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Everything posted by ColeTrain9192

  1. No there are cross class talents that are spells. so a fighter can select spells. Not whole levels of spells just one at a time but still spells https://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Talent#Cross-class_talents_.5BWM1.5D Not to mention, a high Lore and some powerful scrolls means a Fighter can roll out a fireball just as well as the next guy (given good stat disbursement, obviously).
  2. No one's disputing that the expansion is great. But it makes no sense to buy it if you don't like the game to begin with. Saying "false" a bunch of times doesn't make it so.
  3. Not that what you're asking is unreasonable, but I do have to say they don't "force" you to hire companions on PotD mode. It's entirely possible to complete any difficulty with the preset story companions, you just have to figure out strategies that work for you and use equipment/abilities/consumables to boost their stats where necessary. People assume that you need to min/max everything to be successful in higher difficulties, but that's just not true for this game. Still, as you've said, it wouldn't be a terrible thing if they let you respec your companions' stats. From the live Q&As and what I know of Obsidian's vision, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't let you respec because they're trying to maintain the integrity of the characters' backstories. They've mentioned before that, even with multi-classing, certain party companions have to start as a certain class because it is integral to their backstories. Allowing players to respec as they see fit, could mean that they have the ability to make Aloth a crazy tank-paladin, or Eder a squishy, but powerful, Wizard. All of this is simply conjecture obviously. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a patch that allowed you to respec companions? I could be wrong about that. I've always just played with them the way they're built.
  4. False. The base game is good and all, but if you already have it, then don't cheat yourself out of the expansions. How is that false? If Cbonecapone plays the base game and doesn't like it, there's no reason to get the expansions. "Because you already have the base game," is not a reason to spend another ~$30. I suggest getting the DLC, but what Haran said is not unreasonable in the least.
  5. Agreed with Boerer. The only reason to wait would be if you want it at a discount on a sale or something. But as far as I know, there are none that have been announced for the recent future, and one just ended. So I'd just go ahead and get them. Once you enter the final area of the base game there's no turning back.
  6. As far as I know, there is not a detailed list of dialogue choices you made. There is an in-game "notes" section in (I want to say) your journal, that you can use to keep track of anything you want. So if it's important to you, you could always write them down there.
  7. Powerful, yes. But also squishy. You've got to be at the peak of your game with defensive spells. Strategy and timing is everything. My point is just, if a character as killable as a wizard can solo the game, a whole party, lacking a tank, can definitely beat it.
  8. Honestly, someone won The Ultimate achievement (solo PotD + White March, with completion of several of the hardest battles in the game) using a Wizard. If that's possible, I think anything is possible. Haha. It's just a matter of using your strategy to its highest potential.
  9. You have to access it from below before it becomes available. On the first floor of Cead Nua (where you find Maerwald), there is a giant Adra hand. You must climb up the ladder attached to this hand, and it will take you to the grounds entrance, which will then become available for regular use.
  10. So you're saying that all is good, 'cause Vailians are from equator and migrated south, and Aedyrans are from other regions and migrated to equator. Even if that is the case, there is no logic behind that: Why would Vailians change their comfy equator zone for a colder one? Why would Aedyrans change their comfy temperate zone for a tropical one? Convenient switch is convenient I think we're also just missing some detail. Because I think there are several ways this kind of move could be justified but Obsidian didn't really give us much information on those other countries (as far as why group A migrated to place C, etc.), presumably because they decided it doesn't matter. I remember seeing one of the Deadfire Q&As in which Josh Sawyer received a question about how much they decide about the history, cultures, etc. of other places around Eora that don't appear in the game. His response was that they come up with what they need to for the game, but leave the rest undecided as it takes a lot of time and effort to make up history for something that doesn't affect the player directly. To your point, that definitely leaves room for "possible inconsistencies." At the same time, it also leaves room for interpretation. For instance, Ocean Folk are just described as being the most prevalent folk sub-race in the Valian Republics, but they are still the most widespread group along the Equatorial region they originated from. So sure, this: is an absolutely valid point. However, we don't know for sure that the majority of Ocean folk did migrate. It's possible that a small subset of Ocean folk migrated many years ago and took over what was, at the time a relatively uncontested area, making Old Valia. We just don't know. Let's say that Old Valia, and subsequently the Vailian Republics were essentially founded by Ocean folk. I can think of several reasons why they would leave their "comfy equator zone for a colder one," but many of my ideas rely on information about the land Old Valia is built upon; information we aren't given. What are the resources like? Was there an indigenous group there before the Ocean folk migrated? Were there factors along the equator (war, famine, etc.) that pushed the Ocean folk out, forcing them to migrate? There's no way to know without more detail. So there's absolutely the chance that there are some inconsistencies here, but I can't commit to saying there definitely are until we know more about the rest of Eora (if and when).
  11. Agreed, the Aedyrans didn't originate from the Equator as far as I know. Whereas, if you look at the Ocean folk, who are said to have originated at the Equator, they primarily have darker skin. Same with the inhabitants of the Valian Republics/Old Valia. Their populations are supposed to be full of Ocean folk, and a lot of characters from those places (Pallegina, for instance), have darker skin.
  12. So, on Hard, you're build matters a little, but still not as much as if you were doing PotD. So how much you roleplay, and how much you "strategize" is really up to you. You can manage a full run on Hard with your primary focus being on roleplaying, and you'll do just fine. That said, there are a few things to think about. Like rheingold said, Resolve, Intellect, and Might have a lot of dialogue options, and specifically Resolve and Intellect probably have the most. Where you run into a problem their is neither one of those stats are essential to Rogues (if that's the class you've settled on). Intellect can be somewhat beneficial, but only for duration of status ailments. Intellect affects duration and AoE of ALL abilities and spells. Since Rogues do not have many (if any) AoE abilities, this part of Intellect is not helpful to them. And, while duration can be somewhat useful, since Rogues have a lot of status-inflicting attacks, it is less important than some other attributes - namely Perception, Might, perhaps Dexterity if that's the build you're going for. However, if you really want to play a Rogue, I would suggest just sticking your Intellect at 13. A lot of dialogue options open up at Intellect 13, and I think the next tier is like Intellect 16 or something. But you really don't need to shove 6 whole points into Intellect for a Rogue. The most obvious class for dialogue options, in my opinion, is the Paladin. They benefit heavily from Resolve and Intellect, and some extra Might can't hurt, sense it dictates the power of healing spells as well. Of the three non-companion classes (not including White March), I would say Barbarian works the best for getting lots of dialogue options. Might is an obvious choice for the Barbarian, and Resolve can be somewhat beneficial (though it's not the most helpful for a Barbarian). Believe it or not, Intellect is great for Barbarians. They have several AoE attacks, as well as their innate ability to make reduced-damage attacks on all enemies surrounding their target. This field is increased with higher Intellect as well. Whatever you choose to go with should just be what you think you'll have the most fun with, because pretty much every class is very playable in this game. But these are just helpful (hopefully) tips to think about.
  13. So there's no way to change your companions classes in-game. What they are is what they are - as far as class is concerned. Modding is a bit trickier. I'm not a big modder myself, so I can't give you first-hand accounts. But I looked into it, and it appears there may possibly be a way to do it through modding. The problem is, a lot of people are saying it could potentially compromise the stability of the game, specifically the stability of the companion characters. Either way, if you want to try it out, here is a link to a discussion people had, and their advice on how to go about it. Personally, I think you'd be better off going with hirelings instead, as Pillars is historically not great at accepting a lot of mods. But here is that link: https://www.reddit.com/r/projecteternity/comments/31kmfe/question_about_ie_mod_npc_class_and_attribute/
  14. Hello all. I'm towards the beginning of a Cipher run, and believe it or not, I've never played a Cipher before (I know, they're supposed to be amazing, but I'm just getting around to it). Now, I'm at the point where I need to start making some real commitments to what direction I'm going to take my character in, but I'm split between two: 1. Crazy Awesome DPS 2. Crazy Awesome Crowd-control As you can see, either would be crazy awesome. But essentially, my character could go either way and, since I have zero experience with Ciphers, I was just wondering what the masses would suggest. Of the Cipher powers, which ones do you think are more effective, which ones work well with a party set-up (I'm probably going to stick mostly with Eder, Pallegina, Aloth, Durance, and Kana - I'm thinking of carrying this character over to Deadfire), etc.? Just FYI, my build is as follows: Meadow Folk Might: 16 Constitution: 9 Dexterity: 10 Perception: 15 Intellect: 18 Resolve: 10 And I'm playing on Hard. All suggestions are welcome.
  15. A couple things: What difficulty are you planning on playing? Builds are less important the lower your difficulty setting, and the type of build you go with can depend on the number/difficulty of foes you'll be up against. Also, if you get the White March, there is no non-companion class. They add a Rogue, a Monk, and a Barbarian in the expansions. I don't know if that's something that's important to you, or if you'll be getting the DLC at all, but if so, just wanted you to be informed. In regards to guides, be careful what you read, and always check the date. A lot of guides out there were made back in 2015 around the games release. However, there was a pretty major update relatively early on that changed how a few of the core attributes work. So outdated guides can lead to you making a character that doesn't work the way it should anymore.
  16. Honestly, I kind of pictured an interpretation of feudal Japan. Obviously not a direct translation - I'm not seeing samurais and pagodas - but the heavy influence of culture, at times martial, and the isolationist, self-sufficiency. I'm thinking more European fantasy elements would be involved, of course, like the Scandinavian influences previously mentioned. But culturally, I could see a heavy root in spirituality or honor and things like that.
  17. In regards to changing companion classes, do you mean in-game? Or are you asking if there's a mod out there that will allow you to do this?
  18. Wow, all of this is good to know. I just started playing my first cipher character as well, and I missed that little tidbit too. Good to know, going forward.
  19. I'll throw in my two cents, even though others have answered pretty sufficiently. First of all this game is really incredible. There's really nothing like it. Yes, it's very similar to Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, etc. but those games all came out around 20 years ago. Taking those same mechanics and updating them to the modern age is something that only Pillars can boast. And with Deadfire coming out in the next year, you'll definitely want to hop on at the ground level. The sequel promises to be one of the best cRPGs we've seen, maybe ever. Personally, I'm not fond of guides. If you really think it will be too complicated for you to pick up on your own, feel free to read some online guides, but there's a pretty extensive Cyclopedia in-game that explains the mechanics, not to mention pop-up tutorial messages. And there's something extremely rewarding about mastering the system yourself and using it the way you want to. But if you do use a guide, check the date. A lot of the guides people use frequently were made around the games release in 2015, but there was a major update, not long after, that changed the way a lot of Attributes work, so many guides are outdated and will have you building characters that just don't make sense anymore. My advice would just be to read the character creation screens thoroughly and apply the information they give you to the best of your ability. Enjoy! It's really a magnificent experience!
  20. It's not as easy when you play on higher difficulties. I don't know what difficulty you're playing on, but on Hard you only get two camping supply slots. So when you're out and about, or in a dungeon, camping is not as willy-nilly as it is on lower difficulties. I mean, yeah, you could leave the dungeon you're in, go back to an inn, and come back after your rest. But that's a lot of work and not really fun. When you have so few camping supplies, sometimes you have to just deal with the injuries you have.
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