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Everything posted by Assussanni

  1. What platform are you playing on? I ask because there appear to be known issues with connectivity between Pathfinder Adventures and Google Play, which the developers are working on. Since you are losing out on Daily Gold, I suggest that you e-mail support@obsidian.net and tell them the problem and I'm sure they can sort something out. Edit: slowpoke.jpg. I got called away to do something else - I'm not sure being beaten to a response by 17 minutes can be classed as being ninja'd!
  2. Although we only have a sample of one, it looks like the intention is that each side quest will also add an extra character. As part of the Valeros side quest we got Tontelizi.
  3. Totally agree. I wish the developer had added a suggested level for the fighter side quest. Unclear to me whether the side quest was supposed to be attempted with starter party or level 1-6 party. Looking for the optimal experience---not too easy but not impossible either... One thing that the side quest does have is henchman and villain cards that have normal/heroic/legendary versions which become more difficult to defeat due to higher check values, which I thought was a nice touch. I suspect that the intention is that normal is suitable for a starter or low-level Valeros, heroic is suitable for a mid-level Valeros and legendary is suitable for an end-game Valeros. In particular adventures 2 and 4 I still found tough on legendary even with a party which had finished RotR, whereas the same characters absolutely breezed through on normal and didn't have much problem with heroic.
  4. I've also observed this with Diplomacy checks to defeat a bane, most notably vs. Leng Spiders with Mokmurian's Club. I think I've seen it with other Charisma/Diplomacy checks not involving Leng Spiders but I can't remember where.
  5. My only knowledge of the characters, and the Pathfinder universe, comes from this game so all I have to go on is the short bios of each character. My thoughts on the most interesting characters are: Ezren - technically he only became a wizard after investigating his father's crime, but having him try to prove his father innocent only to find out that he is guilty looks like a great basis for a story. Harsk - out to avenge his brother's death at the hands of giants. A good opportunity to make use of Harsk's favoured enemy powers. Amiri - wipe out a bunch of frost giants then return to slaughter your treacherous tribe. Vengeance! Sajan - on a quest to find his missing twin sister. Maybe we could get some locations/cards requiring Craft checks, a skill which currently only Painted Sajan has?
  6. I've just tried Seelah solo in 5-2 Legendary with Night Approaches and Blood in the Sand Wildcards. Failed the Constitution check, discarded a Cat, and was able to use Crusade and explore normally. Seelah is a Hospitalier with Ceaseless Crusade and without Precise Crusade., iPad Air 2, 10.3.3.
  7. I'm now up to my fifth loss on Legendary due to the Kobold Heretic rolling a 1 after he is beaten in combat and have still yet to win. I think I've got a pretty good strategy for pinning down the boss now using Valeros, Lem and Harsk, but I'd be interested in anyone else's parties/techniques for efficiently trapping the villain so that I can give him even more opportunities to troll (kobold?) me by rolling a 1. Giving all the Henchmen and the Villain the opportunity to avoid defeat with literally nothing I can do about it, the villain automatically escaping defeat after he is first beaten, and having the Henchmen inflict damage if they are undefeated can lead to a very frustrating play experience. I hope we don't see similar design choices in future side quests.
  8. I don't think the problems are skin-related. I've used Valeros' default skin throughout and have had exactly the same experience with regards to the 5000 gold and the loot cards.
  9. I have also had this happen with both the Animalbane Dogslicer and the Flaming Returning Throwing Axe +1 while playing adventures in Valeros' side quest. I assume it's a bug that snuck in with the last update.
  10. I'm also wondering about this. I've completed three of the scenarios on legendary and other than the card showing up on the rewards screen it isn't added to Valeros' deck and I haven't seen any of the cards in the Collection.
  11. This also happens on mobile (iPad Air 2) using the touch screen to scroll. Card counts are restored when a new category is selected.
  12. This has just happened to me. Lem played Scrying, picked card type (monster), picked location (The Old Light), then nothing happens. I can't end the turn, Scrying is just stuck displayed next to the location deck. Playing on an iPad Air 2. Edit: playing on legendary, wildcard powers were Night Approaches and Retaliation. Augury still works fine.
  13. Playing through AD4-1 on legendary. Defeated about 5 or 6 Jorgenfist Stone Giants over two games and haven't once been offered the option to close the location afterwards, all I can do is end my turn. Playing on an iPad Air 2. I can post more details if needed. I was running a full party of 6; this doesn't appear to be character specific.
  14. From my own experience when I was a brand new player: if the current pricing structure had been in place when I started playing I would have done exactly what Fistleaf says - played the first three scenarios then left. I think some or all of the adventure decks of Rise of the Runelords should be purchasable with gold, even if it is for more gold than under the previous pricing structure. Characters costing real money instead of gold is maybe okay, or split them so that the add-on characters cost money and the characters in the core boxed game can be bought for gold. Again, the gold price could be increased. Otherwise, I wouldn't see much incentive as a new player to purchase gold. As it was, I purchased Daily Gold so that I could unlock the adventure decks and extra characters more quickly. Other than that: I'm excited to see new content arriving and I look forward to playing through the Valeros side quest. I agree with the other comments in this thread that there should have been at least a little notice given to the community about what the new pricing structure would be before it went live.
  15. That leaves us the following options: Flenta - Not technically a sorcerer, this female halfling has a flair for the arcane arts, even if it is all just slight-of-hand Tontelizi - "Retired" from a shady past, this gnome is unstoppable with his polearm and a few allies Vika - A half-elf who quit her job as a blacksmith to try smashing new and exciting things with her trusty hammer So... thoughts? From reading your descriptions (I haven't played the tabletop version) I thought that Flenta sounded the most interesting. However, I went to the paizo website and downloaded the character cards and Flenta's powers excited me the least. Both Tontelizi and Vika look cool. My guess is Vika, to give a male and female option for the fighter class.
  16. If my memory isn't playing tricks on me, I have a feeling that 70 + 30 x characters used to be the reward for completion on Legendary and that it was later changed to 50 + 50 x characters. Maybe the reward has somehow reverted to the old value while the new description remains?
  17. I've found that it is worth force closing the app then reopening it. Sometimes it seems like the counter on the app and the counter on the server disagree, and when I log back in I need to do one more of [whatever the daily challenge was] to actually complete it and get the gold. I only play on mobile, so I don't know if this also happens on the PC version.
  18. I completely agree with this. More adventures will also get you some gold back (100/scenario completion on normal, 150/scenario completion on heroic). I think it works out to be a saving. It is the first thing I bought after buying all of the adventures. Seelah has an awesome scouting power, probably making her the most powerful of the characters, Amiri is a metaphorical beast in combat who should rarely fail a combat check, Lini is an actual beast in combat (which is sadly less useful) and gets to add 1d4 to just about everything, which makes her great at closing locations, Sajan is, in my opinion, the most challenging and interesting character to play because he forces you to carefully consider the best use for your blessings each turn and how much resource to commit to each combat. I personally wouldn't bother with the character alts at first because of their relatively high cost, especially ones for whom you already have the base character. Playing a scenario that you know you can beat consistently on Legendary difficulty with as many characters in your party as possible. You get the gold reward for beating a scenario on legendary every time you clear it, unlike normal and heroic where you only get the reward the first time. If you haven't cleared the adventures you own on heroic yet then I'd recommend doing so first.
  19. I'd say there's no need to add a fourth, but if you wanted to I'd go for a high strength melee character. My personal recommendation would be: 1. Seelah 2. Amiri or 3. Valeros in that order.
  20. In my store, there is no price shown for the Burn Everythings! campaign. All other prices show up as normal. How much is it supposed to be? I'm in the UK by the way. I've tried force closing and restarting the app but it hasn't helped.
  21. So far as I can tell from some very brief testing, the new salvage system is based only on deck number and rarity as follows: 1 + deck number + rarity where deck number = 0 for B and C cards and, Rarity: Common (standard black border) = 0 Uncommon (pink? border) = 1 Rare (blue border) = 2 Epic (purple border) = 3 Legendary (gold border) = 5 Not sure about the white bordered special cards, I'd guess they count as Epics but I haven't checked. Cards with the "repair" icon are always worth 0 regardless of any of the above.
  22. Glad to hear that you are enjoying the game. I typically split my party completely to cover as much ground as possible. However sometimes I'll bunch up at the start to get a particular location closed, such as locations which make banes harder to defeat (I don't want to face the villain there) or locations which require banishing a card to close (I'd rather close these permanently than temporarily). The exceptions to splitting up are characters who have powers which aid others at their location, such as Valeros and Lem. I'll quite often have these characters accompany another character, and optimally I'll have them accompanying each other! I've no idea if what I do is the most efficient way to play, but it seems to work fine for me.
  23. A minor issue that may well have been reported before: the reward for completing AD4 on legendary, the Guide to the Beyond, has the purple Epic card border instead of the white/grey textured border that the other legendary reward cards have.
  24. Scenario 6-3, party of Seelah, Lini, Lem and Valeros. All locations closed except for one. Valeros encounters a Roc and fails the combat check. I've tried discarding an Invincible Breastplate, burying a Chevalier and discarding all my cards (except for recharging the Invincible Breastplate). In all cases, despite the blue continue arrow showing up, I cannot continue. I guess the game doesn't know what to do with the Roc's text of "move to a random open location and shuffle the Roc into that location deck". Presumably I should stay where I am, but perhaps the location that I am already at is being excluded from the options for some reason, leaving no valid options?
  25. Whenever I use a Blessing of Nethys and use it to encounter a henchman I have to encounter the henchman twice in immediate succession. I have seen this happen on multiple occasions and during multiple different adventures. As an example, I was playing 6-5 on Hard and Seelah played a Blessing of Nethys. I put a Warden of Runes on top of the encounter deck, which is then immediately encountered. Seelah, Lem, Lini and Valeros each get a BYA check as expected. Then Seelah gets a combat check, as expected. However, after passing this check, Lem then gets a BYA check again, followed by Lini and Valeros. Seelah is then presented with another combat check. This happened twice. The first time I passed the second combat check and the Warden of Runes was banished. The second time I failed the second combat check and the Warden of Runes was shuffled back into the deck.
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