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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Damn I heard this game will be same length as HL2! It’s a proper follow up
  2. Actually it’s called Half-Life Alyx, a VR game https://mobile.twitter.com/valvesoftware/status/1196566870360387584
  3. I tweaked the FOV to 130 and it looks good at 32:9, however weapon fov is still too low and they look cut off
  4. No I got a Zotac 2080ti last year, I haven't updated my specs in this thread lately. Right now digging ray tracing in Control and the new Call of Duty
  5. Fallout 76! Got the Nuka Quantum X-01
  6. Bloodlines 2 should run unoptimized and stutter on modern PCs, to give it that "Bloodlines feel" ya know
  7. w00t! Preordering Bloodlines 2 on Steam while it's available. Supports ray-tracing also! RTX ON!
  8. I always leave GE unchecked during driver install. It’s useless and tries to tell you what settings you should run your graphics on a game, umm I’ll do that myself thank you. Also suggests you login with Facebook. Haha FB linked to my video drivers, very funny
  9. New work pc build coming, featuring 32-Core AMD Threadripper
  10. Moar pixels! https://www.guru3d.com/news-story/display-makers-more-8k-tvs-will-be-released-in-2019.html
  11. Got a PS4 Pro for Xmas, so catching up on the exclusives; Horizon Zero Dawn, Spider-Man, God of War, Uncharted 4, Infamous Second Son, Detroit: Become Human, and can't wait for Last of Us 2
  12. Turing is faster at rasterization than Pascal, I know since I have a pc with 2080ti and a pc with 1080ti, and 2080ti more fps in pretty much all the games
  13. Lol Zotac just sent me an RTX 2080 Ti holiday cookie
  14. Hitman 2 on pc and Fallout 76 on Xbox X (since I heard the pc version is pretty bad)
  15. It's hard to go back to any other open world game after Red Dead 2
  16. Just finished Red Dead 2.....wow game of the decade imo
  17. Some more pics This one featured on Zotac’s Instagram...
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