didn't do that, or at least didn't do that well enough to justify a third. Also, Sawyer said something about being a little bit burned out. Would have to find the full comment, might've been on Something Awful.
  12. Hmm I suppose that's possible or maybe - and hear me out - maybe there isn't really any evidence of Disney sanitising any franchise that wasn't already pretty child friendly. Before they acquired Star Wars, there were bumbling droids, fuzzy teddy bears, a pratfalling gungan and the closest thing there was to graphic violence was someone's arm getting cut off, conveniently by a weapon that prevents blood sprays. With Rogue One, Mandolorian and Boba Fett, Disney's version of Star Wars has been probs less 'sanitised' than it ever was. Before they acquired Marvel, the least sanitised aspect of the MCU was probably the fact that they hired Joss Whedon. Post Disney acquisition we got Helstrom which, while apparently not very good, seems to be, again, about the least 'sanitised' MCU thing we've seen. The idea of Disney being some company that will slap mouse ears on every property and dial it down to a 'g' rating is a bogeyman invented by people who want to be mad at things.
  13. Do I? Seems like very run of the mill sarcasm to me.
  14. Ah yes, the highly sanitised Disney, the company that brought us such family friendly films as The Last Duel, in which two men fight to the death because one of them raped the wife of the other. Extremely sanitised.
  15. I mean, it'd probs be fine tbh. But Microsoft doesn't strike me as a company on the brink of being sold.
  16. Well, there will be games that scratch that itch, such as Disco Elysium. J.E Sawyer's recently announced/leaked whatever medieval monk detective game will probs be similar. The thing is, you seem to be railing against the games that explicitly are not designed to be the game you want, for not going against their design to accommodate someone who wants to play a completely different game. Seems like mental energy best saved for wishing for more games that you do actually want. (Sidenote: also check out Gamedec if you haven't yet.)
  17. I totally forgot crusade stats existed, so I was confused by that conversation for a bit. I tried a game at core difficulty and it was going fine (ish) and then I got to Leper's whatsit and suddenly it sucked.
  18. Basically what Sawyer is saying is that they would need to figure out exactly why PoE2 didn't do well whereas other isometric games (I believe he mentions Pathfinder and Divinity: Original Sin) did. They can't just put out PoE3 with no changes and expect it to do better than PoE2.
  19. Ah, I assumed that it would be relatively uncontroversial amongst most people here that the USA was founded in racism and that there is still a great deal of systemic and unconscious racism, (as well as overt and incidental racism) but more fool me I guess, turns out we're not all on the same page. Hey here's some real statistic evidence of systemic racism https://www.thinkstatistically.com/post/is-there-evidence-of-systemic-racism-in-the-u-s Not sure if you genuinely think any of your counterpoints have any value? They really don't. Seriously, one of your examples of evidence that the USA can't possibly have systemic racism, is that people are fleeing to the USA as opposed to freaking CHINA? While we're at it, why not ask why they don't migrate to North Korea?
  20. Ah, so it is bad to teach about systemic inequality because of the measures people might take to address it?
  21. I've read bits of it but dang it is long. I have noticed that while it may refer to 'Critical Race Theory', it seems to also reference discrimination experienced by women. In any case, what is the specific nature of the objection people have to this being taught?
  22. Does anyone have any resources about the CRT thing? I've only seen brief snippets about it which have given me the impression that anyone opposed to it is either misinformed, or one of those 'You know who talks about race? RACISTS!' idiots who think that acknowledging the racist history of the USA and the flow on effects this has had is somehow a bad thing.
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