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Lord Mayyn

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Everything posted by Lord Mayyn

  1. i wouldnt have taken the chance. and even though he lied, anakin still became the strongest and most powerful SOB around. good for him. KILL THE CHILDREN!!!!
  2. no doubt. but it was just to sudden. hell, he could kill babies and pour their blood all over himself instead of killing the kids, but it was just to sudden. not enough time for the transition to be at that level.
  3. i absolutely love how evil is associated with opera. its absolutely perfect. YOU FRIGGIN ROCK!!!!!!!!
  4. how the frack did they get permission to do that?
  5. the wisdom, the logic, the deliciously evil things i did. both games, of course.
  6. christman has never had any religious value to me. its a time of family and get together. its a time of love, and giving. showing you care. gifts are just the icing on the cake. i love christmas. to hell with christ and lets not forget getting wasted off of some spiked eggnog!!!!!
  7. i would build my army first. the planet would come with time. after that, the entire world would become my empire. then the solar system. after that, i would spread out evenly, taking worlds at a steady pace. the republic would try and stop me, and they would do a damn good job, stopping the spread of my empire for a time. perhaps they would succeed, perhaps not. my empire would rise, and it would fall. either way, my teachings and knowledge would be passed on through my appentice and my holocron. i would be gone, but not forgotten. so is what happens within the star wars universe.
  8. manaan wasnt that bad. the selkath were a bit annoying, and the underwater sucked, but it was still a fun place. but Peragus........
  9. you should have left Kreia in. i love that old owman
  10. cant wait to read it. i loved the original
  11. Ya, but he was easy. unfortionatly yeah
  12. Nihilus's power and weakness was his hunger. He lived on the destruction of life.
  13. Vader so much power, so much control over the galaxy. i could have fun with that.
  14. yeah, and "how was your next day" is so damn different
  15. tell it here. whether its from a game, a man, or a book. and explain what it means for the fools There is no purpose in birth, no salvation of the soul in life, no reward after death. Abandon all hope and you shall become free, and with freedom aquire emptiness ~Necronomicon self explanitory
  16. you and i are on the exact same level with Kreia
  17. KotOR I: Zaalbar and Bastila. Their strong. and Bastila knows the Heal Power. KotOR II: Kreia (she makes me do evil things. and shes ****ing smart) and Mandalore. i need the muscle
  18. Kreia. i liked impressing her with evil things. now THATS a woman.
  19. try this again with the poll.
  20. when i was young, i wanted to be a cowboy. that died after i was 8 then i wanted to be an astronaut. and i still want to be, but i dont wanna be stuck just in orbit. at 10, i wanted to be a chef, like and little fat kid at 14, i wanted to be a satanic solder. only after i was watching Spawn. after 17, my dreams kinda died.
  21. even if you wanted to make a real lightsaber, you would need the power from an entire train yard. iv wondered too.
  22. Lord Mayyn


    this took some thought. i was searching through my music files to find the right one. "Sinner" by Drowning Pool
  23. i dont know if im the only one, but KotOR is what made me get into star wars. the Revan twist threw me into that damn universe, and im not leaving any time soon.
  24. Shin Chan. and Love Lessons. DBZ is more of a nessessity
  25. yeah, Handmaiden wants you all to herself. too bad you cant convince them for a threesome. but you probably just have to give her time to cool down.
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