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Lord Mayyn

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Everything posted by Lord Mayyn

  1. i'll just come out and say it. i play too much star wars. i believe Darth Traya's word. i scream "FOR THE SITH" when fighting. when i look for strength, i think about Darth Revan. when i wanna get in the mood, i think of Princess Leia and Bastila. when i read, i read a star wars book. when i need a flashlight, i use my "build your own lightsaber". when i need to loose my morning wood, i think of Palpatine in episode VI. need i say more?????
  2. i dont know about you, but i was heartbroken when little vader said "yippie!" oi.... out of the new 3, episode III was the best. but, in the end, that isnt saying much either. at least there was Palpatine.
  3. yeah, but that isnt sayin much.
  4. V. if anyone votes for 1, i will be very upset
  5. spoken like a true geek. rock on my brother
  6. hayden wasnt very good. it says so in the poll. but during the battle between obi-wan, i kinda liked it. with the anger in his "I HATE YOU!!! but thats about it
  7. palpatine friggin rocks. i loved the part where hes battling Mace. he was freakin great. powerful in many ways. i go gay for him.... i didnt care much for hayden.
  8. thats a hard decision. the star forge was powerful. so much power in that machine. enough to take over the galaxy. you can create an armada so damn fast, no one will know where it came from malachor v has the history. powerful in the darkside, like the star forge, but with a sith academy. knowlegde is power. and with that power you can destroy everything. i dont think i can choose.
  9. if anything, Palpatine was the best. everytime i see him i want to kill any jedi the steps in my way. he was the best damn character in those movies, and i would be proud to serve under him. FOR THE EMPIRE! p.s. "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!" is the worst line in any star wars movie. when i first watched that part, i was discusted. Lucas should have made him destroy the medical center with the force instead. every droid, every item. with a lot of yelling and without the "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!".
  10. the Ebon Hawk. and to korriban. then maybe manaan for sushi
  11. Korriban is a must. no matter what, we need Korriban. that is the only place i care about. KORRIBAN!!!!!!!!!
  12. You know you've played too much Star Wars when you get a Nihilus tattoo i want a twi'lik dancer that'd be HOT!
  13. dude, go online and get the walkthrough.
  14. what type of saber: 2 singles what colour: Red and Purple favourite path: Dark favourite character: Kreia and Nihilus favourite level/planet/location: Korriban and finaly out of 10 what would you rate the game in general: 9/10. and thats mainly for the philosophy i got from kreia
  15. we, as a people who wish to understand, need to name things so we know what to call it. we made up the concept of nothing. absence of everything. it is a word that truly has no meaning. what is nothing? nothing is nothing. it truly makes no sence. just another made up word. like bling
  16. who cares about when im old. i have it now. i like it now. i'll forget that i have it when im 65, and i'll just think its a new cancer
  17. hell, if i could, i would have gotten it bigger, and with his robe and lightsaber.
  18. its all real. took 2 1/2 hours to do
  19. i work in a giant fridge. i dont even own a short sleeve t-shirt
  20. yes, and its mine.
  21. if i got a tan, then his mask wouldnt be right. im going to stay pale for the sake of him.
  22. i ****ing love the game, and he looks cool.
  23. Korriban. So much happened, so much knowledge, so much history, so much death......So much power
  24. i loved 1. i played it over and over again. however, i played 2 over and over again too. and after 2, couldnt play 1. i couldnt get into it after 2.
  25. i posted this somewhere else, but the mod had to shut it down, i just want feedback. what do you think?
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