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About Stealthmandem

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  1. No idea but in my game it seems to work like that. Also does it with the blackened plate healing them. Must be a bug but works very nice.
  2. I like the idea if the Megabosses being more quest driven and like Eothos, threaten civilisation obviously to a lesser extent. The quests should work towards build a weapon to exploit a weakness or finding knowledge regarding how to exploit their weaknesses if any. Without context, they are pretty boring.
  3. I went to import all the unique weapons and couldn't afford from the begining of the game. Would have cost 170k.
  4. Thanks, I can appreciate that but the seems to be zero increase from the level up of the character either though so the spells feel weak.
  5. I have rolled an Ancient Druid Blood Mage. I have the spine of the thicket green as weapon with the +3 beast and plant power levels. When I look at the various spells I would expect the plague of insects spell to benefit from +15 damage from weapon. Plus 5 from ancient and then a further increase due to power levels increasing due to levelling. It is only showing 15%. All the spells have a different amount ranging from 15% to 35% which are coded beast or plant. Thanks,
  6. Jungle Book Beastmaster build:Mowgli got lost in the dead fire but managed to bring his friends a long with him for the "bear" necessities." Shapeshifter turn into a cat for bageara Stalker Ranger Pet Wolf: Akela Pet bear cub: Baloo
  7. Hi, every time I try and equip deltros cage the game crashes. The screen will become unresponsive but can still hear movement in the background.
  8. I tried a Rogue Assassin and Fighter Devoted with spears and really enjoy it. One spear has dual damage type too. Extra accuracy, raw damage, flank damage etc. Mask of the Grotto for stealth raw damage and the new boot that provide invisibility with a crit. Extra accuracy and crit damage while stealthed once per encounter. Insane damage with cleaving stance once you have clustered the enemies together with sparkle crackers.
  9. I rolled a chanter priest support with low perception focussing on sumons and buffs. Worked really well.
  10. I really like the idea of eating critical kills faster as they are pieces plus a small status point upgrade would be nice too.
  11. Engoliero do Espirs. I love the ghost blades on kill plus the sated blade +3 might dexerity and constitution. Just wish it was a great sword for my devoted builds.
  12. Great build, i did the hell walker version which was great. Some tweaks based on my experience would be Whitewitch mask. Plus 1 power level in illusion as well as access to ryngrims terror per rest. When blooded activates too https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Ryngrim%27s_Enervating_Terror Went with high arcana and used pull eora and ray of fire on a centre target. Deals lots os damage. Anyone coming out after spell end swift flurry. Swift flurry works well with riposte for chance of full attack again and synergises well with gaze of the adragan. I put less points into dexerity due to being missed a lot and auto attacks. I put both moddels on for unarmed 2 penetration bonus and shield accuracy bonus is missed of 15 on your next attack. Crits often and with swift flurry does even further damage. May try druggie monk but was scared of the dampner putting me into negative state. Great build though.
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