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Everything posted by Alec

  1. Plo Koon is dead. Here's the proof: http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Plo_Koon http://www.starwars.com/databank/character...koon/index.html
  2. Game is great. K1 leads to the unknown... K2 leads to K3! YEAH!!!
  3. The True Sith could be followers that kept their sect secret from the galaxy for thousands of years. They where mysterious individuals that used ancient Sith magic and were more careful at the Force rather than brutal assassins like the Sith we met up to now. Malachor V was probably an important True Sith colony in the past and held the secrets that Revan discovered and that eventually led him to go in the UR. These True Sith could well be remnants of Naga Sadow or Ludo Kressh... or of an ancient Sith lord during the Sith Golden Age. Perhaps even followers of Marka Ragnos, the greatest of all. Their Empire was much more vast than the one of the Sith who fought in the JCW and were then defeated in the Sith Wars. These Sith are a far greater threat... and Revan knew he needed only unique individuals to be able to fight them... that's why he programmed T3 to search for the Exile. During the Mandy Wars the Exile probably got to know Revan personally and had the chance to study more secrets of the Force than other Jedi. Those secrets could've later been used against the real Sith. Revan later turned the power of Malachor into a weapon he could use to destroy anyone. And perhaps Malachor is even more secret than what we believe. Some artifacts could even contain what eventually destroys the True Sith.
  4. I find it very hard to believe. Wasn't Obi-Wan Kenobi one of the few generals during the Clone Wars?
  5. I'm not sure it will work. But trying doesn't harm.
  6. No not really, it was obvious they were going to make another one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I do hope they make one last effort... but I believe it will be far more sophisticated than K1/K2.
  7. Use the update option in the startup screen. There may be some further updates that the 1.0b patch doesn't have.
  8. But the idea was his. He wrote the entire saga after all. Of course there were others that produced it along with him
  9. I said that Dark Raven preferes K2. I think. It had nothing to do with your post. The fact of being invincible is great.
  10. I admire both of them. But I prefer GL just for SW. Even Indiana Jones was good.
  11. Actually I was suprised they could make K2 after K1 cos it had an epic and complete ending. But since I found out the events of K2 were 5 years after K1 and that there where different characters I got K2 as well. No. K2's ending leaves to a sequel... at least the LS ending does...
  12. Well the implants can boost your intelligence. But I think you need to have natural 16 INT level. Adding up levels works of course.
  13. It's obvious that it leaves to a sequel...
  14. Try using implants or level up and add INT.
  15. That's what I said. Spielberg did do very good films.
  16. They are both good directors. GL only made SW yes, but he made a great success. Indeed, even Spielberg made lots of wonderful movies.
  17. I don't think so... perhaps many leaded groups of Jedi but there weren't 1000 Jedi generals.
  18. You always make me laugh, Xard. Ok twice. But wait... three times: Xard: I heard you have to have INT 16
  19. Yes. But always funny.
  20. You don't need to hear... it's been stated at least 15 times.
  21. That can change, quickly. Seeing that this only mentions K2 characters, moving to spoilers. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I simply love your humour, Dark_Raven.
  22. Thanks I was having some extra real life for a week Even though Exile and Kreia both fought in mandalorian wars, this doesn't mean that they met. I mean, there was atleast thousands of jedi who went to fight against mandalorians <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Exile was a general under Revan so he/she probably was quite reknown throughout the Jedi lines.
  23. Sorry Xard but even the mods are favourable to K2.
  24. Poor Malak. I guess one day he'll have his revenge. Lets make it that way to even things up a little: The Leviathan is travelling towards a strange world... coincidently Tatooine is just next to it: HK-47: Statement: The ship seems deserted today, guess those meatbags have gone into hiding. Malak is using stealth and appears in front of HK. Malak: Suprise chum! Guess today you master isn't around since he's training. So it's just you and me. HK-47: Curious statement: Aaah, the bald one has finally demonstrated he isn't afraid. I was beginning to think he was quite a poo-poo head. Malak: I'll show you poo-poo head!!! Malak turns on his lightsaber. HK takes out his blaster rifle and fires at Malak. Malak deflects all his shots and Force Pushes him to the ground and uses Droid Stun. Malak: Think you can outsmart a Jedi like me, huh? You stupid droid. I guess Revan will have to make a new HK-48, but I guess that I'll be doing the programming this time. Malak slice a few parts off HK! HK-47: Confused: Ugh... what the? My memory chip is acting funny... bzzzz. Malak: Your metal will be quite useful for Czerka Corp. Think they'll be able to complete their new sandcrawler tomorrow thanks to your help. Malak picks HK and throws him into an escape pod. He then launches it into space making it crash just outside the Anchorhead settlement. Yuka Laka: (In Ithorian) Aaah... guess I have found gold today! Lets take you to my shop and fix you up. I'm sure some idiot will buy you for a modest sum... he he Malak's revenge is complete.
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