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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. American Truck Sim is great in VR. I live in Cali and the freeways are spot on. I really should get a steering wheel and foot pedals to complete the experience. Maybe some booze for extra suspension of disbelief lol
  2. Worst election ever guys This guy agrees
  3. Let's not give the internet to Russia guys https://www.engadget.com/2016/09/30/states-sue-to-block-internet-transition/
  4. Pazaak is like the original Gwent Haha, while going through some sites, I saw the tag line of this video and then remembered your post. That's awesome! Congrats on the recognition! Wish they would have dug a little deeper and actually mentioned you, but still cool enough.Thx bro. Well they mentioned Gigapixel Gaming, so that's good enough. I used to hate on IGN before, but then that traffic boost I got from them was like uhh...wow...lol
  5. I suppose it's too much to hope that they'd send you a royalty check for the use of your pic. Well their readers have to go to my site to see the full pic (its 250,000 tiles are non transferable)
  6. Wut http://www.ign.com/articles/2016/09/27/hello-heres-a-50-billion-pixel-screenshot-of-the-witness
  7. No male candidate would get this type of criticism in this way ...." I dont like what she says because she is aesthetically displeasing to me " I'm sorry, didn't we spend a little under a decade comparing George Dubya Bush to a monkey and suggesting that's another tip-off he's just not that bright...? Being smug and condescending is not exclusive to one gender though. There are plenty of women in politics who are more likable
  8. Trump was loud, Hillary hard to follow. Most likely draw. # of opinions changed: 0 # of candidates escorted out: 1
  9. My 50 Gigapixel screenshot of The Witness. I spent 2 weeks on this thing Full res: http://gigapixelgaming.com/media/gigapixel/TheWitnessShore50gp.html
  10. Paula Jones, Gennefer Flowers, Mark Cuban at the debate?
  11. Rodney King caliber riots happening every few weeks most likely has political funding purposes behind it. This should not be the new normal and it only creates more divide http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-22/who-behind-riots-charlotte-police-says-70-arrested-protesters-had-out-state-ids
  12. You mean like George Soros funding BLM rumors
  13. Washington mall shooting, 4 women dead. Hopefully not a Jihad attack
  14. Vote Hillary so fat becomes the new sexy!
  15. I guess black lives don't matter to BLM
  16. In the 1860s, the slavers were democrats, and Lincoln (who freed the slaves) was a republican.
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