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Everything posted by Sand

  1. The difference here China has proven itself to be a threat. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiananmen_Squ...rotests_of_1989 I will never forgive nor will I ever forget. Until the Chinese government is casted down and replaced with a democracy that gives basic freedoms and rights to all of its citizens I will always see China as a threat. If I had any say in it I would sever all ties to that nation. And you know what the US Republican president did? Give those bastards favored trade status. Bush Sr. awarded the Chinese government for massacreing their own people.
  2. I see China as the biggest threat against the United States. Not just militarily but also economically. The United States should not owe any country any form of debt, especially to a regime that cares little about human rights and freedoms that the Chinese Government does.
  3. Someone has to take the blame for everything. Might as well be Steve.
  4. I think there will be a splitting of the Democrat party. If Clinton is nominated I can see a lot of Independents and Obama supporters vote for Obama anyway. The same can be said with McCain and Huckabee, but Huckabee doesn't have as strong following as Obama. If both the Democrats and Republicans split vehemently in their camps I can see the end of the two party system. One can dream, right?
  5. Its not the worse game ever. That award goes to E.T. on the Atari 2600.
  6. it's a really interesting idea. A shame in some ways that you can't have coalition presidencies. I sometimes think half the problem is being 100% one way or another. But I wouldn't have even thought of putting it this way. We tried it. It didn't work very well. We then amended the Constitution so that it would not happen again. Personally I think it would work with Obama and McCain for both really try to bridge over partisanship. Obama is good getting Moderate Republicans and Independents on his side and McCain is good getting conservative Democrats and Independents on his side. A team up of Obama and McCain could do wonders for this country.
  7. I disagree. I have played Jade Empire KotOR, ME more times than NWN1 but to each their own I guess. Then again I have played BG1 most of all.
  8. I am only talking about NWN1, not its expansions. The expansions were way better than NWN1.
  9. Its not that NWN1 sucked. It just sucks compared to everything else Bioware has released.
  10. I only played the NWN1 once. The only aspects of NWN1 I played more than once were the expansions.
  11. I would love to see McCain/Obama ticket. The best of the Republicans with the best of the Democrats together in joint leadership. I hope the Democrats choose Obama because if Clinton is nominated then I will have to vote for McCain. I rather see a Republican like McCain as president than Bilary Clinton
  12. I just saw it in the paper today. I remember him best in SeaQuest DSV. That was a good show.
  13. Its more like to each to what they can afford. Not everyone has bucket loads of money to spend on this sort of stuff.
  14. Yet when stretched out to 19 to 24 inches it looks fine.
  15. Your point? It gets the job done and the job is done well. I mean, if I am getting photrealistic graphics on my console what more does one need?
  16. Yes, better than Preacher, but Preacher is the second best comic book ever.
  17. The board I have is the one in your top link. Its a very nice board for the price.
  18. If you have the money 780i is a good way to go. I have a 680i EVGA motherboard and it works damn well. Also EVGA has one kickarse customer service. If I am going to get motherboards or video cards I go through EVGA as much as possible.
  19. Transmetropolitan... The best damn comic book ever.
  20. Well, I thought my expectations for Neverwinter Nights 1 were quite reasonable due to the kickassery that BG2 was. Since then I have lowered my expectations out of a Bioware game.
  21. I ran in 0 degree weather then chugged down some Jack Daniels. I FEEL GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!
  22. The resolution on my XBox 360 is no worse than the resolution I have with my PC. Not everyone can afford a PC like yours, Bok.
  23. You're right, Guard Dog. I am just getting a tad nutty. I just feel so freaking frustrated that the US is spending the most resources in countries like Afganistan and Iraq, trying to improve the lives of those people while at the same time we are still having major problems here that needs to be addressed. It just feels like the US government cares more about foreigners than its own citizens.
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