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Everything posted by Dam13n

  1. I generally, ***** slapped kreia in round 1 (w00t) Then in round 2, ran away to separate the lightsabers, then stunned them and pwned them with master flurry and master speed. Do that 3 times and hey presto, final conversation, cutscene and credits. Laterz... (Edit: spelling mistake :'( )
  2. The fact is Lowbacca was a jedi in the New Jedi Order, so wookiees can become jedi, although if I remember right, there are species in the SW universe that can't. Which does imply that there has been at least 1 before. I do agree that a wookiee jedi in KotOR III wouldn't quite work. Most people you talked to in game wouldn't understand a word you said. So if they do add in PC alien species, they will most likely be the ones that can speak galactic basic (twi-leks, iridonian (zabrak), etc.) which suits me fine. )
  3. Fair enough, but quite a few people do complain. Laterz...
  4. Unless you use the force regen feat, and items which give force regen, then you have no problems. In TSL, the only time I have run out of force is on peragus, after that it's all good. Laterz...
  5. Yet you would probably complain if they necro'ed an old thread of the same topic, they simply want their veiws displayed and discussed, fair enough really. Yes, we know, it's been going on for as long as I've been here.
  6. You could say that KotOR II looked better because the robes looked so much cooler. Although some of the cutscenes in KotOR I almost take my breath away, can't say the same for KotOR II. Really, it's the same engine, and same level of graphics in both games. Back on point: I would like to say: "hey Mira, Brianna, you girls fancy [message deleted, far too dirty and perverted]" Laterz...
  7. Vote - Revan But I wanted to vote for bandon, sure he's not the brightest spark, but he looked cool, and presented an (albeit small) challenge in KotOR I. :'( (I think my avatar may have given away my answer before anybody actually read that, ) Laterz...
  8. Getting the thugs to jump off the platform to their deaths on Nar Shadaar. First time I did that I had to laugh (evilly of course )
  9. I usually get them on Dantooine. I usually do the crystal cave and return the vaporater parts at the same time. <_< This takes me about 10-15 minutes total.
  10. True, just used to most threads being, in some way, linked to KotOR.
  11. Or using them to upgrade T3 and HK. HK with G0-T0's stealth abilities would be cool. And T3 with the confuse droid ability would also be cool. :cool: Laterz...
  12. Yes. Until, character realigns himself/herself back to being darksided. However, weapon master feats like extra melee damage might still work even if character is darkside, just that +3 Str from LS mastery is not given. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Dude. :D
  13. Force storm is the best against multiple opponents for damage Force wave is great for a damaging multi-stun Force crush is best for one on one damage The best overall is Force storm, as it can own entire enemy squads in one (or two) blasts at high level. Force pull there is no such power in KotOR. Yes in the JK games it rules, throwing opponents around, disarming them, and if done correctly, sending them into orbit. But it's not in KotOR. :crazy:
  14. I generally play male exile, mainly cos I like handmaiden but can't stand disciple, although the confrontations between him and atton are funny. I just can't stand "you have left me an opening" Plus handmaiden requires some effort to turn into a jedi meaning you have more reason to talk to her, so get more involved with her character. Although I can see the reasons for exile being female in the canon. I have to say that all the artwork in the manual is of a male exile. I also prefer a female revan, so I tend to go against canon anyway, not sure why. laterz... Edit: I personally would have liked it if you got handmaiden and mira, and got to choose between disciple and hanharr with G0-T0 being left out entirely.
  15. As far as no mandalorian jedi go, hmmm I don't know. Thing is the mandalorians are people from a certain sector of space who follow the same code of honour and battle. They tend to adopt people into their culture, therefore it is not inconceivable that there could be a mandalorian jedi. Especially since jedi do not necessarily have to have any jedi ancestors (although it does run in families). Bastila is an example, neither of her parents were jedi. I personally would quite like to play a mandalorian jedi, with a specialised suit of mandalorian armour that does not restrict force powers, with a jedi outer robe over the top, how cool would that look. Laterz... (ps, I have actually made mandalorian armour that does not restrict force powers using kotor tool, damn it looks cool :cool: ) EDIT: (pps it's the yellow (mandalorian commander) armour as well)
  16. Usually level 27-30, although I have used the exp cheat to see just how powerful you are at level 50, and it isn't all that great, you get loads of force powers that you don't need, and excessive skills, the only benefit comes with loads of feats... Finally the enemies stack with you, so it doesn't make the game any easier. I think that the game, at release should have been limited to level 35, as you really can't get much higher without resorting to excessive spamming of the hssiss cheat, or downright cheating anyway. With the TSL restoration and the Droid Planet mods on then I can understand lvl 50, as there may be a chance of reaching it, but as the game stands, no way. Laterz...
  17. Someone deleted my original post, I am most dissapointed... :'( and they never even explained why... :'( :'( :'( only kidding, :D Laterz...
  18. Out of the 4 available (although it wouldn't have made a difference for me anyway) I would say: Mira... I just like her character, plus the showing her the life force of nar shadaar was a cool way to turn her into a jedi, whilst the other characters were like: "I could train you as a jedi" "yes please" end conversation. Getting bao-dur to become a jedi on dxun would work, allowing him to overcome his daemons left from the mandalorian wars. Turning Handmaiden/Disciple on dantooine with a cutscene showing their awakening to the force, perhaps with a nice vision of Brianna's mother for handmaiden, and a vision of the old (dead) jedi masters from KotOR I for disciple, giving him permission to continue his studies. Turning Atton should really have been linked more to nar shadaar, linked more to him meeting someone from his past, and realising his mistakes/strengths. If this had been the case I would have found my choice much harder as it would have involved me more in their decision to train as jedi/sith. Laterz...
  19. I agree, even as a guardian/weaponmaster/marauder you have so many force points at the end you never seem to run out... Not like in KotOR I where your force points wouldn't regenerate in combat, which meant you could run out, not that you would of course. <_< This does make spamming force powers a bit too easy, especially when 2-3 shots of force storm at high level will kill every enemy in range. " This is one of the reasons I go for a combat character, stops rediculous annihilation of every nearby enemy in 3 seconds... although by mid game I could if I wanted anyway. By late game it rarely matters what class you chose, as your character is good at everything anyway. One of my main gripes about TSL. Although it doesn't stop me playing of course. :D Laterz...
  20. I chose weaponmaster, as I usually play LS. As DS I would choose marauder. I just like getting up close and personal. In my latest game I intend to go Guardian -> Marauder as LS (just change my alignment before choosing, then change back again, cheating, I know.) Does anyone know if you lose fury when you go LS or not, I can't remember. :"> I don't generally choose the Sith Lord or Jedi Master, as you end up with too many force powers, most of which you don't use or need, I prefer loads of feats, most of which are always active. Laterz... (ps - I've been playing with KotOR tool recently, creating my own items... having a jedi/sith with master force focus, force immunity and force jump is just cool, therefore class is really irrelevant... MWAHAHAHAHAHA)
  21. I think KotOR I was better, because it was finished. Although I also think that KotOR II could have been significantly better than KotOR I, had it been finished. Quote "Everyone is entitled to my opinion" (Jerry "The King" Lawler) laterz...
  22. Although I do really want hooded robes, I agree that they are not top priority, I would rather have a game that played well. Things like hooded robes can always be added towards the end, or by modders once the game has been released. I find it quite annoying that neither LA nor Obsidian will announce whether KotOR III is being developed, a "KotOr III is in development, however a release date has yet to be confirmed" would do me. At least we would know. Laterz...
  23. From what I remember of the level, when you click the door you get: "this door needs to be opened by a nearby terminal" I assume that it was either supposed to open when you re-activate the station's generator, or it was supposed to be opened by the HK-50 droid that randomly explodes in the released version of the game, or you need HK-47 to open the door, not sure which. Will have to wait for TSL restoration to find out. If it ever gets released. (can't wait for the droid planet either... :'( )
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