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Everything posted by Alec

  1. But if I'm canonist I would believe the game are apporved by LucasArts so they must be cannon cos they enter the SW universe.
  2. But in K2 we don't know whether she is still alive or has gone to look for Revan.
  3. Could the Exile be Zayne Carrick? There is speculation that he could be...
  4. Who could the other characters be? What Sith Lords will there be?
  5. Not totally perfect. There where very few contents that were cut, like Sheleyron for example.
  6. I'm not sure... I've never seen that dialogue. I know you can tell him to stop buzzing around the ship but he never shuts up.
  7. Re-install and patch should work fine. Download even the extra updates from TeamGizka if you like. Don't get the X-Box version.
  8. I think the downgraded version would be too difficult for you to understand <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The downgraded version is just the good version without the memory card reader, wi-fi, a 20 GB hard drive instead of a 60, and no HDMI interface. In other words, no point in getting it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Of course there's a point in getting it. You don't need HDMI if you don't have an HDTV with HDMI cable connectivity (which most HDTV owners do not have). You don't need WiFi connectivity if you don't have wireless internet. You don't need the memory card slots if you don't want to upload pictures to your PS3 (it's that type of memory card, not the type consoles typically use, I'm pretty sure). You also don't need a harddrive bigger than 20 gigs on a console if all you really want to do is play games and watch movies. Personally I'm getting the $599 PS3, but the $499 version is still a viable alternative. It still contains a harddrive, wireless controllers, online connectivity, and the ability to watch Blu-Ray movies. As for the interface, yeah it does look nice. Apparently the PS3 will be running Linux as an OS, so the ability to browse the Internet and whatnot is absolutely possible. Can't wait for November. (w00t) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard that Apple was involved in the software of the PS3... not Linux
  9. Then do as WinterSun said: go to Dantooine and make him fix the atmospheric sensors. Then he'll probably unlock new dialogues.
  10. Krookie is right. You should at least play the game 3 or 4 times to understand the whole story and find out which missing parts there are in the game.
  11. Everyone has their own tastes. It's good to hear your opinion and it's good to finally hear someone who doesn't hate Mical.
  12. That is something that the producers would never do. Usaully it's a Jedi who turns to the DS... not the other way around.
  13. We just use our imagination.
  14. The Exile was 5 years after the events of the JCW. Revan was part of that war.
  15. Padme was a waste of time. Besides, the Jedi can't have love relations. So... what I would've done is: Kick Anakin out of the Order so he couldn't bother the galaxy anymore... so Yoda and Obi-Wan, or even Mace before them, could kick Palpy and throw him down the kilometer high skyscrapers of Coruscant! He he
  16. Yes. Only 5 months old. P.S. Is this KOTORsoft or Star Warsoft Messenger or a forum? I think we should chat through PMs otherwise the mods will close this thread.
  17. I have a baby cat as well. But she enjoys a little bit of rain on the back... it makes her feel fresh.
  18. I love Poison Ivy from Batman. Uma Thurman is so beautiful. P.S. Just as remark... we are going a bit off-topic so we should rather chat through PMs if you wish.
  19. I wasn't referring to you personally, but in general. Everyone has their dark days... even today it's raining here. But I love rain.
  20. Even the female Jedi Exile isn't too bad.
  21. Perfection does not exist, but humans always aspire to be better than what they are. Daily Philosophy
  22. My other hero: Superman My other heroine: Bastila Jr. :D
  23. Your right. But u know how the DS gets... It's why it's so terrifying.
  24. Well I guess it's too bad for Mira... now I recommend we return on the primary topic... otherwise you know what. :ph34r:
  25. My hero... Revan. My heroine... Bastila and Kaevee.
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