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Everything posted by Alec

  1. No, I don't think so. There are more missions in K2 and probably more enemies. Besides, K2 is slightly longer than K1, and if you complete all the missions (and I mean all) and get max XP out of every conversation and kill all enemies... you arrive towards lv 25/30. You need to use the ISP to get to lv 50.
  2. Yeah I've noticed that. Personally I don't bother who is canon. I just want to have the choice between male/female that's all.
  3. Oh well. Then stay at 20 Revy!
  4. Dunno, just 4 fun! Or they could make a nice tv series on the EU.
  5. Alright... but they should've released it before the game. In K2 u can choose whether to be male or female so I don't think it's 100% canon. If in K3 we see a female JE then I will agree that she is canon female.
  6. Cos I wanted to help him but was unable to. Besides, I didn't understand much about that anyway.
  7. That would be nice, but I prefer the up/down hood options. I love having the robe on.
  8. Oh I'm positive. Of course it came out much better than K2 storywise and bugwise/glitchwise.
  9. Cos he just is!!!
  10. Alrighty then! Let Revan sit like a fool at lv. 20
  11. That's true! They should make other movies to make the EU more canon. P.S. Plo Koon is dead. There is no turning back
  12. GL is a bit fatter than Spielberg. Their hair is also slightly different, but they do have a certain resemblance.
  13. I know, but with an extra planet the producers could've added at least other 5 lv.
  14. The movies were awesome but some episodes weren't that great.
  15. Oh well. Too bad... with an extra planet I could've at least brought Revan to lv 25
  16. Better, even better, the best.
  17. I prefer many events that happened in the EU universe rather than the movies.
  18. I wish to see strange new worlds. Not the ones I've already seen in K1/K2
  19. Ah ok. But however, in the Dantooine ruins there's the terminal that states a volcanic world that was of the Rakata... that's Sheleyron, I think. Definitely not Mustafar.
  20. Yes, I have. But I believe the games as much as the movies.
  21. I doubt we'll see Telos again. Unless they decide to make the Jedi Academy there a bit more important
  22. Vader was just a man without a soul that had lost everyone for which he cared about. His final concern was his son... he didn't want to die as a villain but as a hero. He destroyed the Empire!
  23. Actually not everyone believes that. It's just stated in Guide to Droids. It wasn't LA that stated it.
  24. K1 was rushed just a little tiny bit...
  25. I did. I wanted to see how the Hutt homeworld was since I never saw it. And like M4-78, I wanted to see that as well.
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