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Everything posted by Bokishi

  1. Graphics are great
  2. So it begins
  3. So psyched to actually be playing this finally
  4. 6900XT beating the 3090 in most games... Is this the year I go red??
  5. Dang was holding out for the 3090, but the new reviews are a bit of a let down. DLSS 8K is not 8K resolution, its most likely 5K with AI sharpening. One benefit I see though is the 24gb VRAM being able to crank games to 16K+ without crashing, for large screenshots without stitching things together
  6. Haha it wasn't me, it was these guys using bots https://twitter.com/BounceAlerts
  7. I think the 3090 replaces the Titan X in this series, has the extra price premium and the VRAM
  8. Some reviews are up on the 3080. Seems like a 4K champ https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-geforce-rtx-3080-review
  9. Jet Set Radio, first cel-shaded game. Impressed me 20 years ago, looked like an actual cartoon
  10. Starlancer - Early predecessor to Freelancer and Star Citizen
  11. 9.9.99 - 9.9.20 Dreamcast was the first next gen console after PSX and N64! It then was Sega’s last console. It is now old enough to drink! I’ll post some old emulated games here soon
  12. Wondering if 8700K will bottleneck a 3090 card
  13. https://www.twitch.tv/nvidia Livestream
  14. Been hooked on Flight Simulator all week. I mean gameplay is pretty boring but the graphics though...
  15. Yes the Steam Controller is a lifesaver when I play pc games on the TV. I’m not limited to only games compatible with the Xbox controller, I can play RTS and old school FPS games, or any game requiring mouse and keyboard
  16. Makes sense not to play until you can experience the games properly
  17. Crysis came out on the Switch today. Crysis on a handheld
  18. Don't mess with spy chicks BONUS - FIND CIRI RETURNS
  19. Never thought I'll be posting Half-Life screenshots again! Half-Life Alyx in 2D 8K (thanks to console commands) part 1
  20. Digging the new update for Ghost Recon, let's you make Splinter Cell Agents
  21. Just finished Half-Life Alyx and l’m literally shaking
  22. Half-Life Alyx unlocks in less than an hour! edit: this game is cool, next evolution for Half Life and VR! Environments are like real in terms of physics interactions Currently playing on my oculus quest with pc link cable. I also have a pimax 8k /w index controllers, but that’s currently at work and needs disinfecting Also playing Doom Eternal. Feels good to be playing Half-Life and Doom again!
  23. Spent most of lockdown yesterday in VR, mainly playing Boneworks. It’s physical interactions with everything make you believe it’s real
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